BELL IS COMING BACK PEOPLE! BELL IS COMING BACK! Am going to buy House dvds tomorrow, from ze Internet. Hmmm....Oh yes! I plan to talk like a toff to everyone I meet for a week. That is all.
P.S: Yeah I said I was going to do a more constructive post, I lied. HYPOCRITICAL.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
I think I've got a problem.
Ok, maybe more than one problem. Recently, I can't listen to a song without taking the lyrics really seriously....
1. 'Runaway' - 'I would runaway with you' - Ok super, that's lovely and everything, but where are we going? Because I'm fine if it's Germany or somewhere European, but what if it's China? What if we're running away to China?!?!?!
2. In 'Spiralling' I can't help but answer out loud the questions posed to me in the song...
Did you wanna be a winner? - Depends what in?
Did you wanna be an icon? - Sort of
Did you wanna be famous? - Not really
Did you wanna be the president? - That would mean I'd have to remove the Monarchy, that would be difficult/pointless.
Did you wanna start a war? - I have done.
Did you wanna have a family? - Nope.
Did you wanna be in love? - Is that even my choice?
3. 'Why does it always rain on me?'
'Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?' - I don't see how that would affect precipitation levels.
'Why does it always rain on me?' -I don't know, stop asking me that, maybe because you're from Glasgow?
4. I don't like song titles which tell me what/what not to do...
'Stop Crying Your Heart Out' - I'm not
'Pretend That You're Alone' - Why??
'Put it behind you' - What? And again WHY TOM CHAPLIN??? WHY?!?!???!
'Would you be happier?' - If what....?
5. And finally... WHAT THE FUCK'S A WONDERWALL?!?
I am aware that quite a few of my blog posts are just lists these days. I apologise. I think I might do a more constructive post later this evening, but for now it's time to draw up contingency plans, write and then download a demo.
1. 'Runaway' - 'I would runaway with you' - Ok super, that's lovely and everything, but where are we going? Because I'm fine if it's Germany or somewhere European, but what if it's China? What if we're running away to China?!?!?!
2. In 'Spiralling' I can't help but answer out loud the questions posed to me in the song...
Did you wanna be a winner? - Depends what in?
Did you wanna be an icon? - Sort of
Did you wanna be famous? - Not really
Did you wanna be the president? - That would mean I'd have to remove the Monarchy, that would be difficult/pointless.
Did you wanna start a war? - I have done.
Did you wanna have a family? - Nope.
Did you wanna be in love? - Is that even my choice?
3. 'Why does it always rain on me?'
'Is it because I lied when I was seventeen?' - I don't see how that would affect precipitation levels.
'Why does it always rain on me?' -I don't know, stop asking me that, maybe because you're from Glasgow?
4. I don't like song titles which tell me what/what not to do...
'Stop Crying Your Heart Out' - I'm not
'Pretend That You're Alone' - Why??
'Put it behind you' - What? And again WHY TOM CHAPLIN??? WHY?!?!???!
'Would you be happier?' - If what....?
5. And finally... WHAT THE FUCK'S A WONDERWALL?!?
I am aware that quite a few of my blog posts are just lists these days. I apologise. I think I might do a more constructive post later this evening, but for now it's time to draw up contingency plans, write and then download a demo.
Monday, 27 July 2009
'Bell to bat at four for England' - that headline almost made my cry, let the country rejoice! Bell is back! I mean fine he hasn't replaced Bopara, only replaced the injured Kevin Pietersen...Who is also our best batsman...4th in the world actually...Shit. BELL IS BACK.
Commander in Chief has absorbed my life, I accidentally got into a war with Iran...Now I can't really get out of it, it's really annoying especially with a fucking general election coming up. I mean why did the Iranians attack Japan? What the hell was that for? I wouldn't have cared if it was China, but the Japanese are cool, they make small shiny things for the western world. Now I'm going to have a moan (like it's something rare):
1. I don't like people who type like their fingers are half the size of the keyboard.
2. I don't like people who use the following ALL THE TIME: :D, :),:P, for fucks sake, I don't care what facial expression you may or may not be donning in reflection to the conversation. I for one only use emoticons when words fail me, that's what they're there for, right?
3. I strongly dislike people who call at my house every day and make me feel guilty when I make up stories about being busy catsitting.
4. I don't like people who criticise my Government. They don't like me either. The feeling is justifiably mutual.
Now I'm going to write until...Dinner.
P.S.S: I really, really, really hope Massa lives and is able to race in F1 again. Worrying times indeed.
Commander in Chief has absorbed my life, I accidentally got into a war with Iran...Now I can't really get out of it, it's really annoying especially with a fucking general election coming up. I mean why did the Iranians attack Japan? What the hell was that for? I wouldn't have cared if it was China, but the Japanese are cool, they make small shiny things for the western world. Now I'm going to have a moan (like it's something rare):
1. I don't like people who type like their fingers are half the size of the keyboard.
2. I don't like people who use the following ALL THE TIME: :D, :),:P, for fucks sake, I don't care what facial expression you may or may not be donning in reflection to the conversation. I for one only use emoticons when words fail me, that's what they're there for, right?
3. I strongly dislike people who call at my house every day and make me feel guilty when I make up stories about being busy catsitting.
4. I don't like people who criticise my Government. They don't like me either. The feeling is justifiably mutual.
Now I'm going to write until...Dinner.
P.S.S: I really, really, really hope Massa lives and is able to race in F1 again. Worrying times indeed.
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Wow! Life is great!!!
I'm not even being sarcastic with my title, life is actually really good at the moment, I'm in a super mood. Let's start with the biggest news, Hampshire won the Friends Provident Trophy final at Lord's, SAFUHASUDIHGASDFSGADYUGSA...That was me being sick with joy. For those who don't know, I support Hampshire, numerous reasons, my Grandad did, they were the first team I ever saw play and they're just awesome. Anyway, they won the FP trophy today, which by the way Simon is roughly the equivalent of the FA cup in Cricket terms. I'm really pleased, the team needed this win to give them a lift of confidence, Hampshire are a top quality side, just keep on coming mid-table in everything, never first, just 5th...Which is good, but not best.
Moving on... I won the Drama prize in Speech Day, which is sort of a good thing. It's pretty annoying in some ways, Speech Day is so unbelievably dull and tiresome and it would be nice to just take the afternoon off like the majority. However, I know when the Drama bunch find out I've won they'll all be pissed off with me, which is cool, I see it as twisted revenge for the torment they made me endure.
Had Sebery round the past couple of days, which has been nice, managed to film some of the sitcom. Bloody hell can that boy talk though, by about four in the morning I was just nodding and repeating 'Oh that's awful' in desperation, a load of Chinooks flew over my house at 3am as well, I was bemused. I can't complain though, we both had a laugh and a little too much alcohol, he even left his cake behind! I've eaten it all now, if he comes back asking for it I'll just claim it doesn't exist and that he's going mad, it worked for his Ace Combat game.
In other news, isn't it funny how quick people can change? Not only real people, even AI people leave me stunned sometimes. I've got a 99% approval rating on Commander In Chief at the moment, 99% of the British population love me, I haven't even done anything major yet, only lowered the voting age to 16, got a load of celebs on my side and reduced the VAT level to 0. I think the killer move was scrapping Wine tax, it made everyone so happy, was quite an emotional moment for me. The weather has also been super today! Played some garden cricket with Campbell and almost melted it was so hot, it's really weird for this country (I say that as if I'm talking to a bunch of foreigners) but it's like someones left a heater on somewhere.
