AHHHHHH!!! ICT has angered me quite badly, I had a fantastic idea for the 'Animated Finale' then realised that my idea was so fantastic it was actually quite hard to do. There's no way I can do it using GIF's as I hoped, so have to use bloody Flash, the software from hell. It's worse than Microsoft Access, it's that bad, so many stupid layers just to get a bus to drive along a road!?!?!?!?!?
Andrew has been at it again, my probelm still hasn't been solved which is a bit annoying, but hey I'm just enjoying Andrew's words of comfort...
Thank you for your patience. Apple wants your iTunes experience to be as enjoyable as possible.
I HAVE A COLD AND NEED TO BE ABLE TO ACT AND YELL LOTS BY FRIDAY!!!!!! This is stupid, why can't life be like the island where nobody gets ill, well apart from Aaron, but he's a baby and Australian, he doesn't count.
Anyway, need to write a poem about someone I admire (for English), play Imperial Glory and write some more to my book...
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Being escalated....
After feeling remarkably confident about my Drama assesment on Friday, I've now managed to give myself a sore throat and that confidence has been shattered. It would probably be fine if there wasn't the scene where I do a lot of shouting, we can't delete that scene though, we just can't.
Bit of a nothing day today, seemed to spend most of my time counselling someone, mocking S about going out with a blueberry muffin (you know it's true S) and wondering when this God awful weather will end. I did get an A* in my timed essay for History though which was rather good.
Oh how I hate iTunes, I accidently purchased this video and have enquired about deleting the video from my computer and getting my £1.89 back, so far I've had to speak with Amy from iTunes who just did NOTHING. I have now been referred to Andrew who seems to have a very high opinion of himself...
Hi Tom,
I understand that you do not see the credit that was issued for your account. My name is Andrew, and your issue has been escalated to me.
My issue has been escalated to Andrew???? I JUST WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I shouldn't grumble, I really don't have much to grumble about, life is good. Though Ian Bell did do his best impression of Ian Bell and score 36, but meh, what can you expect?
Bit of a nothing day today, seemed to spend most of my time counselling someone, mocking S about going out with a blueberry muffin (you know it's true S) and wondering when this God awful weather will end. I did get an A* in my timed essay for History though which was rather good.
Oh how I hate iTunes, I accidently purchased this video and have enquired about deleting the video from my computer and getting my £1.89 back, so far I've had to speak with Amy from iTunes who just did NOTHING. I have now been referred to Andrew who seems to have a very high opinion of himself...
Hi Tom,
I understand that you do not see the credit that was issued for your account. My name is Andrew, and your issue has been escalated to me.
My issue has been escalated to Andrew???? I JUST WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I shouldn't grumble, I really don't have much to grumble about, life is good. Though Ian Bell did do his best impression of Ian Bell and score 36, but meh, what can you expect?
Monday, 26 January 2009
Ok...that's a little harsh, quite a bit was actually answered, more so than in other season premiers and they did a brillaint first two episodes. Just like in Season 1 the theme was the monster, season 2 the hatch, season 3 the others, season 4...Well that season didnt really have a theme, just a lot of explosions and Kate running around...Anyway, this season focuses on TIME TRAVEL!!!!! It is actually AMAZING, they've put a really clever twist on it all, and it allows the history of the island to be fully disocvered. For example, we bumped into the Dharma bunch (MENTAL!)and it was hinted that Locke met the crew from the Black Rock.
Plus, for the first time ever, NO FLASHBACKS AND NO FLASHFORWARDS!!! It's all set in the present...I say the present, the people on the island go back and forth in time, but there still in the present, just their settings change...does that make sense?
I did get annoyed at Hurley though, which I didn't think would ever happen, but yeah I did, he's an idiot. On the other hand, I now don't think Charlotte's a complete bitch...Though I fear she may die soon, see there are side effects to from time travel, one being getting a nosebleed and headache, she seems more effected then others...DANIEL FARADAY IS STILL AWESOME, I liked the brief conversation he had with Sawyer upon explaining time travel,
Daniel: 'Treat time like a zip wire...You can go forward, you can even go back, but you can't go left and right, you can't change what's happened however hard you try and you can't change what's going to happen,'
Sawyer: 'And what is going to happen Dr Wizard?'
