A written post? I know, bit radical. I've been getting steadily (rapidly) annoyed by a vast, unimaginable torrent of Peasant folk who treat their opinion of Politics, Government and the Constitution (not that they have any idea what that is) with words such as: 'Boring', 'Useless' and 'Stupid.' I'm sure they'd consider it rather less stupid to be living in a society without a Government, a democracy countless millions died for, a type of country where things like the Police Force, a free health service, a Fire Brigade, Education, the Courts were all unfunded for, void of existence. Yes, that would make more sense, lets return to the Dark Ages. Cancer research, benefits and the right to a free Education are all supplied by who?...The Queen?...The taxpayer? YES, of course without the Government we wouldn't pay any taxes, so...Nothing we take for granted would exist. I'm not asking any of you to take an interest in Politics, to even vote, just to appreciate its existence, even if it is only for the Veterans sake.
Also getting sick of people talking about how Gordon Brown 'wasn't elected'. He was elected by the constituents of Dunfermline East as a representative of the Labour Party in the 2005 general election, considering the Labour Party has the majority in Commons, he is perfectly and lawfully legitimate for the position of Prime Minister. Churchill wasn't elected as Prime Minister, he took over after Chamberlain resigned, do you all hate Churchill as well? Or, is it more that you're desperate to find someone to blame for the WORLD recession?
And I'm irritated by those who just blindly say they'll vote Conservative, and who are on the whole UNABLE TO NAME ANY ONE OF THEIR POLICIES. They're basically claiming they'd vote Tory even if they're first domestic policy was 'To burn all kittens in public displays at midday in the Norwich area every Tuesday.' These ignorant fools really need to mature.
After all that said, I'm actually in a good mood...Well an OK mood, happiness makes me ill. Saw Bryony today, and despite trekking around fields, rain beating down at an unforgiving strength in search for lights (don't ask), was amusing, it is indeed comforting to learn that some girls have the ability to use sarcasm, and use it well. My book, just to make a change, is developing at quite a pace, I'll make a bold statement and announce that I should have finished the first draft by Christmas.
Is Collingwood the most sporadic England cricketer, in respect to 'form' that this country has ever produced? Yes, actually, he is.
What was happening a year ago in my life? Lets take a look at my 28th Novmeber 2008 post...
'I watched Lost earlier hoping it would give me answers to life, didn't really work.'
'Bugger I feel so ill'
'New series of Live at the Apollo tonight!
'Only I want to cause harm to Alastair Cook for God sake.'
As expected, not a lot changed.
Men who cry, and cry a lot, without good reason deserve to be put through some real anguish, we shouldn't counsel these weasels, instead send them to Helamand Province, make them appreciate some proper terror. Quick note on my title, Trading Yesterday are a band I found, a band so amazing, so incredibly astounding that they were in fact, forced by law, to be ignored by the general population...That's how amazing they are, bands such as the Fray, Green Day, Muse etc...Heard these guys, saw them as a considerable threat and did all in their industry powers to deplete them of recognition. Two videos lie below, one Houseisms video which just makes me giggle, the other is a Trading Yesterday song for you all to listen to, and in theory, appreciate.
P.S: Although I do indeed love lists, my blog feature has changed, hope you like it...Though, I couldn't really care less.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Back on the Tic-Tacs.
P.S: I'm not a bastard...And am not against 'text langauge', these just made me laugh.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
If I were Jack Dawson from the film Titanic, there would be a series of noticeable differences....
1. I would have lived, either I would have formed some GENIUS plan to get us both rescued, or that ginger girl can get her own board.
2. I would have been upper class, even if I wasn't. Would have stolen that fat American woman's son's dinner jacket not just 'borrowed' it, from then I would simply wonder around the first class decks, talking about my shares in Asquith's government and the pending war.
3. It's lovely and everything, but kissing on the front of the ship...Bit of a health hazard, sorry.
4. My drawings would all be stick men/women.
5. I'm not very good at poker, would probably never have won those tickets in the first place, film would have taken a more bizarre course involving me sitting in a pub in Southampton, crying.
6. I would have stolen that diamond.
7. I would have forced Rose to apologise to that man for sticking her middle finger up at him, running away is bad enough, but that was just unnecessary.
8. I would have just stolen a lot of stuff in general.
9. I doubt Rose really would have been that impressed by my stick drawings, my inability to spit, my bizarre knowledge about wars yet to happen and my disturbing personality links with her fiance.