Finally...Printed off some of my book, fairly pleased with it, found a great band: The DuckWorth Lewis Method, EVERYONE should go check them out, the Beatles Rockband game looks so fucking amazing I might just EXPLODE, it's a Rockband game but all BEATLES!?!?!?! JUST HOW AWESOME CAN A GAME GET BEFORE IT BECOMES ILLEGAL??... I shall ask my chief adviser on Commander In Chief, a funny little woman with a huge necklace.
P.S: If Muse do the best instrumentals, Snow Patrol do the best lyrics. Listen to 'How to be dead', it's a song which is essentially a script between the singer and his girlfriend concerning drugs or something, sounds depressing but I just think it's really beautiful...The song that is, not the drugs.
Moving on... I won the Drama prize in Speech Day, which is sort of a good thing. It's pretty annoying in some ways, Speech Day is so unbelievably dull and tiresome and it would be nice to just take the afternoon off like the majority. However, I know when the Drama bunch find out I've won they'll all be pissed off with me, which is cool, I see it as twisted revenge for the torment they made me endure.
Had Sebery round the past couple of days, which has been nice, managed to film some of the sitcom. Bloody hell can that boy talk though, by about four in the morning I was just nodding and repeating 'Oh that's awful' in desperation, a load of Chinooks flew over my house at 3am as well, I was bemused. I can't complain though, we both had a laugh and a little too much alcohol, he even left his cake behind! I've eaten it all now, if he comes back asking for it I'll just claim it doesn't exist and that he's going mad, it worked for his Ace Combat game.
In other news, isn't it funny how quick people can change? Not only real people, even AI people leave me stunned sometimes. I've got a 99% approval rating on Commander In Chief at the moment, 99% of the British population love me, I haven't even done anything major yet, only lowered the voting age to 16, got a load of celebs on my side and reduced the VAT level to 0. I think the killer move was scrapping Wine tax, it made everyone so happy, was quite an emotional moment for me. The weather has also been super today! Played some garden cricket with Campbell and almost melted it was so hot, it's really weird for this country (I say that as if I'm talking to a bunch of foreigners) but it's like someones left a heater on somewhere.
Finally...Printed off some of my book, fairly pleased with it, found a great band: The DuckWorth Lewis Method, EVERYONE should go check them out, the Beatles Rockband game looks so fucking amazing I might just EXPLODE, it's a Rockband game but all BEATLES!?!?!?! JUST HOW AWESOME CAN A GAME GET BEFORE IT BECOMES ILLEGAL??... I shall ask my chief adviser on Commander In Chief, a funny little woman with a huge necklace.
P.S: If Muse do the best instrumentals, Snow Patrol do the best lyrics. Listen to 'How to be dead', it's a song which is essentially a script between the singer and his girlfriend concerning drugs or something, sounds depressing but I just think it's really beautiful...The song that is, not the drugs.
Monday, 20 July 2009
Yeah I heard this on the radio the other day, made me giggle, thought I'd share it. In other news, I finished another of those God awful Georgia Nicolson books, I'd like to point out now, I'm borrowing them from a friend, I would never spend money on those books. Must admit they are quite funny, but if all girls think like that and are so make up/breast size obsessed...I'm scared. Now reading a hilarious book entitled 'How to beat the Australians.'
P.S: I got skyplayer to work!!!! Just watched Flintoff take the wicket of Haddin IN MY ROOM!!!!! HAPPINESS.
P.S.S: I hate you. And you...And probably you.
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams....
Is such an awesome song my brain might actually explode at it's awesomeness. BLIMEY HAS IT ALL BEEN KICKING OFF TODAY!?!?!?!?!? I am living in a teen drama, I am, there are hidden cameras somewhere and I'll find them, you hear that E4!!! I'll find you. Let me explain, England are THRASHING Australia, it's been as difficult as stamping on an ant, something I've always found remarkably easy (apologies for those out there who haven't had the same success as me). Anyway yes, the teen drama stuff, the most inseparable of couples self detonated today in quite dramatic fashion, it reminded me of the scene from Cloverfield when the helicopters are crashing, it actually did. Young love is futile people. In the overwhelming majority of cases it's about as AVOID AT ALL COSTS as infuriating the Chinese military by sending them rogue missiles...Bad times on Commander in Chief there, bad times. Why the hell did I send those missiles? What the fuck was I thinking? Gah...Looking after the country was getting boring I suppose, wanted to spice things up a bit, by the way people I want to be a political adviser when I'm older, ho-hum.
Someone offered to go see Harry Potter with me today, thanks but no thanks. Emma Watson kisses that ginger kid apparently and there's only so much torment I can take.
I did agree to go to this camp out thing though, that should be amazing, I've never camped out anywhere before but I do have a tent, which I bought a couple of years ago because I had money and felt compelled by it's shininess to spend it. Thankfully, it's in sad little Northleach, I can't actually go anywhere since my Dad's car exploded. It did explode. That's not an exaggeration....Ok maybe a bit. Yesterday, I went to the Cirencester, on the way back my Dad's car's exhaust fell off, it was horrible, I almost choked to death. The RAC would take another 2 hours apparently (it ended up more like 3 and a half) it was five miles to Northleach. I walked. There are some things in life you regret, that decision of mine is right up there. It ended up being over 6 miles as I got a little lost in a forest (sounds absurd, it happened) and overshot Northleach. The logical thing to do would have just been to follow the road back home, but I was carrying two Tescos bags full of ice cream and other frozen goods which 'Needed to get home before it melted.' I thought at the time it would be quicker to cut across country and avoid the weird looks. I made it though - just.
Someone offered to go see Harry Potter with me today, thanks but no thanks. Emma Watson kisses that ginger kid apparently and there's only so much torment I can take.
I did agree to go to this camp out thing though, that should be amazing, I've never camped out anywhere before but I do have a tent, which I bought a couple of years ago because I had money and felt compelled by it's shininess to spend it. Thankfully, it's in sad little Northleach, I can't actually go anywhere since my Dad's car exploded. It did explode. That's not an exaggeration....Ok maybe a bit. Yesterday, I went to the Cirencester, on the way back my Dad's car's exhaust fell off, it was horrible, I almost choked to death. The RAC would take another 2 hours apparently (it ended up more like 3 and a half) it was five miles to Northleach. I walked. There are some things in life you regret, that decision of mine is right up there. It ended up being over 6 miles as I got a little lost in a forest (sounds absurd, it happened) and overshot Northleach. The logical thing to do would have just been to follow the road back home, but I was carrying two Tescos bags full of ice cream and other frozen goods which 'Needed to get home before it melted.' I thought at the time it would be quicker to cut across country and avoid the weird looks. I made it though - just.
Friday, 17 July 2009
I was sick today but....