Faraday: 'I'm trying to work that out...'
In other news, I got man of the match in basketball, scoring 4 basket thingys, one from the halfway line, hoorah!
Anyway, sorry for this rather Lost focused entry, tomorrow I will not mention Lost at all.
(THIS IS A HUGE SPOILER...But does have Faraday in it!)
Plus, for the first time ever, NO FLASHBACKS AND NO FLASHFORWARDS!!! It's all set in the present...I say the present, the people on the island go back and forth in time, but there still in the present, just their settings change...does that make sense?
I did get annoyed at Hurley though, which I didn't think would ever happen, but yeah I did, he's an idiot. On the other hand, I now don't think Charlotte's a complete bitch...Though I fear she may die soon, see there are side effects to from time travel, one being getting a nosebleed and headache, she seems more effected then others...DANIEL FARADAY IS STILL AWESOME, I liked the brief conversation he had with Sawyer upon explaining time travel,
Daniel: 'Treat time like a zip wire...You can go forward, you can even go back, but you can't go left and right, you can't change what's happened however hard you try and you can't change what's going to happen,'
Sawyer: 'And what is going to happen Dr Wizard?'
Faraday: 'I'm trying to work that out...'
In other news, I got man of the match in basketball, scoring 4 basket thingys, one from the halfway line, hoorah!
Anyway, sorry for this rather Lost focused entry, tomorrow I will not mention Lost at all.
(THIS IS A HUGE SPOILER...But does have Faraday in it!)
Saturday, 24 January 2009
I need to push the button........
Urg...Never again will I do that, H invited me on a Lost marathon, six episodes, just over seven hours of Lost...This has really screwed with my head, I'm sick of that show now, I came back home speaking like Sawyer for God sake.
I need sleep, maybe some food, yes food would be nice...But no horible Dharma food please.
I need sleep, maybe some food, yes food would be nice...But no horible Dharma food please.
Friday, 23 January 2009
Lost and insecure, you found me, you found me,
In another good mood, decided Drama isn't so bad, I've been told I should be doing it at A level anyway. And today we found a scene where I can wear my ex German military trench coat, all is well. Am I up to much this weekend?...No, am I ever doing anything...No...I really should stop being so suprised when I realise this every Friday. Moving on, this of couse is no ordinary weekend though, this is it, Lost is back, Sunday at 9, 2 hour premier. Never been this excited about something since the Stanford twenty20 game (refer to an entry I made around Novemberish time), admitedlly that game was a huge let down, I hope this won't be, I'm really badly hyped. I wonder if Claire will return, I hope she does, she is one of the few females characters who is quite cool and I really hope Kate gives back Clarie's baby, I HATE YOU KATE!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah...need to stop thinking about Lost. In other news, I invaded Finland succesfuly on Imperial Glory..err...Oh, Brisingr, the book I'm reading had a very cool Doctor Who reference, the author stating in the acknowledgements he's a fan.
Running out of things to say,
P.S: The Fray based their new single around Lost!?!?!?!?!?!?
Running out of things to say,
P.S: The Fray based their new single around Lost!?!?!?!?!?!?
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Oddly jubilant
I'm in a rather good mood right now, sorry to all those reading this who happen to be in a crap mood, maybe you could eat ice cream or play tiddlywinks...?
As I'm writing this, the two hour Lost season 5 premier is being shown...To Americans. I'm not that bothered, I'd prefer to watch it on a weekend anyway. Just means I have to shield myself from Lost sites, I will get so angry if I learn ANYTHING however small.
So anyway, why am I so happy? Well...Science exam is over, which is a bit of a relief, means I have more time to conquer nations on Imperial Glory (great game!!) and eat biscuits. Found out I did rather well in the Maths retake, so all is okie dokie on the working front.
There's E, who is just fantastically great, hmmmmm...Oh and S's party is coming up shortly, should be fun, he has promised me balloons anyway... My book is going rather well, now most certainly half way through.