10. Wouldn't have been able to tap dance.
11. Would have had the caviar.
12. Probably would have found some way to film everything.
13. My 'Don't jump,' talk probably wouldn't have been that effective, she would have jumped and unlike Jack...I'm not going in after her, he's pointed out it would be cold, how about the very real chance of the propellers sucking her under and proceeding to grind her up into very tiny, little, ginger pieces?
14. I would have so kicked off when Cal started shooting at me, it's pretty certain we're going to die anyway, give us a break.
15. Similar to the above, would have yelled a lot at that guy's failure to pass keys to me.
16. Good chance I would have respected the fact that that particular car was someone elses property.
Yeah, I was ill today, watched a film (guess which one!). I find it sad for all the wrong reasons, why oh why could I not have been born in Edwardian society?
Also, I received a disturbing email today: It's me David, get this I HAVE THE INTERNET NOW! DAVID IS ONLINE GOD HELP THE WORLD! The enemy appears to be mobilising, I have contingency protocols in place for this, everything will be fine.
'Last day of half term today.'
'Might have to employ S's services as a bodyguard to combat the evil work of Angry Girl.'
'Tried watching Top Gear on iplayer earlier, nope it just wasnt having any of it, how annoying.'
P.S: I would have made my own lifeboat out of a wardrobe.
2. I would have been upper class, even if I wasn't. Would have stolen that fat American woman's son's dinner jacket not just 'borrowed' it, from then I would simply wonder around the first class decks, talking about my shares in Asquith's government and the pending war.
3. It's lovely and everything, but kissing on the front of the ship...Bit of a health hazard, sorry.
4. My drawings would all be stick men/women.
5. I'm not very good at poker, would probably never have won those tickets in the first place, film would have taken a more bizarre course involving me sitting in a pub in Southampton, crying.
6. I would have stolen that diamond.
7. I would have forced Rose to apologise to that man for sticking her middle finger up at him, running away is bad enough, but that was just unnecessary.
8. I would have just stolen a lot of stuff in general.
9. I doubt Rose really would have been that impressed by my stick drawings, my inability to spit, my bizarre knowledge about wars yet to happen and my disturbing personality links with her fiance.
10. Wouldn't have been able to tap dance.
11. Would have had the caviar.
12. Probably would have found some way to film everything.
13. My 'Don't jump,' talk probably wouldn't have been that effective, she would have jumped and unlike Jack...I'm not going in after her, he's pointed out it would be cold, how about the very real chance of the propellers sucking her under and proceeding to grind her up into very tiny, little, ginger pieces?
14. I would have so kicked off when Cal started shooting at me, it's pretty certain we're going to die anyway, give us a break.
15. Similar to the above, would have yelled a lot at that guy's failure to pass keys to me.
16. Good chance I would have respected the fact that that particular car was someone elses property.
Yeah, I was ill today, watched a film (guess which one!). I find it sad for all the wrong reasons, why oh why could I not have been born in Edwardian society?
Also, I received a disturbing email today: It's me David, get this I HAVE THE INTERNET NOW! DAVID IS ONLINE GOD HELP THE WORLD! The enemy appears to be mobilising, I have contingency protocols in place for this, everything will be fine.
'Last day of half term today.'
'Might have to employ S's services as a bodyguard to combat the evil work of Angry Girl.'
'Tried watching Top Gear on iplayer earlier, nope it just wasnt having any of it, how annoying.'
P.S: I would have made my own lifeboat out of a wardrobe.
Monday, 2 November 2009
A written post?!?!?!?!
Yeah, I've gone a bit mental, back to using proper, good, reliable words rather than meaningless and undeniably insane videos. I should be writing some notes on 'Oh what a lovely war' for Drama, then revise some William Pitt (the younger) notes for timed essay tomorrow, thankfully I think Pitt's awesome, so the latter doesn't particularly bother me. Studying 'Oh, what a lovely war!' For Drama, FINALLY THE DRAMA DEPARTMENT HAVE LISTENED TO ME! After many, many years of complaining, a play about war we have to study, I've been helping Miss Monk with all the World War 1 historical background malarkey, for once, Drama isn't so bad... Though I expect that will all change tomorrow, going to see some ridiculous play with a bunch of people I'm either unfriendly with or don't know, ah, but this is what iPods are made for. No, that's a false statement, iPods probably weren't made for awkward social situations, I just bought one to combat that problem.