I watched Independence Day yesterday. I feel so bad doing it, but it had to be done, ID fell behind Stranger Than Fiction in my 'Favourite Films' list. I used to love the film so much and I still do...In places. July 2nd is the best day in the film, but the plot is just so flawed it's ridiculous, obviously all these undeniable faults just slipped by when I was 12, but now they just explode out at me like...Well like the giant city wrecking explosions. Firstly, the Alien Fighter thing which Captain Hiller brings down is CONSIDERABLY smaller than it's supposedly identical counterpart in Area 51. Secondly, David uploads a virus made by himself into the Alien mother ship thus bringing down all the relevant ship's shields below. Given the Alien's clearly superbly advanced technology it baffles me how it was broken down by a late 90's made computer virus. Seriously, this is what really gets me, how could one computer virus just knock down everything like that? Reserve shields anyone? Then of course the nuke goes off and destroys the entire mother ship, one atomic bomb just about managed to wipe out the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. With that WW2 fact in mind consider this...It was made clear at the start of the film that from this mother ship 'several dozen' space craft each fifteen miles in width were dispatched, I'm not denying that a nuke would somewhat damage the mother ship, but completely destroy it in the manner shown in the film? Surely not. It is also made clear that each one of the Alien pilot's bodies are covered in a protective suit, yet Hiller manages to just throw one of them a single punch knocking it clean unconscious??? Followed by the extremely corny line of 'Welcome to Earth,' followed by the worst in the whole film: 'Now that's what I call a close encounter.'
I could keep going on the ID front, like how the hell do they manage to keep an explosion sustained for that long? But it's time to move on, it feels wrong criticising my 2nd favourite film. Toooooday I got around to listening to The Pigeon Detectives first album Wait For Me. Errrggg....I just can't decide if it's good or not, it's possibly one of the hardest decisions of my whole life and one I have to make. It's good in the sense that the songs, especially the singles are just so catchy to the point where you find yourself singing them whilst doing the washing up. 'I'm Not Sorry' got so stuck in my head earlier that I just ended up screaming 'GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD!!!' Much to the understandable confusion if not worry of my brother. The bad side to the Pigeon Detectives is that they just sound like a bunch of Football fans who've had decent guitar lessons and been rudely rounded up after watching a 'game' whilst in a slightly drunken state. For example in the song 'Take Her Back' the lead singer (if you can call him that) just shouts...
He’s not sure what he should do
She’s 17 he’s 22
Is that too much of a difference?
To which I just found myself yelling back: 'Yes it is!' This is the thing though, the clue is in the band's name really, 'The Pigeon Detectives' Pigeons don't exactly inspire me, yet like the band's songs they just get everywhere and I'd probably miss them secretly if they were hunted to extinction.
On a more positive note: I LOVE SNOW PATROL'S FINAL STRAW ALBUM!!!! And I'm starting to like Green Day, what the hell is happening to me? Don't answer that please. Qucik note on the second Ashes match, England did so well today I almost fainted.
I could keep going on the ID front, like how the hell do they manage to keep an explosion sustained for that long? But it's time to move on, it feels wrong criticising my 2nd favourite film. Toooooday I got around to listening to The Pigeon Detectives first album Wait For Me. Errrggg....I just can't decide if it's good or not, it's possibly one of the hardest decisions of my whole life and one I have to make. It's good in the sense that the songs, especially the singles are just so catchy to the point where you find yourself singing them whilst doing the washing up. 'I'm Not Sorry' got so stuck in my head earlier that I just ended up screaming 'GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD!!!' Much to the understandable confusion if not worry of my brother. The bad side to the Pigeon Detectives is that they just sound like a bunch of Football fans who've had decent guitar lessons and been rudely rounded up after watching a 'game' whilst in a slightly drunken state. For example in the song 'Take Her Back' the lead singer (if you can call him that) just shouts...
He’s not sure what he should do
She’s 17 he’s 22
Is that too much of a difference?
To which I just found myself yelling back: 'Yes it is!' This is the thing though, the clue is in the band's name really, 'The Pigeon Detectives' Pigeons don't exactly inspire me, yet like the band's songs they just get everywhere and I'd probably miss them secretly if they were hunted to extinction.
On a more positive note: I LOVE SNOW PATROL'S FINAL STRAW ALBUM!!!! And I'm starting to like Green Day, what the hell is happening to me? Don't answer that please. Qucik note on the second Ashes match, England did so well today I almost fainted.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Bloooody hell. Why doesn't the Yahoo toolbar fucking work?? Look at this...

1 mail?? I think not. Either the Yahoo toolbar is stuck in the past/future or it's just broken, I hate toolbars.
I shouldn't be here right now, I should be back at my proper HOME...GAHHHH!!!! I could fix my grandparent's roof, but I'm not to be trusted apparently. That's just a crap excuse, nobody trusts me with anything, I literally have to be in the company of an adult when it comes to making me some toast. Doesn't bother me, not a big toast fan. I DON'T HAVE ONE NEW MAIL!!! LEAVE ME ALONE TOOLBAR!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Oh bugger. I think I just accidentally sent an email to someone in my keyboard mashing fit. Damn, damn damn...Ah she won't mind...Probably...I dunno getting a blank email would be pretty creepy, especially from someone you haven't spoken to properly for about a year. I'll just blame the cat. When I say 'spoken to properly', well firstly that doesn't make much grammatical sense, but I don't mean that we speak regularly and I just garble random words at her, though that has happened, she's just part of the whole 'Non meaningful conversationalist' club.
Lot's of people post lyrics on their blogs, well check out this NONSENSE! Literally one of the best songs ever made, twisted, insane and undeniably scary...
Idioteque - Radiohead:
Who's in a bunker?
Who's in a bunker?
Women and children first
And the children first
And the children
I'll laugh until my head comes off
I'll swallow till I burst
Until I burst
Ice age coming
Ice age coming
Throw them in the fire
Throw them in the fire
Throw them in the...
Just sort of goes on like that for a while. I love Radiohead, so creepy and messed up yet beautiful, like China. Oh yes people! This kid's finally lost it, in reference to the title, didn't sleep last night and went on a three mile walk earlier. It was good, I decided on so much, sometimes it's good to just walk aimlessly. NOW I'M HYPED, which has it's pros and cons, I'll have to live out another day off coffee (that being a con), a pro being I can just...BE HYPED.
P.S.S: You may need to click on the picture (thus giving you a larger view) to see what I'm harking on about.
P.S.S.S: How have I not mentioned Flintoff? Our best player retiring after this summer..and I thought this team was screwed up enough.

1 mail?? I think not. Either the Yahoo toolbar is stuck in the past/future or it's just broken, I hate toolbars.
I shouldn't be here right now, I should be back at my proper HOME...GAHHHH!!!! I could fix my grandparent's roof, but I'm not to be trusted apparently. That's just a crap excuse, nobody trusts me with anything, I literally have to be in the company of an adult when it comes to making me some toast. Doesn't bother me, not a big toast fan. I DON'T HAVE ONE NEW MAIL!!! LEAVE ME ALONE TOOLBAR!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Oh bugger. I think I just accidentally sent an email to someone in my keyboard mashing fit. Damn, damn damn...Ah she won't mind...Probably...I dunno getting a blank email would be pretty creepy, especially from someone you haven't spoken to properly for about a year. I'll just blame the cat. When I say 'spoken to properly', well firstly that doesn't make much grammatical sense, but I don't mean that we speak regularly and I just garble random words at her, though that has happened, she's just part of the whole 'Non meaningful conversationalist' club.
Lot's of people post lyrics on their blogs, well check out this NONSENSE! Literally one of the best songs ever made, twisted, insane and undeniably scary...