Anyways, time for me to go, hoorah for happiness,
As I'm writing this, the two hour Lost season 5 premier is being shown...To Americans. I'm not that bothered, I'd prefer to watch it on a weekend anyway. Just means I have to shield myself from Lost sites, I will get so angry if I learn ANYTHING however small.
So anyway, why am I so happy? Well...Science exam is over, which is a bit of a relief, means I have more time to conquer nations on Imperial Glory (great game!!) and eat biscuits. Found out I did rather well in the Maths retake, so all is okie dokie on the working front.
There's E, who is just fantastically great, hmmmmm...Oh and S's party is coming up shortly, should be fun, he has promised me balloons anyway... My book is going rather well, now most certainly half way through.
Anyways, time for me to go, hoorah for happiness,
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Help me.
Not really a proper entry, just writing to say: DO NOT PLAY DONKEY KONG, it's this stupid game from the 80's which I became addicted to, I was playing for half an hour and when I did finally rescue the woman the giant monkey just punched me and stole her again...I need to revise, must concentrate...WHY AM I EVEN WRITING THIS????
Saturday, 17 January 2009
I am feeling better, thank God. Spent most of the morning asleep, which is rather iritating, I don't like the fact my entire morning was spent dreaming about a house made of sponge cake...Seriously, it was.
Anyways, I've done some revision which involved me getting quite angry at some revision cards, I think I'll just go back to answering questions from the textbook...
My cat had to go to the vets, I didn't go in the end, just because if he did have to be put down, I wouldn't have coped, pathetic but true. He's fine though, we or I rather have to give him the remainder of his drugs, but as long as nothing else crops up we don't have to go back there for another 6 months.
During the time my Father was at Stow vets, I decided to go out and do some photography, something I love doing and haven't done for ages...I really enjoy it, it's art where I don't need to have an amazingly ability to draw.
Anyway, I'm going to presume whoever reading this is interested, so I have uploaded a couple of my favourite yet still quite poor photos I took earlier today...

Anyways, I've done some revision which involved me getting quite angry at some revision cards, I think I'll just go back to answering questions from the textbook...
My cat had to go to the vets, I didn't go in the end, just because if he did have to be put down, I wouldn't have coped, pathetic but true. He's fine though, we or I rather have to give him the remainder of his drugs, but as long as nothing else crops up we don't have to go back there for another 6 months.
During the time my Father was at Stow vets, I decided to go out and do some photography, something I love doing and haven't done for ages...I really enjoy it, it's art where I don't need to have an amazingly ability to draw.
Anyway, I'm going to presume whoever reading this is interested, so I have uploaded a couple of my favourite yet still quite poor photos I took earlier today...
Friday, 16 January 2009
I have crawled out of bed to the computer, I don't know quite why, I think I'm getting a bit bored of the TV. I'm ill, or at least I was being sick in the early hours of the morning, so I didn't go in today. Might sound like a good thing, but it really isn't, firstly I still feel really rough and secondly I actually wanted to go in today, my Drama people will be rather angry at me.
Daytime TV, good lord. I didn't have the energy to go downstairs and find a DVD, so I only have myself to blame, watched a Lost episode on Sky, half a Scrubs episode, ten minutes of Jeremy Kyle, some cricket highlights, flicked between Bargain Hunt, Dickinson's real deal and an episode of Friends. I've decided no more TV though, it's giving me a headache, so I'll start some revision...Which might also give me a headache, pah, might just sleep.
Hopefully I'll be better over the weekend, I need to be physically stable for Monday at the very least, Science exam and History trip.
Sorry for this rather depressing entry, but this has been my Friday.
P.S: Oh and I also watched part of a Glimore Girls episode...I nearly cried.
Daytime TV, good lord. I didn't have the energy to go downstairs and find a DVD, so I only have myself to blame, watched a Lost episode on Sky, half a Scrubs episode, ten minutes of Jeremy Kyle, some cricket highlights, flicked between Bargain Hunt, Dickinson's real deal and an episode of Friends. I've decided no more TV though, it's giving me a headache, so I'll start some revision...Which might also give me a headache, pah, might just sleep.
Hopefully I'll be better over the weekend, I need to be physically stable for Monday at the very least, Science exam and History trip.
Sorry for this rather depressing entry, but this has been my Friday.
