Friday, 31 October 2008

Youtube, halloween and the world.

I made a Youtube video today, its bloody fantastic. Bassicaly involved me getting other peoples clips, downloading them to a file type Movie Maker didn't have a panic attack at and then messing them up slightly, the end result...a masterpeice.

What else have I been doing today?...Actually not much, thankfully month of the year girl cancelled meeting with me, thats good trust me. However that made way to me thinking about Angry girl more. I think I might have made a mistake saying no, a mistake I may well have to rectify, but I'm not sure...hmmmmm...Yes anyway I crushed those thoughts with a brilliant Peep Show episode which I might have to do again, something from series 3 I think.......Halloween today, oh how fucking fun.

I have a plan though, same sort of thing I did last year, except this time I have a bb gun not a foam disk gun. See what I did last year is I hid in the shed and would open fire if anyone dared try get near my door...Slight problem, nobody went to the back door...Hmmm...I dont see that problem being suddenly resolved this year, might lob a pumpkin at some kids..haha...I'm not mad, just hate halloween.

Tara people,


Thursday, 30 October 2008

Why am I so bloody happy?

Why am I so bloody happy?...You must understand this isnt normal, I'm not a happy person, I have no obvious reason to be happy, though I have never been great at seeing the obvious.

It might be because I have recently got hold of some money, very rare for me. I did admitedly go rather crazy with it, bought loads of clothes, music and peep show episodes....I dont need them, well I need clothes, but I already have some, these ones are really cool though.

I might be feeling better because angry girl has not talked to me for a while. Though I wait anxiously on MSN for when she will appear, where upon she will angrily rip me apart with her limited yet damaging vocabulary.
Angry girl 'asked me out' the other day, I say ask me out...I highly doubt she would have taken me out anywhere, because she's angry see...very very angry.
I can't help the fact I don't love her, I wish I did, but I don't...How fucking typical.
Maybe I'm happy beacuse Australia are being destroyed by India at the moment, though I sorta feel sorry for the Aussies...AHHH WHAT AM I THINKING?...STOP THIS NOW TOM.

See this is my problem? I dont have a reason to be happy, I have exams I have done little revision for coming up soon, then again...Do I need a reason to be happy?...Maybe not.

In other news, I found my pen.


American sit-coms, social networking sites and why am I doing this?...Should I not be working?

Hello...Is that how you start a blog? I don't know, its how I've started mine. I dont expect you to say hello in reply, you can if you want, it would be polite after all.

This is half term, Thursday to be percise...What have I been doing? Actually loads of stuff, nothing of importance, I've to put it...Experiencing modern culture through the use of the internet and television.
American sit-coms, never been a huge fan, everyone seems to go on and on about Friends as if its the answer to something? I dont think it is, I've watched Friends, yeah its about the bunch of friends who get bored with being friends and end up screwing each other, is that America? I dont know...I've never been.
Parmaount Comedy, interesting channel, I have just watched an episode of Scrubs and Two and a half men.
We shall start with Scrubs, I've now watched 2 and a bit episodes...It's ok, the trouble is so far thats all it is...ok...The first episode I watched was better than the one I have just come out of, thats probably because the one I have just watched was in the middle of series 3 or something...which might explain my confusion on what the hell was going on. Watching it was simmilar to a rollercoaster, my opinion of the show changed frequently and dramitcally, it was funny in places but some of the characters did annoy me...But then I found I actually quite liked them, creating the overall effect of an ok show.

Two and a half men, that was not as funny as Scrubs but due to the fact its all about 3 characters it was much easier to follow, Scrubs seemed to follow about 6 different characters confusing me quite a bit.
So yes that is my expereince of American sitcoms, Scrubs can get a 7/10..Two and a half men can get...hmmm...this is hard....can get 6/10...It just wasnt as funny but did involve a fire.

Scoial Networking, facebook, bebo, myspace, what the fuck is this all about?
I've never had an account on any of these quite frankly terrifying sites until yesterday.....I dont know what come over me, but I joined facebook.
It's alright, I dont really see the point to it at the moment, I filled in some profile stuff, what films do you like? Music? Books etc....Then at the end of all that was a section entitled: About me... AS IF I HAVE NOT TOLD THE WORLD ENOUGH?!?!?!?!?!?
I might stick with Facebook for a bit, I hope you can delete your account somehow though. I dont want to be left on there forever with one friend who we shall call S*.
S has been acting rather strange recently, I mean he's strange usually, but somethings not right...Saying things like: 'Everythings clear to me now,' and then not offering an explantion...I will beat it out of him.

Anyway, I'm not sure why I'm doing a blog...Facebook one day a blog the next, like my Facebook profile I doubt many people will pay attention to this...Probably for the best.

*Mentioning S's real name could anger him....He's ginger see.