Idioteque - Radiohead:
Who's in a bunker?
Who's in a bunker?
Women and children first
And the children first
And the children
I'll laugh until my head comes off
I'll swallow till I burst
Until I burst
Ice age coming
Ice age coming
Throw them in the fire
Throw them in the fire
Throw them in the...
Just sort of goes on like that for a while. I love Radiohead, so creepy and messed up yet beautiful, like China. Oh yes people! This kid's finally lost it, in reference to the title, didn't sleep last night and went on a three mile walk earlier. It was good, I decided on so much, sometimes it's good to just walk aimlessly. NOW I'M HYPED, which has it's pros and cons, I'll have to live out another day off coffee (that being a con), a pro being I can just...BE HYPED.
P.S.S: You may need to click on the picture (thus giving you a larger view) to see what I'm harking on about.
P.S.S.S: How have I not mentioned Flintoff? Our best player retiring after this summer..and I thought this team was screwed up enough.
Sunday, 12 July 2009
If anyone made it to the end of that last post, please don't get me sectioned, please don't, I've got things to do. Well that's a lie, my to-do list is dwindling somewhat.
1.Be happy
2. Write
3. No...I mean it, WRITE your sodding book.
And my life is pretty much hell bent on following that list to the letter. I keep on seeing House being advertised on Sky so decided to be a little bit illegal and watch a couple of episodes from the first series the other day. It is AMAZING. For those who don't know, it's about this doctor and his team of staff who deal with illnesses which are to say the least: out of the ordinary. House the lead character is played by Hugh Laurie, his acting is phenomenal, especially considering he acts the whole thing in an extremely convincing American accent. It's the character himself though which makes the show brilliant to watch, House is literally the most sarcastic, cynical and downright twisted character I've ever come across, I actually have more sympathy towards Darth Vader than House. His sarcastic comments on pretty much everything happening around him are just so amusing though
Nothing else to say...Going to watch Independence Day and then England's dismal slide into unavoidable defeat.
1.Be happy
2. Write
3. No...I mean it, WRITE your sodding book.
And my life is pretty much hell bent on following that list to the letter. I keep on seeing House being advertised on Sky so decided to be a little bit illegal and watch a couple of episodes from the first series the other day. It is AMAZING. For those who don't know, it's about this doctor and his team of staff who deal with illnesses which are to say the least: out of the ordinary. House the lead character is played by Hugh Laurie, his acting is phenomenal, especially considering he acts the whole thing in an extremely convincing American accent. It's the character himself though which makes the show brilliant to watch, House is literally the most sarcastic, cynical and downright twisted character I've ever come across, I actually have more sympathy towards Darth Vader than House. His sarcastic comments on pretty much everything happening around him are just so amusing though
Nothing else to say...Going to watch Independence Day and then England's dismal slide into unavoidable defeat.
My faith in MSN has been restored.
This has nothing to do with cricket. England are rubbish. Next. Literally one of the best conversations I've ever had with quite possibly my best friend, read and be enteratined.
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
shit tom this is fucking serious
Ollie Beaney says:
youtube is DOWN!!!!
Ollie Beaney says:
you there?
Ollie Beaney says:
ok, it's back now
Tom says:
Sorry I was having lunch
Ollie Beaney says:
no worries
Tom says:
How long was it this time?
Ollie Beaney says:
about half an hour
Tom says:
Tom says:
I'm sorry, I should have been here
Ollie Beaney says:
it's ok
Ollie Beaney says:
we took many, many casualties
Tom says:
Morale is low
Tom says:
We need something to happen
Ollie Beaney says:
we must keep up a strong defensive
Tom says:
I think I might have to write a letter
Ollie Beaney says:
or the nazis could come in
Tom says:
Hold the line, you did a good job back there, the men appreciate it
Ollie Beaney says:
I have seen such pain
Ollie Beaney says:
the screams will haunt me
Tom says:
You've got to stay strong Ollie
Tom says:
For the country, for your family
Ollie Beaney says:
one of them just wanted to see a kitten trying to stand up!
Ollie Beaney says:
Tom says:
Oh God...
Ollie Beaney says:
Tom says:
Ollie Beaney says:
We are currently performing site maintenance. Please be patient - we'll be back shortly.
Ollie Beaney says:
jesus christ, we're surrounded
Tom says:
This is Youtube agian right?
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
oh god
Ollie Beaney says:
what if the nazis have taken youtube
Tom says:
They've broken through
Tom says:
What do we have in reserve????
Tom says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Tom says:
It's too late for that
Tom says:
For fucks sake, get out of there, theres nothing more you can do
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
we must stay and fight
Tom says:
It's useless
Ollie Beaney says:
when the enemies forces come over the mountain and down through the valley
Ollie Beaney says:
we must stay
Ollie Beaney says:
and fight
Ollie Beaney says:
never surrender
Ollie Beaney says:
never compromise
Ollie Beaney says:
even in the face of armageddon
Tom says:
No...You're right
Ollie Beaney says:
stay with me
Ollie Beaney says:
and man the harpoons
Tom says:
We've gone through too much to just fall back
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
we will stay
Ollie Beaney says:
and fight!
Ollie Beaney says:
to the death!
Tom says:
to the death
Ollie Beaney says:
i can see them!
Ollie Beaney says:
they're coming!
Ollie Beaney says:
oh god
Ollie Beaney says:
there's thousands!
Ollie Beaney says:
OPEN FIAH!!!!!!!
Tom says:
we can buy the women and children time
Tom says:
give them hell
Ollie Beaney says:
*fires harpoons*
Tom says:
*wonders if we could be using something more effective than harpoons*
Ollie Beaney says:
jesus christ
Tom says:
*shrugs and fires anyway*
Ollie Beaney says:
they just keep coming
Tom says:
We cant keep this up...
Ollie Beaney says:
we must try
Ollie Beaney says:
they're gaining ground!
Ollie Beaney says:
i think...
Tom says:
where the hell are they all coming from?????
Ollie Beaney says:
we may have to use...
Ollie Beaney says:
the final option
Ollie Beaney says:
Tom says:
Ollie Beaney says:
destroy the land, destroy ourselves, but stopping them
Ollie Beaney says:
we cant keep them away
Tom says:
Surely not?
Tom says:
How many harpoons have we got left?
Ollie Beaney says:
they just keep marching forwards
Ollie Beaney says:
less than 9000
Ollie Beaney says:
they're gaining ground fast!
Tom says:
We only use the cannon when we're out of harpoons
Tom says:
that was the agreement
Ollie Beaney says:
sir! we have to use the cannon now!
Tom says:
Ollie Beaney says:
they will have gotten past our defences by the time we have run out of harpoons!
Tom says:
I will not risk our supply of rice!
Tom says:
Are you sure there is no other way?
Ollie Beaney says:
just think about all this time we've spent talking and not firing the harpoons
Tom says:
oh god
Ollie Beaney says:
they're at the river!
Ollie Beaney says:
they're just going straight through it
Tom says:
Alright...Complete me a risk assesment on the enemy forces
Ollie Beaney says:
sir, give me authority to fire the cannon
Tom says:
Then...Use the canoon
Tom says:
Ollie Beaney says:
I shall radio through now
Tom says:
Good job
Ollie Beaney says:
*Begin radio transmission*
enemy forces took youtube by force, they came down through googe valley and accross freedom of speech planes. We have tried to hold them off at the edge of eCommerce mountains, the only known path through to MSN city, but we are fast running out of harpoons. They are gaining ground fast and just crossed the bittorrent river.