P.S: Oh and I also watched part of a Glimore Girls episode...I nearly cried.
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Yes, I know, I'm not brilliant at this title business.
I couldn't really come up with a proper new year's resolution, so I setteled on every Thursday (quite a good day of the week) I would spend about ten minutes at least thinking about life, how to improve it, what needs to be done etc...This ten minutes was easily found on the bus back home today. I realised I'm a complete twat.
That's all for today folks,
I couldn't really come up with a proper new year's resolution, so I setteled on every Thursday (quite a good day of the week) I would spend about ten minutes at least thinking about life, how to improve it, what needs to be done etc...This ten minutes was easily found on the bus back home today. I realised I'm a complete twat.
That's all for today folks,
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
The genius that is Jeremy Davies
I have discovered a new respect for Jeremy Davies, I always thought he was a great actor from playing Daniel Faraday in Lost, one of my favourite characters, but now I've discovered that he also plays Corporal Upham in Saving Private Ryan, also one of my favourite characters.
Talking about acting, films and the such, I've just watched a trailer for Valkyrie which is out January 23rd. Yes, it is a history related film, but I'm sad and like that sort of thing, plus history is by far my best subject and one I'm near certain to do well in. Although it does have Tom Cruise (scientology nutter) and all the actors seem to speak in British or American accents, it does look quite an action packed suspense filled movie by the director of Superman Returns and X Men...I've seen the Superman film, which was ok, and have no idea if X Men is a good film or not. I'm probably not going to see Valkyrie in the cinema, largely because I will just find nobody who wants to go with me to see that film, but it will be worth getting on DVD later on I feel.
Today was a better day than yesterday, though most days are thankfully better than yesterday. Tomorrow will be pretty crazy, I have a dentist appointment in the morning (help me) and then a haircut in the evening, which I badly need, I look a complete mess right now, more so than usual anyway.
I've allowed myself a break away from my English essay to write this, but now sadly have to return to it.
Talking about acting, films and the such, I've just watched a trailer for Valkyrie which is out January 23rd. Yes, it is a history related film, but I'm sad and like that sort of thing, plus history is by far my best subject and one I'm near certain to do well in. Although it does have Tom Cruise (scientology nutter) and all the actors seem to speak in British or American accents, it does look quite an action packed suspense filled movie by the director of Superman Returns and X Men...I've seen the Superman film, which was ok, and have no idea if X Men is a good film or not. I'm probably not going to see Valkyrie in the cinema, largely because I will just find nobody who wants to go with me to see that film, but it will be worth getting on DVD later on I feel.
Today was a better day than yesterday, though most days are thankfully better than yesterday. Tomorrow will be pretty crazy, I have a dentist appointment in the morning (help me) and then a haircut in the evening, which I badly need, I look a complete mess right now, more so than usual anyway.
I've allowed myself a break away from my English essay to write this, but now sadly have to return to it.
Monday, 12 January 2009
I need to sleep.
A mixed day. Woke up feeling really quite shit, forgot to have breakfast and spent most of the morning yawning. The afternoon was a bit better...I scored in Basketball which was fun, I don't know what I scored, a goal, a point, a basket?..But anyway, I played well, that's not just me saying that, it was what I was told by quite a few people I usually hate. I might have found a sport aside from Cricket that I'm actually quite good at, lets not get carried away though. Sebery came out with one of the most bizzare yet amusing statements I've heard this year, upon leaving Basketball he turns round to me and says: 'That was exciting...Kinda reminded me of the Death Star trench,' strange child.
Not really in a very good mood, so plan to watch the start of a film, write some more, revise and avoid as much communication with people as possible, there sake, not mine.
Oh and I've changed Ben Linus's quote of the week to Sawyer's quote of the day, just because of my respect to Sawyer and his nicknames.
Not really in a very good mood, so plan to watch the start of a film, write some more, revise and avoid as much communication with people as possible, there sake, not mine.
Oh and I've changed Ben Linus's quote of the week to Sawyer's quote of the day, just because of my respect to Sawyer and his nicknames.
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Just who is David Warner?
