Thursday, 30 April 2009

Does writing my book count as English revision?

In reference to my title...No it probably doesn't, my whole life would be made much easier if it did though, shame. So yes, like everyone (but Simon) exams are indeed virtually here, I plan to start actually following with some accuracy my poorly written revision timetable and purchasing some of Brother Seb's nerve remedy soon, maybe a bottle for every exam.

Is a bit of a pain all this revision stuff, yes I know it's important, but a three day weekend for God's sake...urg... Though I do take some satisfaction in knowing that I'm not as stressed as poor Mr Bell, ( left out of the England team AGAIN and still wearing an England cap during an interview...I know I'm being cruel and for once I'm a little bemused in why he hasn't been given another go...But hey, unfortunately I'm not Geoff Miller. My main problem with the selection for the West Indies game is the inclusion of Graham Onions, firstly silly name, secondly WHO THE HELL IS HE????

Quick word on my birthday, was a vast improvement over last year, actually had a really good day...Noticeable lack of balloons, but other than that it was great. If you do happen to be reading this E, I have now listened to the CD, thank you so much, we should listen to it together some time after the exams, just a thought. Simon will probably be reading this one day, well done and thanks for not just remembering but for the large slab of chocolate, is indeed appreciated.

LOST's 100th episode on Sunday, I had a breif looks at Dark UFO's ratings on it...Seems like it was the best Series 5 episode so far, just about resisted reading what happened. Anywaaay, got me thinking, what would be my top 6 TV episodes ever mcever, well (because I know you're dying to know) here they are...

6. Peep Show - Series 5 - Episode 1 - My favourite episode of my favourite sitcom, enough said.

5. The final episode of Skins series 2 - By far the best episode I thought and simply fantastic TV. Was quite moving actually, sounds a bit silly, but you sort of feel connected to all those characters and the whole episode was just packed with emotion.

4. Band Of Brothers - Day of Days - Best Band Of Brothers by far, this being a widely agreed opinion. Everything from the D-day drop to the assault on that weird little bunker is just so gripping, plus this is a Winter's themed episode, my favourite character played by one of my favourite actors: Damian Lewis (presenting the next HIGNFY apparently).

3. Lost - Series 3 - The Man Behind The Curtain - Best Series 3 episode. First proper Ben episode, first visit to the mysterious (I use that word as if it's unique on Lost) Jacob, Dhamara flashbacks and a proper good old Locke 'DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN'T DO!!!' style moment.

2. Doctor Who - Series 1 - Aliens of London - Before this episode I thought Doctor Who was proper crap, I really hated it, this episode changed everything, therfore deserves a mention.

1. Lost - Series 4 - The Constant - Voted the best Lost episode ever, best American TV episode of 2008, undeinably AMAZING. The whole thing is so well written, the entire Penny & Desmond fucked up love story, the Faraday in Oxford crap, it's all so GREAT!!!?!?!?!?!??!?....Yes I know that what I've written isn't exactly convincing to why this is the best TV episode made, but words fail me, it's one of the few times on Lost I was glad I had endured Series 1, 2 and 3 to get to this paticular episode, that must be something.

RIGHTY HO...I'm going to stare at notes on Trigonometry


Monday, 27 April 2009

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Blarg...Correct, I have just replaced the o in 'blog' with an a...Oh and added an r

Am feeling a bit down, can't say I'm in the best of moods, but I figure if I just solidly write about something completely unrelated it'll to make my mind of it. TOMORROW!?!?!?!??!?! ASHDGSAHDGASDHAASDJHGASIDASHDUIASHDIUSAASUIDASD....Yes. I'm not so much nervous, more doubting my ability as an actor. Despite much protest I've landed with having to act in this stupidly upper class accent, like how I sound normally times by 10, maybe even 11. Unfortunately, it's very difficult (or I think it is) to perform an array of emotions when you sound so bloody posh, seriously it's the sort of accent associated with people who repeatedly call out 'Clive, CLIVE! I want my damned tea.' I have exercised so much self control with working alongside these people, bloody full of themselves and get wound up at the slightest thing, one just saw it as personal insult earlier when I started eating hula hoops off stage, OFF STAGE!?!?!?!?! I NEEEED FOOD.

Moving on, I'm just going to take a leaf out of (apologies for the cliche) Monty Python's book and 'look on the bright side of life'...YES! Talking about Monty Python and comedy etc......Myself and a colleague have started drafting ideas for a sitcom, going to be incredible.