Ollie Beaney says:
To stop the advance of the e-nazis, we are going to use the Low Orbit Ion Cannon. It shall destroy our great nation, and everyone in it. But it will anihalate their forces also
Ollie Beaney says:
It has been an honour
Ollie Beaney says:
*end transmission*
Ollie Beaney says:
ok, transmission sent
Tom says:
Look...Just wait
Tom says:
Do you remember what impact this will have on IE?
Ollie Beaney says:
starting cannon firing preperation procedure
Ollie Beaney says:
I know, IE will be wiped off the map
Tom says:
And firefox?
Ollie Beaney says:
but if the e-nazis take over IE, then there will be nothing left to protect Firefox or opera
Ollie Beaney says:
they have already conqured google chrome!
Tom says:
IE will have to be a sarcrifce,
Ollie Beaney says:
it must be done
Tom says:
It will buy us time
Tom says:
Firefox must not fall
Ollie Beaney says:
it will wipe us off the map, but save the others
Tom says:
I'm going to change server now
Tom says:
Go ahead
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
i need you to be here with me
Ollie Beaney says:
we fought this togeather!
Ollie Beaney says:
dont leave now!
Tom says:
I can't...I need to get out
Tom says:
I'm sorry
Tom says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
the cannon is charged
Ollie Beaney says:
i suggest you change now sir
Ollie Beaney says:
i shall stay here and fire the cannon
Ollie Beaney says:
and..... perish
Tom says:
I've left IE
Tom says:
Do it!
Ollie Beaney says:
*presses button*
Ollie Beaney says:
look! in the sky!
Ollie Beaney says:
you can see it building mass
Ollie Beaney says:
oh god, the noise is horrible
Ollie Beaney says:
i can feel the heat building
Ollie Beaney says:
here it comes
Tom says:
Get your head down! For God's sake
Tom says:
Don't look at the light
Ollie Beaney says:
oh god....
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Tom says:
Ollie Beaney says:
oh arhalufihl oufglIQUGF
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
shit tom this is fucking serious
Ollie Beaney says:
youtube is DOWN!!!!
Ollie Beaney says:
you there?
Ollie Beaney says:
ok, it's back now
Tom says:
Sorry I was having lunch
Ollie Beaney says:
no worries
Tom says:
How long was it this time?
Ollie Beaney says:
about half an hour
Tom says:
Tom says:
I'm sorry, I should have been here
Ollie Beaney says:
it's ok
Ollie Beaney says:
we took many, many casualties
Tom says:
Morale is low
Tom says:
We need something to happen
Ollie Beaney says:
we must keep up a strong defensive
Tom says:
I think I might have to write a letter
Ollie Beaney says:
or the nazis could come in
Tom says:
Hold the line, you did a good job back there, the men appreciate it
Ollie Beaney says:
I have seen such pain
Ollie Beaney says:
the screams will haunt me
Tom says:
You've got to stay strong Ollie
Tom says:
For the country, for your family
Ollie Beaney says:
one of them just wanted to see a kitten trying to stand up!
Ollie Beaney says:
Tom says:
Oh God...
Ollie Beaney says:
Tom says:
Ollie Beaney says:
We are currently performing site maintenance. Please be patient - we'll be back shortly.
Ollie Beaney says:
jesus christ, we're surrounded
Tom says:
This is Youtube agian right?
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
oh god
Ollie Beaney says:
what if the nazis have taken youtube
Tom says:
They've broken through
Tom says:
What do we have in reserve????
Tom says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Tom says:
It's too late for that
Tom says:
For fucks sake, get out of there, theres nothing more you can do
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
we must stay and fight
Tom says:
It's useless
Ollie Beaney says:
when the enemies forces come over the mountain and down through the valley
Ollie Beaney says:
we must stay
Ollie Beaney says:
and fight
Ollie Beaney says:
never surrender
Ollie Beaney says:
never compromise
Ollie Beaney says:
even in the face of armageddon
Tom says:
No...You're right
Ollie Beaney says:
stay with me
Ollie Beaney says:
and man the harpoons
Tom says:
We've gone through too much to just fall back
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
we will stay
Ollie Beaney says:
and fight!
Ollie Beaney says:
to the death!
Tom says:
to the death
Ollie Beaney says:
i can see them!
Ollie Beaney says:
they're coming!
Ollie Beaney says:
oh god
Ollie Beaney says:
there's thousands!
Ollie Beaney says:
OPEN FIAH!!!!!!!
Tom says:
we can buy the women and children time
Tom says:
give them hell
Ollie Beaney says:
*fires harpoons*
Tom says:
*wonders if we could be using something more effective than harpoons*
Ollie Beaney says:
jesus christ
Tom says:
*shrugs and fires anyway*
Ollie Beaney says:
they just keep coming
Tom says:
We cant keep this up...
Ollie Beaney says:
we must try
Ollie Beaney says:
they're gaining ground!
Ollie Beaney says:
i think...
Tom says:
where the hell are they all coming from?????
Ollie Beaney says:
we may have to use...
Ollie Beaney says:
the final option
Ollie Beaney says:
Tom says:
Ollie Beaney says:
destroy the land, destroy ourselves, but stopping them
Ollie Beaney says:
we cant keep them away
Tom says:
Surely not?
Tom says:
How many harpoons have we got left?
Ollie Beaney says:
they just keep marching forwards
Ollie Beaney says:
less than 9000
Ollie Beaney says:
they're gaining ground fast!
Tom says:
We only use the cannon when we're out of harpoons
Tom says:
that was the agreement
Ollie Beaney says:
sir! we have to use the cannon now!
Tom says:
Ollie Beaney says:
they will have gotten past our defences by the time we have run out of harpoons!
Tom says:
I will not risk our supply of rice!
Tom says:
Are you sure there is no other way?
Ollie Beaney says:
just think about all this time we've spent talking and not firing the harpoons
Tom says:
oh god
Ollie Beaney says:
they're at the river!
Ollie Beaney says:
they're just going straight through it
Tom says:
Alright...Complete me a risk assesment on the enemy forces
Ollie Beaney says:
sir, give me authority to fire the cannon
Tom says:
Then...Use the canoon
Tom says:
Ollie Beaney says:
I shall radio through now
Tom says:
Good job
Ollie Beaney says:
*Begin radio transmission*
enemy forces took youtube by force, they came down through googe valley and accross freedom of speech planes. We have tried to hold them off at the edge of eCommerce mountains, the only known path through to MSN city, but we are fast running out of harpoons. They are gaining ground fast and just crossed the bittorrent river.
Ollie Beaney says:
To stop the advance of the e-nazis, we are going to use the Low Orbit Ion Cannon. It shall destroy our great nation, and everyone in it. But it will anihalate their forces also
Ollie Beaney says:
It has been an honour
Ollie Beaney says:
*end transmission*
Ollie Beaney says:
ok, transmission sent
Tom says:
Look...Just wait
Tom says:
Do you remember what impact this will have on IE?
Ollie Beaney says:
starting cannon firing preperation procedure
Ollie Beaney says:
I know, IE will be wiped off the map
Tom says:
And firefox?