Using Realtek HD Audio Manager I've made James Blunt sound like a man, doing the world a favour once again.
Earlier was pretty distressing, I was talking to my English teacher about what I wanted to do for coursework, our conversation reached a point like this...
'You're very good at using sarcasm in your work, you need to mention this in your commentaries though,'
'Yes, true,'
'So what is sarcasm, Tom?'
And for that brief, horrifying moment in time, I had literally no idea.
'Errr...It's....urr...when you exaggerate something?'
'No, not really,'
'Sorry, I'm told I use sarcasm all the time, I...I don't know what it is.'
This bothered me a lot, so I had a very good think and wrote the following for my English teacher:
Sarcasm - A guide.
Sarcasm is the delivery of a point or message, which when delivered in the correct tone, bears an underlying message. For example, something false, but in a tone which is obvious to the reader or listener, and thus informing them on the real point.
'Tom, you're going to Munich again,'
'Yes, because that makes a change.'
The tone makes clear the statement is not to be taken in a literal sense, if poorly performed, the sarcasm can be lost.
My English teacher was pleased anyway.

At first I was a bit sceptical, this probably isn't Robert Webb, Sam Bain or Jesse Armstrong, but Ollie was like: 'I BET IT IS!' And Bryony backed him up with something similar, therefore, it must be, HOW AWESOME IS THAT????? - Rhetorical, I already know the answer, VERY awesome.
I bought a poppy earlier, then at lunch found it had escaped my jumper, pretty distressing little moment there. Thankfully though, from Bes's advice I 'retraced my steps' and for once it actually worked! Good old Bes.
'Tom, this is bollocks! What the hell was happening exactly a year ago in your life?' I hear you cry like a distressed backbencher, well, cry no more, for due to my blog's one year anniversary, I can now tell you.
'Ok firstly England lost.'
'I will walk from my home in the Cotswolds to the middle of Ireland.'
'Should I stop talking to my computer...yes definitely.'
'Love life, has that changed at all?...Ha ha as if.'
Wow...I've just gone full circle, how depressing.
P.S: A year ago I had been inspired by the Corrs, still am, how very reassuring.
P.S.S: http://omegle.com/ - Such fun.
Using Realtek HD Audio Manager I've made James Blunt sound like a man, doing the world a favour once again.
Earlier was pretty distressing, I was talking to my English teacher about what I wanted to do for coursework, our conversation reached a point like this...
'You're very good at using sarcasm in your work, you need to mention this in your commentaries though,'
'Yes, true,'
'So what is sarcasm, Tom?'
And for that brief, horrifying moment in time, I had literally no idea.
'Errr...It's....urr...when you exaggerate something?'
'No, not really,'
'Sorry, I'm told I use sarcasm all the time, I...I don't know what it is.'
This bothered me a lot, so I had a very good think and wrote the following for my English teacher:
Sarcasm - A guide.
Sarcasm is the delivery of a point or message, which when delivered in the correct tone, bears an underlying message. For example, something false, but in a tone which is obvious to the reader or listener, and thus informing them on the real point.
'Tom, you're going to Munich again,'
'Yes, because that makes a change.'
The tone makes clear the statement is not to be taken in a literal sense, if poorly performed, the sarcasm can be lost.
My English teacher was pleased anyway.

At first I was a bit sceptical, this probably isn't Robert Webb, Sam Bain or Jesse Armstrong, but Ollie was like: 'I BET IT IS!' And Bryony backed him up with something similar, therefore, it must be, HOW AWESOME IS THAT????? - Rhetorical, I already know the answer, VERY awesome.
I bought a poppy earlier, then at lunch found it had escaped my jumper, pretty distressing little moment there. Thankfully though, from Bes's advice I 'retraced my steps' and for once it actually worked! Good old Bes.
'Tom, this is bollocks! What the hell was happening exactly a year ago in your life?' I hear you cry like a distressed backbencher, well, cry no more, for due to my blog's one year anniversary, I can now tell you.
'Ok firstly England lost.'
'I will walk from my home in the Cotswolds to the middle of Ireland.'
'Should I stop talking to my computer...yes definitely.'
'Love life, has that changed at all?...Ha ha as if.'
Wow...I've just gone full circle, how depressing.
P.S: A year ago I had been inspired by the Corrs, still am, how very reassuring.
P.S.S: http://omegle.com/ - Such fun.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Well, I found this funny.
P.S: I said there would be a special post, what did you seriously expect? I'M VERY BUSY.
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