P.S: found these, are quite good...

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Why I can't be the ECB's Apprentice...

I've had a mixed day, going from good to okish...And I'm sore actually, my bowling shoulder (the right one) decided to ache earlier, I guess it's caused by bowling, either that or having to rehearse mock fights every day, soon I will actually punch that girl.

Right, now I'm going to have a rant. Cricket captain 2008, though it should really be called Cricket Manager 2008 if the title is relevant to game play. Oh my God. OK, I admit we hadn't won a game for a verrrry long time and the fact that Ian Bell was my highest twenty20 averager probably is a sign things aren't going all to well, but for God's sake the ECB (England Cricket Board) FIRED ME!!!!!! As in a Apprentice style 'You're fired,' except without the boardroom and no Allan Sugar and no other contestants, so actually not like the Apprentice at all...But anyhow, I WAS FIRED FROM A GAME!!?!?! A GAME!?!?! Seriously the gaming world has gone insane, on GTA4 you can't brake suddenly or pull off weird yet impressive cornering because the game's character is so fucking dim he always forgets to put his seat belt on, this is Grand Theft Auto not a Learn to Drive game.

Moving on, I'm feeling weirdly confident about my Drama assessment on Thursday, usually I'm running around screaming 'DON'T PANIC!!!' In a hypocritical fashion, not in this instance however, everyone else is going mental but me, odd and quite unfair, but I like it.

Lost's 100th episode is this week, titled the 'The Variable,' clearly some sort of pathetic writers plot to get us all hyped up seeing as the BEST LOST EPISODE EVER MCEVER was called 'The Constant.' Plus Faraday's back (hooray!) So there's bound to be some time shifting malarky, coupled with Kate trying to screw Sawyer or Jack, maybe both, along with a good dose of Hurley exclaiming 'dude,' at the most inappropriate of times.

Time for me to go grab some food....


P.S: Kate might also be trying to have sex with Roger, that's been hinted at, oh and Miles...Actually, Kate's up for anything, probably even Hurley.

Saturday, 11 April 2009

God help us...

Was just strolling through the internet, (I have actually been working, just taking a break), when I found this article about Ian Bell on the BBC, made me chuckle...

'Having been dropped unceremoniously from the England team, Bell is wounded. He's angry, and he is very, very determined.'

'That, together with his boyish appearance - fresh-faced, freckly, high-pitched voice - and the infamous Shane Warne 'Sherminator' sledge, has led some to suppose that the pressures of Test match batting are sometimes too great for him.'

Might do a less 'lets laugh at Bell' post after Doctor Who, or more to the point after this damned English essay....


P.S: Just realied this is my 100th entry, WOW!

Friday, 10 April 2009

I've been conned by a 12 year old

Yeah...I'm not proud of it, my very own brother has gone and pulled a 'Sawyer' on me, am not amused. Whilst he was at some ginger's house (that is no way being mean to gingers, I just don't know his name, he had ginger hair) I decided to steal back the PlayStation which plays dvds, upon setting it up I realised I didn't have the adaptor...The vital component, without it the whole PlayStation is dead. Of course, my brother had taken it with him. Although this annoyed me hugely at the time, I must admit, I'm proud I have a sibling that cunning/corrupt.

Of course he then decided to be even more annoying and ruin the end of Skins! FUCK! I just watched the whole of the first series, it's the sort of show I thought I'd never like, some teen drama about a bunch of frankly backstabbing sex addicted insane nutters trying to kill each other, I am loving it though. The dvd extras were absolutely hilarious until the Effy stuff...That actually terrified me and I hear she's a major character in later series....

Moving swiftly on, I'm really quite happy, had a great day out with my gf yesterday (fancy meeting up sometime next week?) and although I am blatantly shunning my revision timetable, I'm having a good holiday.

Need to find another excuse to avoid someone again tomorrow though, why can't people take a fucking hint????


P.S: AFGASUFASFUYGSDFUYGSDFUSDFYUGSDFYUGSDFGUSDYF Yes. Sorry, I just watched the Lost trailer for Sunday, LOOKS AMAZING!!!! NO BLOODY JACK!!! AND ALEX IS BACK, SHE HITS BEN WITH AN OAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AN OAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't resist showing this to a friend who has a slight thing for Claire...

Sunday, 5 April 2009


I know, I know, I'm so childish....

I LOVE this song and it's actually dubbed quite well...

Tom (who now admits he's a tiny bit obsessed)

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Good stuff.