Ollie Beaney says:
but if the e-nazis take over IE, then there will be nothing left to protect Firefox or opera
Ollie Beaney says:
they have already conqured google chrome!
Tom says:
IE will have to be a sarcrifce,
Ollie Beaney says:
it must be done
Tom says:
It will buy us time
Tom says:
Firefox must not fall
Ollie Beaney says:
it will wipe us off the map, but save the others
Tom says:
I'm going to change server now
Tom says:
Go ahead
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
i need you to be here with me
Ollie Beaney says:
we fought this togeather!
Ollie Beaney says:
dont leave now!
Tom says:
I can't...I need to get out
Tom says:
I'm sorry
Tom says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
the cannon is charged
Ollie Beaney says:
i suggest you change now sir
Ollie Beaney says:
i shall stay here and fire the cannon
Ollie Beaney says:
and..... perish
Tom says:
I've left IE
Tom says:
Do it!
Ollie Beaney says:
*presses button*
Ollie Beaney says:
look! in the sky!
Ollie Beaney says:
you can see it building mass
Ollie Beaney says:
oh god, the noise is horrible
Ollie Beaney says:
i can feel the heat building
Ollie Beaney says:
here it comes
Tom says:
Get your head down! For God's sake
Tom says:
Don't look at the light
Ollie Beaney says:
oh god....
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Ollie Beaney says:
Tom says:
Ollie Beaney says:
oh arhalufihl oufglIQUGF
Thursday, 9 July 2009
I'm going to have to kill myself...
For a variety of reasons, not going to publish all of them on the Internet, but there are indeed many reasons behind my way of thinking. One I am comfortable talking about is simply because the sign on my wall is telling me to kill myself. Ok, England haven't actually lost yet, but it's the end of day 2 of the first game, Australia: 200 and something for 1. The only loss being of Phil Hughes, like that's a surprise, ahhh our inept bowling attack frustrates me ridiculously. I told the national selector and even Giles Clarke the head of the ECB in an email to them earlier that I am up for selection, I can make it to Cardiff before things become an absolute crisis, can bowl something which vaguely resembles an off cutter ...And once took a diving catch. It's England's loss, not mine. Ultimately though I blame this sodding pitch the Welsh have made, Christ it's turning at right angles for Nathan Hauritz???? What sort of insane cricket pitch making practices do they conduct down in the valleys?
Have had a lovely day today, saw a good friend earlier which was nice, apart from on the way back home, where I was actually attacked by a paedofile. Ok he didn't really attack me, just wondered if I wanted a lift to Northleach, I didn't, I like walking. ANOTHER 'friend' of mine has seriously pissed me off though, third time in 2 months he's cancelled meeting me for girlfriend related reasons, grrrrrrr. I'm actually growling.
Now to find train tickets to Cardiff...
Have had a lovely day today, saw a good friend earlier which was nice, apart from on the way back home, where I was actually attacked by a paedofile. Ok he didn't really attack me, just wondered if I wanted a lift to Northleach, I didn't, I like walking. ANOTHER 'friend' of mine has seriously pissed me off though, third time in 2 months he's cancelled meeting me for girlfriend related reasons, grrrrrrr. I'm actually growling.
Now to find train tickets to Cardiff...
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Everything is going to be fine.
In these testing times of both international and national pressure applied to England's representatives of the sport of Cricket I feel that I, a fan and spectator, most contribute in some way. Show my support. Spur the team on.
I made this banner:

I can't actually bothered to write about the Ashes 2005. It was amazing, even my mother was found to be watching it through sheer excitement, everyone should see it. I saw the 5 disk Ashes box set in HMV the other day for £3.99 as a special offer, that's an insane price, I bought mine for £30!!!
I like this video, I don't understand why the musics so depressing though, perhaps it was made from an Australian perspective? I think it's Evanscene...Someone confirm that for me please.
Very annoyingly, Brett Lee is injured. I wouldn't even have cared that much if he had taken a hat full of English wickets, he's an inspirational bowler and a joy to watch. Lets hope he's ready for Lord's.
Gosh I can't believe it's tomorrow!!!! Err...Must distract myself from overpowering depression and the thought of the Ashes, SIMS 3.
P.S: My banner looks a little bit like the work of a drunk. I was.
I made this banner:
I can't actually bothered to write about the Ashes 2005. It was amazing, even my mother was found to be watching it through sheer excitement, everyone should see it. I saw the 5 disk Ashes box set in HMV the other day for £3.99 as a special offer, that's an insane price, I bought mine for £30!!!
I like this video, I don't understand why the musics so depressing though, perhaps it was made from an Australian perspective? I think it's Evanscene...Someone confirm that for me please.
Very annoyingly, Brett Lee is injured. I wouldn't even have cared that much if he had taken a hat full of English wickets, he's an inspirational bowler and a joy to watch. Lets hope he's ready for Lord's.
Gosh I can't believe it's tomorrow!!!! Err...Must distract myself from overpowering depression and the thought of the Ashes, SIMS 3.
P.S: My banner looks a little bit like the work of a drunk. I was.
Monday, 6 July 2009
I think I said I was going to do an Ashes 2005 review today, I'll do that tomorrow, for now I'm going to have a look over both the Australian and English squads. I will deliberately ignore the players who haven't been picked and should have been (HARMISON) because that's just pointless now, we must make do with what we have.
Phil Hughes - I don't really know much about this guy, but he looks like he has the potential to be pretty damn scary. That being said HARMISON bounced him out twice in the warm up game, clearly has a problem with the short ball but clearly doesn't considering he was brought up on Australian wickets, an interesting one to watch.
Simon Katich - Australia's best opening batsman. Compared to 2005 where he just looked hopeless to the swinging ball, since Langer's retirement he's definitely stepped up a level a level which is genuinely terrifying.
Ricky Ponting - HELP.
Michael Clarke - This will be hard one to get out, no doubt about that, has an annoyingly successful record against England, sort of the exciting flourishing young New South Welsh man before the wall of Hussey.
Michael Hussey - HELP.
Marcus North - Hahahahahhahahahhahaha.
Bradd Haddin - A fair enough replacement of the world's best Wicket Keeper, but nothing special.
Mitchell Johnson - If he gets it right - HELP.
Brett Lee - Really hope he isn't injured, really want to see him play, fantastic bowler to watch.
Peter Siddle/Stuart Clark - Both pretty useless.
Nathan Hauritz - I'm told he's a spin bowler...I don't think he is...Nah he's not a spin bowler.
Andrew Strauss - Will not survive.
Alastair Cook - Just about survive.
Ravi Bopara - 50/50.
Kevin Pietersen - A survivor.
Paul Collingwood - A survivor. - GOSH LOOK AT OUR MIDDLE ORDER.
Andrew Flintoff - A survivor.
Matt Prior - 50/50.
Stuart Broad - Not a chance.
Graham Swann - 50/50.
Graham Onions - I can just see him getting hit all around the field for boundaries, falling to his knees and mumbling to Strauss the captain 'Go on without me...'
James Anderson - Just about survive.
Yeah...I think Australia MIGHT just have this one.