David Warner, never played a state game, but is for 'unknown reasons' picked for Australia against South Africa, what?????...Annoyingly he did very well as well, picking up man of the match.
I may have to live out the remainder of my life in a box after watching a film last night, you can laugh at me as much as you like, I don't care, it was terrifying, yet very low budget.
With not much else to report, I need to finish this and start some work,
I may have to live out the remainder of my life in a box after watching a film last night, you can laugh at me as much as you like, I don't care, it was terrifying, yet very low budget.
With not much else to report, I need to finish this and start some work,
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Jack Beckett
Titled this blog after the main character in my book, to be honest I haven't been thinking about much else today. Decided to distract myself from all the bad things happening with watching Lost with H and writing.
Though it may sound rather sad, this book and series, these characters and the events surrounding them I'm all rather obsessed about , I love writing more than doing anything else (that includes cricket), and I very much hope to somehow earn a living from it. If that doesn't happen because my works all shit, well, that will be annoying, but I won't stop because I enjoy it so much.
Been thinking, if my book was to be turned into a film, which would be awesome if that were to happen, who would I like to cast? Here's what I've come up with so far..
Jack Beckett - Me, yes I would prefer to play Jack, not because he's the main character, because he is just me with a different name, I'm perfectly suited to acting this.
Gordon Bennett - Simon Pegg, Gordon is one of the more comic characters and I think Pegg would be suited to this rather well, Gordon is also ginger come to think about it.
Jessica True - Keria Knightely, ok not just because she is amazingly hot, she can act as well...Fine, mainly casting her because she's hot.
Sergeant Harry Smith - David Tennant, very good actor and I can just see him fitting into this role.
That's all I got, I still need someone to play Lucy one of the main characters, but I'm working on that.
Anyway, I actually have nothing else to write about and need to get some work done.
Though it may sound rather sad, this book and series, these characters and the events surrounding them I'm all rather obsessed about , I love writing more than doing anything else (that includes cricket), and I very much hope to somehow earn a living from it. If that doesn't happen because my works all shit, well, that will be annoying, but I won't stop because I enjoy it so much.
Been thinking, if my book was to be turned into a film, which would be awesome if that were to happen, who would I like to cast? Here's what I've come up with so far..
Jack Beckett - Me, yes I would prefer to play Jack, not because he's the main character, because he is just me with a different name, I'm perfectly suited to acting this.
Gordon Bennett - Simon Pegg, Gordon is one of the more comic characters and I think Pegg would be suited to this rather well, Gordon is also ginger come to think about it.
Jessica True - Keria Knightely, ok not just because she is amazingly hot, she can act as well...Fine, mainly casting her because she's hot.
Sergeant Harry Smith - David Tennant, very good actor and I can just see him fitting into this role.
That's all I got, I still need someone to play Lucy one of the main characters, but I'm working on that.
Anyway, I actually have nothing else to write about and need to get some work done.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
My head's in the clouds but at least I'm trying,
This blog title being a snippet from one of my favourite songs ever, that being The Shock Of The Lightning, it does have some relevance to how I'm feeling right now which I hope will become clear at the end of this entry.
After my rant earlier, I spent from about five to six writing my book and if I'm allowed to say this, the chapter I'm doing at the moment has to be one of the best I've written, not because of what's happening, thats not overly exciting, I'm just really happy with the way I'm writing it, which makes a change.
Unfortunately, the time after dinner to now has been spent on Maths homework and now I fear I'm running out of time to revise Science, damn. Trouble is I really have to revise if I want to get a decent grade, it's my own fault and always has been, but I spend most of my lesson time staring out of windows with my head in my hands, dreaming about my book, ideas for a sitcom and what would happen if a missile suddenly hit this building? At least that was what was occupying my thoughts during French, Maths and ICT, unfortunately for the other lessons I had today I actually had to work. Maybe it will be my downfall, spending more time wondering about the meaning of life than concentrating on vectors of translation, it most probably will.
Now I had better spend the remainder of my evening revising science (sigh).
P.S: Pietersen, I still hate you.
After my rant earlier, I spent from about five to six writing my book and if I'm allowed to say this, the chapter I'm doing at the moment has to be one of the best I've written, not because of what's happening, thats not overly exciting, I'm just really happy with the way I'm writing it, which makes a change.