Reflecting on the entry I made a few minutes ago, that was all a bit negative. I'd like to add that right now there is quite a good deal of stuff I do love/like.

For example...
I like my friends, would all be a bit depressing without them really, so yes I like them even if I am exceptionally rude to them nearly all the time.
I like my best friend, yes there is a BEST friend.
I like mini eggs, though actually I would like to add that this bag of mini eggs is about a quarter full, what the fuck????
I like my computer...I'm being forced to wtite thisag,l;sdk...
I like Abbey for sending me a proper debit card with a decent design on it, unlike the old one which was just disgusting.
I like the Lost Initiative, those guys make my Wednesday and Monday evenings.
I like chicken.

I do love E, she really is the most fantastic gf and just makes me feel very lucky and truly happy....Thank you by the way.
I love my book and just writing in general, it's a good hobby which in the whole doesn't try and tear my head off, yes cricket, I am referring to you.
I love TV, bit sad but I can't really imagine a world without it....Same goes for the Internet, but IE and me have a somewhat turbulent relationship.
I love food in general, it keeps me alive and most of the time tastes good, how can anyone not love that?
I love the UK...Yes I do, I do love this country, it'd be crap being Czech or Bulgarian (no logic behind singling out those 2 countries, they just don't sound that great).
I love music, cheers me up a lot and I find it very difficult to write without it on.
I sometimes love cricket, SOMETIMES.
Ok...I do love my family, they make me laugh and some of them even keep a roof above my head, thank you.
I love the roof above my head.

There...I'm not all negative.


Ian Bell and Jack Shepherd

Just to warn anyone reading, this is a sort of philosophical post of discovery...

Ian Bell and Jack Shepherd, one is unfortunately real, the other is a fictional twat in a fictional universe, they both share one common factor though, they irritate me.
After explaining to my Mother why Ian Bell is no where near as good as Owais Shah, (at this point I'd like to add that my conversation about cricket with my mother wasn't great, it took her long enough to figure out I wasn't referring to the insect, but the sport,) she asked what I would actually do if I met Ian Bell. I didn't know.

Naturally, this set me off on a train of thought. I don't think I'd punch him, that just isn't necessary, I don't think I'd complain about his life to him or try and teach him how to play the cover drive successfully, no...I'd probably just ask him for his autograph. It was at this point of realisation I found the core of the problem, the first time I saw Ian Bell play was against Bangladesh in 2005, he scored 150 something, it was a fantastic performance and everyone hailed him as the new Messiah with less divine spirit and more freckles. From this moment on, he sort of went a bit downhill, maybe drunk on joy, maybe he just couldn't cope with the pressure of it all, I can imagine a bunch of cricket geeks yelling averages at him would be a touch intimidating.
Therefore, I think the reason I dislike the man so much is just down to frustration, he is very talented and it's a shame that he's turned out to be another one hit wonder, another bloody Ramprakash, Hick or Gough (though two of those names did end up winning a high profile dancing competition, good luck at that Bell...You are about 3 feet tall after all).

Jack Shepherd, this isn't a case of frustration, I hate him just because he's an arrogant spinal surgeon who tried to kill a poor misguided bald guy. I condemn that sort of attitude towards bald people.


Thursday, 2 April 2009


I have vague memories of writing something like this in an earlier entry (very dedicated followers will undoubtedly research this) but I am never doing a Lost marathon again. Not quite sure what possessed me to conduct such a foolish act, I was hoping to write more to my book or at least do something with a bit more of a point to it. Anyway, I watched all of series 4 up to the season finale, missed that out because it's just not that great and I was confused enough.

Anywaaaaay, what happened today? Broke up for the Easter holidays, got beaten up on a crash mat, found my script and highlighted it, highlighters are so amazing aren't they? Yes...Erm...Oh I was given an Easter egg and realised I'm not going to either Sussex or Edinburgh for Easter. This is though quite a good thing, I like my home and am not hugely keen on most of the people in Scotland and Brighton depresses me, however I was hoping to see some family outside the nutters I'm forced to live with, (no offence, but as I write this now you are all downstairs playing some sort of twisted backstabbing blame game concerning 'who last saw the remote,').
Work aside these two weeks looks like it will be relatively relaxing then, hoping to see a few people, but apart from that will probably spend my time writing/reading/making a podcast...YES! That's my other news, me and Ollie G discussed earlier making a Lost podcast, would be rather awesome.