Enough cricket. Today has been quite a good day so far, I watched Cloverfield earlier which gets better every time, I now understand their complicated relationship set up!!!! Rob and Beth were together but then this guy called Travis (lol) came along and 'stole' her, Rob hasn't been very happy since, buuuut they slept with each other a week or so before this party, Jason is with Lilly...Until he dies. WAHEY! I got there. Erg...La Roux are on the radio, why is that woman screaming at me??? She has such a tinny voice, it upsets me. Now I must deliver several well executed 'excuses' to one of my closest friends...This should be fun.
Phil Hughes - I don't really know much about this guy, but he looks like he has the potential to be pretty damn scary. That being said HARMISON bounced him out twice in the warm up game, clearly has a problem with the short ball but clearly doesn't considering he was brought up on Australian wickets, an interesting one to watch.
Simon Katich - Australia's best opening batsman. Compared to 2005 where he just looked hopeless to the swinging ball, since Langer's retirement he's definitely stepped up a level a level which is genuinely terrifying.
Ricky Ponting - HELP.
Michael Clarke - This will be hard one to get out, no doubt about that, has an annoyingly successful record against England, sort of the exciting flourishing young New South Welsh man before the wall of Hussey.
Michael Hussey - HELP.
Marcus North - Hahahahahhahahahhahaha.
Bradd Haddin - A fair enough replacement of the world's best Wicket Keeper, but nothing special.
Mitchell Johnson - If he gets it right - HELP.
Brett Lee - Really hope he isn't injured, really want to see him play, fantastic bowler to watch.
Peter Siddle/Stuart Clark - Both pretty useless.
Nathan Hauritz - I'm told he's a spin bowler...I don't think he is...Nah he's not a spin bowler.
Andrew Strauss - Will not survive.
Alastair Cook - Just about survive.
Ravi Bopara - 50/50.
Kevin Pietersen - A survivor.
Paul Collingwood - A survivor. - GOSH LOOK AT OUR MIDDLE ORDER.
Andrew Flintoff - A survivor.
Matt Prior - 50/50.
Stuart Broad - Not a chance.
Graham Swann - 50/50.
Graham Onions - I can just see him getting hit all around the field for boundaries, falling to his knees and mumbling to Strauss the captain 'Go on without me...'
James Anderson - Just about survive.
Yeah...I think Australia MIGHT just have this one.
Enough cricket. Today has been quite a good day so far, I watched Cloverfield earlier which gets better every time, I now understand their complicated relationship set up!!!! Rob and Beth were together but then this guy called Travis (lol) came along and 'stole' her, Rob hasn't been very happy since, buuuut they slept with each other a week or so before this party, Jason is with Lilly...Until he dies. WAHEY! I got there. Erg...La Roux are on the radio, why is that woman screaming at me??? She has such a tinny voice, it upsets me. Now I must deliver several well executed 'excuses' to one of my closest friends...This should be fun.
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Sims 3 and the Ashes 2006/07.
I was forced to leave my house yesterday, was not best pleased. A friend I know was having an emotional trauma or something, nobody else was around so it was left to me to comfort her, all I really did was nod a lot and say 'Shit that's awful,' but hey it got me the Sims 3 and I get the small satisfaction that I was apparently helpful!!!!! Sims 3 doesn't work on her computer, so it's mine and it just about performs. The game play itself runs pretty smoothly, I mean it's not perfect and the game likes to have a minor fit whenever the Sim version of myself meets someone new but I only see this as an accurate reflection of real life, congratulations EA. Loading times are ridiculous however, it takes about fifteen minutes to load, 15 MINUTES, I could actually hunt a rabbit and skin the thing in that time. The game itself though is pretty impressive, more meaningful than Sims 2 where you realised after 2 weeks you were spending so many hours of your free time telling this guy to take a shower yet Sims 3 still boasts charm and sophistication. No longer do you have to call a really fat taxi if you want to go anywhere, simply leave your house and wonder around the 'neighbourhood', hell I even got Sim Tom to walk to a stadium and watch a football match, he enjoyed it...apparently. The personality aspect has been greatly modified now, you can chose from literally hundreds of different personality traits, ranging from evil to clumsy to book worm. It's just better.
Geoff Miller didn't listen to my words or warning last post, he picked Onions, what a fool. OK I said I'd review the Ashes 2006/07 in Australia today. I remember we bought Sky simply for the Ashes that winter under the basis that given the amazing series beforehand we couldn't miss this, well we were wrong...Firstly I did miss most of it, I tried staying up all night, I really did, I just don't have it in me. There isn't much to review, we should have beaten Australia in the second test if it wasn't for Giles dropping catches everywhere, but it really just boils down to the fact they had the best cricket team the world has ever known, we had a mostly injured second rate outfit. No really, they did have the best team the world has ever known, the greatest leg spinner Shane Warne, greatest wicket keeper Adam Gilchrist, greatest seam bowler Glen McGrath, greatest opening partnership Hayden and Langer, it just clicked for them. A bit like the 20's everyone just sort of forgot about World War One, it didn't happen, it was too awful, never forget people, never forget.
I know I use a lot of videos in my blog, but the above really does just sum everything up. 'When you try your best but you don't succeed' - sigh.
Damn...I love cricket too much, I have to become a cricket journalist at some point in my life, I already have established contacts in that area, it has to happen. I'm going to be really angry towards the Australians for a while to come this year, I like them really, they have a beautiful country and it would be a dream to live there for my gap year or something? Sounds like a plan...
Geoff Miller didn't listen to my words or warning last post, he picked Onions, what a fool. OK I said I'd review the Ashes 2006/07 in Australia today. I remember we bought Sky simply for the Ashes that winter under the basis that given the amazing series beforehand we couldn't miss this, well we were wrong...Firstly I did miss most of it, I tried staying up all night, I really did, I just don't have it in me. There isn't much to review, we should have beaten Australia in the second test if it wasn't for Giles dropping catches everywhere, but it really just boils down to the fact they had the best cricket team the world has ever known, we had a mostly injured second rate outfit. No really, they did have the best team the world has ever known, the greatest leg spinner Shane Warne, greatest wicket keeper Adam Gilchrist, greatest seam bowler Glen McGrath, greatest opening partnership Hayden and Langer, it just clicked for them. A bit like the 20's everyone just sort of forgot about World War One, it didn't happen, it was too awful, never forget people, never forget.
I know I use a lot of videos in my blog, but the above really does just sum everything up. 'When you try your best but you don't succeed' - sigh.
Damn...I love cricket too much, I have to become a cricket journalist at some point in my life, I already have established contacts in that area, it has to happen. I'm going to be really angry towards the Australians for a while to come this year, I like them really, they have a beautiful country and it would be a dream to live there for my gap year or something? Sounds like a plan...
Saturday, 4 July 2009
4 days to go...
Until the most exciting event of my life...? No probably not my life, that's a little bit too far. However, I like every England and Australian cricket fan have been waiting for Wednesday since 2005.
For all those silly people out there I'll VERY briefly explain the Ashes, I really can't be bothered to go into detail, Wiki it if you care that much.
1. England lost to Australia in...1882 I think, the press hailed this as the death of English cricket, someone burnt the stumps and placed the ASHES in a small urn.
2. Every four years England and play Australia play each other to win these ASHES.
3. It's 5 matches, so best out of 5 wins.
4. A 5 match tournament is played in England, then next year one of equal length will be played in Australia just to be fair.
5. It's important because of it's history and national pride related matters
6. Well known to be an intensely fought contest.
That being said, England lost the last series in Australia 5-0, before that we won in 2005 2-1 though, WOW MCWOW.