Unfortunately, the time after dinner to now has been spent on Maths homework and now I fear I'm running out of time to revise Science, damn. Trouble is I really have to revise if I want to get a decent grade, it's my own fault and always has been, but I spend most of my lesson time staring out of windows with my head in my hands, dreaming about my book, ideas for a sitcom and what would happen if a missile suddenly hit this building? At least that was what was occupying my thoughts during French, Maths and ICT, unfortunately for the other lessons I had today I actually had to work. Maybe it will be my downfall, spending more time wondering about the meaning of life than concentrating on vectors of translation, it most probably will.
Now I had better spend the remainder of my evening revising science (sigh).
P.S: Pietersen, I still hate you.
This is the end.
I will do a proper entry a bit later, but I just want to give the news of Pietersen's resignation it's own entry.
For all of you who don't know what I'm talking about, Kevin Pietersen has been the England captain for five months now, he decided to resign today because of a dispute with the coach Peter Moores who has also resigned. England have now had 4 captains and 2 coaches in 2 years, this is mental.
Who do we go to now? Bell the idiot? Flintoff the drunken sailor? Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!
From what I've read and seen (this is on national news) Pietersen told the ECB (England cricket board) 'Sack Moores or I resign as captain,' to which the ECB turned round and said: 'We value you as a captain, but won't be dicated to,' good on them. Pietersen cannot assume he is the overall leader of this squad and what he's done/doing is childish quite frankly.
Bassicaly Pietersen if you happen to be reading this , God knows why, (if you are, leave a comment!!) I think your a complete arrogant and selfish twat with an ego the width of Russia.
For all of you who don't know what I'm talking about, Kevin Pietersen has been the England captain for five months now, he decided to resign today because of a dispute with the coach Peter Moores who has also resigned. England have now had 4 captains and 2 coaches in 2 years, this is mental.
Who do we go to now? Bell the idiot? Flintoff the drunken sailor? Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!
From what I've read and seen (this is on national news) Pietersen told the ECB (England cricket board) 'Sack Moores or I resign as captain,' to which the ECB turned round and said: 'We value you as a captain, but won't be dicated to,' good on them. Pietersen cannot assume he is the overall leader of this squad and what he's done/doing is childish quite frankly.
Bassicaly Pietersen if you happen to be reading this , God knows why, (if you are, leave a comment!!) I think your a complete arrogant and selfish twat with an ego the width of Russia.
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Slightly better
Today was...very slightly better than yesterday, better than no improvement though.
Have made up for all the time I wasted in the holidays and written quite a good deal more on my book...That is actually all I have to report on my very exciting life.
Have made up for all the time I wasted in the holidays and written quite a good deal more on my book...That is actually all I have to report on my very exciting life.
Monday, 5 January 2009
I am Daniel Faraday
I've decided I just am, or at least I want to be Daniel Faraday, sorry Ben, but Daniel is just better than you. God, I am dangerously obsessed with Lost, I even dreamt about it last night. Bassicaly, I woke up on island, weirdly enough I don't remember questoning why I was there or how I even arrived, I just sort of accepted I was there. With me were quite a few people from the real world, E, Sebery, S and a bunch of other people...I haven't named them because they just didn't feature much. Bassicaly from what I remember everything was going fine, we had caught some fish, yeah there was the monster, but nobody seemed to care about that.
On the first night the Others came and stole some people, that's when things started going wrong. S, being who he is, managed to kill one of them, we found a list of people they intended to capture(much like in the episode: The other 48 days).
I was on this list and so was E. This really annoyed me. I'm guessing something happened to lead us to the conclusion that Seb was one of the Others, but I don't remember it, so we all just tied him up.
Blimey, I did just type out a dream I doubt anyone but me really cares about.
Moving on, first day back, was it fun?...No, no it wasn't. Made even worse by the fact there was a fair amount of snow when I woke up, here's to hoping tomorrow will be better.
On the first night the Others came and stole some people, that's when things started going wrong. S, being who he is, managed to kill one of them, we found a list of people they intended to capture(much like in the episode: The other 48 days).
