Monday, 4 May 2009


I never realised how crappy some of the Corrs stuff actually is. SOME stuff is fine, some stuff makes me want to vomit everywhere, I'm not going to by the way, that's a little bit of an overreaction. At the moment I'm hating 'All the love in the world', I don't have anything against love songs, that's fine, I mean quite a large number of songs have some element of love intertwined, but this is just sickening.

On a more positive note I made the most AMAAAAZING sandwich earlier, really was quite damn great. Erm...What else can I report?? Saw H earlier, bit of a pain as he took over my English revision slot forcing me to move it forward to 8 o'clock. However we did watch a Band of Brothers episode which I suppose is History revision...Kind of...I mean I revised that the Germans were cunning little buggers. GOD ALMIGHTY, far tooooo many of my recent posts contain the word 'revision' what the hell is happening to the world?? I'm completely neglecting my social life, well not neglect, it's turned into more of an unplanned sacrifice, can you ever overdo revision? I wouldn't want stuff like how to walk being pushed out my brain by C4, that would pose a problem.

I watched a scary documentary yesterday, well bits of it, 'Genius kids' or something similar to that title. There was this one 13 year old with an IQ of 170, that's better than Einstein, I really hope those kids go on to cure something or just do something worthwhile with their freakish lives, they better had anyway. If I was in charge, (of the country presumably) I'd lock them all up in a laboratory and simply state to them that they weren't allowed out unless they cured some world disease...Then again they'd probably just combine their geniusness to escape from my poorly built prison. Damn.

WHAT THE HELL AM I WRITING ABOUT?????????????????????????

TOMFACT: Did you know that there is a place called Rome on every continent? Well you do know.

P.S: If anyone wants every audio CD for the Narnia series in a nice little wardrobe style case at a modest price, please let me know. Please. It's just sitting there unloved, come on...Someone, if you want to buy it from my ebay account rest assured that it'll get to you 'nicely packaged'.

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