Monday, 3 November 2008

Nintendo and France

Did not get much sleep last night, most of my time was spent reading The Portable Door and pondering such silly questions as the one I am about to give you: the Nintendo Wii, in France do they play on the Nintendo yes...?

I hate Nintendo, there always trying to be so fucking different. The Gamecube, that was just a shitter version of the psone but in a cube shape!!! Oh so now everyone goes and buys one. The Nintendo Ds, just a Gameboy (sexist) with very slightly better graphics and oh look you can poke at the screen with a bloody pen! Wahey I've always wanted to do that...not.
So then you get the Nintendo Wii, at first fine I was taken in by it all...Look I can run round the living room waving a little white thing around and the guy on the screen does the same!!!!! It's just so crap though. All the actions are pre-animated, the graphics are basic to say the least and the controllers are so sensitive its like dealing with a toddler high on sugar demanding more sugar, its hell.


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