I was on this list and so was E. This really annoyed me. I'm guessing something happened to lead us to the conclusion that Seb was one of the Others, but I don't remember it, so we all just tied him up.
Blimey, I did just type out a dream I doubt anyone but me really cares about.
Moving on, first day back, was it fun?...No, no it wasn't. Made even worse by the fact there was a fair amount of snow when I woke up, here's to hoping tomorrow will be better.
Sunday, 4 January 2009
I know all the answers
This is weird...It's school tomorrow, yet I seem not to care...Something seriously wrong here, maybe the J2O is going to my head, seriously, those drinks are really quite odd. No calm down Tom, not everyone is trying to drug you.
What have I been doing in my last day of term I hear you cry, well actually I don't, but for the purposes of this blog I will fill you in.
Slept for the majority of the morning (actually got no idea how I'll get up tommorow), then dithered around a bit, watched some of the Australia V South Africa game/eat food.
Did spend numerous hours watching Lost with H, which was highly amusing because of course every episode of series 2 we watch is new for him, I on the other hand am on the brink of series 5, I know all the answers...Yes I know, I've found a pathetic form of power and I'm loving it, so what?
Another sad pocket of information for you, I almost cried at a Peep Show video I found on Youtube. It was just a montage to really quite depressing music of Mark and Sophie's disaterous marriage/divorce and the consequences, when you watch the episodes concerned it's all highly amusing but this...I don't know quite why I found it so upsetting, maybe its because I love the show so very much or perhaps its due to everyone being so certain I am actually Mark.
In other news, still listening to Strawberry Swing and infuriated at myself for realising I've done crap all work on my book these two weeks, this has very badly annoyed me.
Bye bye everyone,
P.S: I bought Keane's new album and now regret it, someone help me.
What have I been doing in my last day of term I hear you cry, well actually I don't, but for the purposes of this blog I will fill you in.
Slept for the majority of the morning (actually got no idea how I'll get up tommorow), then dithered around a bit, watched some of the Australia V South Africa game/eat food.
Did spend numerous hours watching Lost with H, which was highly amusing because of course every episode of series 2 we watch is new for him, I on the other hand am on the brink of series 5, I know all the answers...Yes I know, I've found a pathetic form of power and I'm loving it, so what?
Another sad pocket of information for you, I almost cried at a Peep Show video I found on Youtube. It was just a montage to really quite depressing music of Mark and Sophie's disaterous marriage/divorce and the consequences, when you watch the episodes concerned it's all highly amusing but this...I don't know quite why I found it so upsetting, maybe its because I love the show so very much or perhaps its due to everyone being so certain I am actually Mark.
In other news, still listening to Strawberry Swing and infuriated at myself for realising I've done crap all work on my book these two weeks, this has very badly annoyed me.
Bye bye everyone,
P.S: I bought Keane's new album and now regret it, someone help me.
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Lost in Strawberry Swing
Just going to keep this brief today, as I have stuff to do...Ok that's a lie, I just want to start another Lost episode.
Talking about Lost, you may have noticed (whoever you are) that I have included a new feature: This week's Ben Linus moment/quote/thing, this will just be running up until the new series of Lost comes out, January 25th...Sorry if you don't like Lost, but I love it, so...Shut up.
In other news, Strawberry Swing - Coldplay, one of the best songs ever, definitely one of the best Coldplay have done, largely because it isn't depressing for once.
P.S: And remember: 4 8 15 16 23 42
Talking about Lost, you may have noticed (whoever you are) that I have included a new feature: This week's Ben Linus moment/quote/thing, this will just be running up until the new series of Lost comes out, January 25th...Sorry if you don't like Lost, but I love it, so...Shut up.
In other news, Strawberry Swing - Coldplay, one of the best songs ever, definitely one of the best Coldplay have done, largely because it isn't depressing for once.
P.S: And remember: 4 8 15 16 23 42
Friday, 2 January 2009
I've given in
As I received an iTunes voucher for Chirstmas, I decided late on last night to explore the dreaded and tempromental iTunes store...Took me ages to find some stuff, but here is what I bought:
Keane - Spiralling, ok at first I thought Keane's new album Perfect Symmetry was just perfect symmetry of a pile of shit, I really hated it, but now it's very very slowly growing on me. Spiralling is a bizzare song to say the least, it really makes no sense. Not that the lyrics don't make sense, just the whole structure of the song, however it is weirdly addicting.
The Corrs - Summer Sunshine, from probably my third favourite band of all time, this is a brilliant song which has found it's way onto my: Top rated playlist on iTunes. At first seems a really jubilant summery song, but as Andrea Corr points out the lyrics tell quite a different story. Anyway, a really great song and good to sing along to.
Guillemots - Falling Out Of Reach, from a band I'm not too familliar with, but wow, a really quite beautiful song. Helped a great deal in finishing a chapter in my book and has a very cool music video with Ian McKellen in, very much reccomended.
Finally, a song which is quite simply called: Main Titles, due to the fact it is just the theme tune from Band of Brothers, much like the series, a very moving and inspirational song.
Keane - Spiralling, ok at first I thought Keane's new album Perfect Symmetry was just perfect symmetry of a pile of shit, I really hated it, but now it's very very slowly growing on me. Spiralling is a bizzare song to say the least, it really makes no sense. Not that the lyrics don't make sense, just the whole structure of the song, however it is weirdly addicting.
The Corrs - Summer Sunshine, from probably my third favourite band of all time, this is a brilliant song which has found it's way onto my: Top rated playlist on iTunes. At first seems a really jubilant summery song, but as Andrea Corr points out the lyrics tell quite a different story. Anyway, a really great song and good to sing along to.
Guillemots - Falling Out Of Reach, from a band I'm not too familliar with, but wow, a really quite beautiful song. Helped a great deal in finishing a chapter in my book and has a very cool music video with Ian McKellen in, very much reccomended.
Finally, a song which is quite simply called: Main Titles, due to the fact it is just the theme tune from Band of Brothers, much like the series, a very moving and inspirational song.
Thursday, 1 January 2009
2009...Which feels just like 2008
Did I have a fun filled New Years eve? Well kind of, me and S realised at about half ten that we were the only two online and had our own weird sorta MSN party, better than nothing I suppose.
So 2009, actually quite looking forward to it, some aspects anyway. Lost series 5 out January 25th and Peep Show series 6 should be out around March, of course there's the Ashes 2009 (there was a two hour special on the Ashes last night on sky, calm down everyone, it's still over 6 months away) and then there's the Twenty20 world cup in England, that should be fun.
Hopefully this year I should finish the first draft of my book and after April 29th I can go and buy myself some lottery tickets, cannot wait.
And if I'm lucky around about July time I can become a well qualified British citizen, though as I repeatedly tell my Mother, I am not getting a job, I refuse. The government can lob all their benefit plans at me, I don't care, they can't make me do anything, I've researched this, I have rights Mr Brown.
There's also a chance I might see Oasis live this year and maybe even release Bejaminadom's first single, if that's a good thing?
Of course there's E, a new cricket season where I might be moving clubs and another year of mocking Ian Bell.
I expect once the exams are over the year will pick up a bit, so like last year, June onwards should be good and everything before will be...Ok (I hope).
So 2009, actually quite looking forward to it, some aspects anyway. Lost series 5 out January 25th and Peep Show series 6 should be out around March, of course there's the Ashes 2009 (there was a two hour special on the Ashes last night on sky, calm down everyone, it's still over 6 months away) and then there's the Twenty20 world cup in England, that should be fun.
Hopefully this year I should finish the first draft of my book and after April 29th I can go and buy myself some lottery tickets, cannot wait.
And if I'm lucky around about July time I can become a well qualified British citizen, though as I repeatedly tell my Mother, I am not getting a job, I refuse. The government can lob all their benefit plans at me, I don't care, they can't make me do anything, I've researched this, I have rights Mr Brown.
There's also a chance I might see Oasis live this year and maybe even release Bejaminadom's first single, if that's a good thing?
Of course there's E, a new cricket season where I might be moving clubs and another year of mocking Ian Bell.
I expect once the exams are over the year will pick up a bit, so like last year, June onwards should be good and everything before will be...Ok (I hope).
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