Anyway, tomorrow I shall review the last series in Australia amongst other things. Monday, review the 2005 series. Tuesday the players. Before I leave the world of English-Australian rivalry, if you're reading this Geoff Miller head of selectors, firstly I think you're a tosser, secondly PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DONT PICK ONIONS!!!! He's another bowler with a silly name and Harmison is just better, forget Brisbane, we all make mistakes, sure he bowled the widest ball ever recorded but you know...It was hot that day.
Come to think about it I don't actually have anything else to write. Still haven't left the house, still haven't seen anyone for the 6th day running now, still not MENTAL!
P.S: I do find Flintoff's eye twich rather amusing.
P.S.S: I think this might be quite a poorly written post but I don't have the time to edit these things.
P.S.S.: Must finsih my Valkyrie video review!
For all those silly people out there I'll VERY briefly explain the Ashes, I really can't be bothered to go into detail, Wiki it if you care that much.
1. England lost to Australia in...1882 I think, the press hailed this as the death of English cricket, someone burnt the stumps and placed the ASHES in a small urn.
2. Every four years England and play Australia play each other to win these ASHES.
3. It's 5 matches, so best out of 5 wins.
4. A 5 match tournament is played in England, then next year one of equal length will be played in Australia just to be fair.
5. It's important because of it's history and national pride related matters
6. Well known to be an intensely fought contest.
That being said, England lost the last series in Australia 5-0, before that we won in 2005 2-1 though, WOW MCWOW.
Anyway, tomorrow I shall review the last series in Australia amongst other things. Monday, review the 2005 series. Tuesday the players. Before I leave the world of English-Australian rivalry, if you're reading this Geoff Miller head of selectors, firstly I think you're a tosser, secondly PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DONT PICK ONIONS!!!! He's another bowler with a silly name and Harmison is just better, forget Brisbane, we all make mistakes, sure he bowled the widest ball ever recorded but you know...It was hot that day.
Come to think about it I don't actually have anything else to write. Still haven't left the house, still haven't seen anyone for the 6th day running now, still not MENTAL!
P.S: I do find Flintoff's eye twich rather amusing.
P.S.S: I think this might be quite a poorly written post but I don't have the time to edit these things.
P.S.S.: Must finsih my Valkyrie video review!
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
I hate crane flies.
Sorry, I just think it sounds silly saying 'daddy long legs', no...That's ridiculous, who the hell came up with that? I have not taken one step outside since...Well since the induction days, yet there are thousands of these things flying around my fucking face, I don't appreciate it. I say I haven't been outside in two days, nor have I spoken to anyone but my Mother/Brother face to face, I believe this is a good thing though...I'm now of the opinion that it is easier for me to stay mute, I am a social freak, must remain in my compound.
I am aware that this isolation from the world might eventually drive me to unfortunate insanity, this is just something I'll have to deal with though. Actually I think I am mental, I keep on hearing this fan like noise...But I don't know where it's coming from, starting to bother me, maybe insanity is a good thing, might spice up my life a touch. So, considering I am blatantly ignoring the nice weather, what have I been doing? Oh actually before I reveal, yes this 'nice weather' I don't think it's nice at all, all I'm hearing is how burnt everyone gets, stay inside people, inside is cooler, just as light and safe. There's a SponegBob episode where SpongeBob has a skiing accident or something stupid and forces himself to live inside, it has inspired me. I even missed cricket training.
So yes, I've watched a few SpongeBob episodes, it's pretty entertaining. I've also been doing a lot of film watching, I've watched TITANIC TWICE!!!! Yes twice!!!!!! I don't really know why...It's only a good film after the iceberg scene really, but yeah I watched it literally back to back. Also saw Cloverfield!!!! FUCKING HELL!!!!!! Oh let's review Cloverfield!
Cloverfield. If you don't know already (you should do) it's a JJ Abrams (LOST/Star Trek) sci-fi horror film all filmed through one guys perspective through his camcorder. This is a nice touch, it makes the film far more real thus more believable, but it is soooooooo ANNOYING!!! I'll explain later. The film starts of at this guy's goodbye party, for some reason man 1 is filming it all, a little scary... Anyway, the film puts so much emphasis on allowing the audience to understand who's going out with who, who's been out with who, who's screwing who behind who's back that it just becomes confusing, I think I understood that Beth and Jason were together but his brother Rob also liked Beth or something...Anyway it's all filmed by this crazy dude. THEN...The film picks up really quickly, loads of shit happens really fast and it's all a bit WOAH LETS JUST CALM DOWN SHALL WE???? But it doesn't, it gets more and mental until man 1 is raped by these little aliens in a scary tunnel but they make a funny noise so it's all cool.
So yeah, the handheld camera business. Unlike a proper film, there's no epic camera shots, man 1's camera skills steadily improve over the course of events which is surprising considering the amount of crap going on around him, seriously man 2 rescuing Beth from a lopsided skyscraper...No...Just no. Man 1 does however have an unhealthy fascination with the camcorder's zoom button which I believe needs to be treated. All being said, it is a pretty good film - watch it.
Now for Titanic. Everyones seen it havent they? Do I need to review this? This silly American guy who spends most of his time spitting and drawing naked French women manages by some bizzare miracle to 'win the heart' of this stuck up ginger girl. They have sex in a car...Or I think they have sex, that's all a bit ambiguous to be honest, but anyway there's the whole hand sliding down the window thing which is probably just symbolism for the ship sinking...Oh and beforehand they go and stand at the front of the ship and make out which sorry, it's lovely, but just dangerous.
Anywaaaay, this whole silly love story lasts about 2 hours, it's pretty tedious and unrealistic but then the ship hits a fucking iceberg!!!!! It's all a bit sad but amazingly well filmed, 1912 hats off to James Cameron there. That's the film. Go see it and cry.
Good news guys, my faith in chat rooms has been restored. There are nice people on there you just have to wade through the paedos and advertising recruitment people until you reach them... I met this girl from Finland...I can't remember her name, but were now talking on MSN, she scares me. She's not a paedo, she's just toooo much like me, were both complaining about the French and the pressures of western society on adolescents, trust me she's a miserable sod. She said I looked like a hobbit as well...Which I don't understand because apart from the curly hair I don't...I don't. That's just silly. But hey-ho another person I will never actually meet I can add to the 'Foreigners' category on MSN.
Tomorrow will be much like today! YAY FOR CONSISTENCY!
I am aware that this isolation from the world might eventually drive me to unfortunate insanity, this is just something I'll have to deal with though. Actually I think I am mental, I keep on hearing this fan like noise...But I don't know where it's coming from, starting to bother me, maybe insanity is a good thing, might spice up my life a touch. So, considering I am blatantly ignoring the nice weather, what have I been doing? Oh actually before I reveal, yes this 'nice weather' I don't think it's nice at all, all I'm hearing is how burnt everyone gets, stay inside people, inside is cooler, just as light and safe. There's a SponegBob episode where SpongeBob has a skiing accident or something stupid and forces himself to live inside, it has inspired me. I even missed cricket training.
So yes, I've watched a few SpongeBob episodes, it's pretty entertaining. I've also been doing a lot of film watching, I've watched TITANIC TWICE!!!! Yes twice!!!!!! I don't really know why...It's only a good film after the iceberg scene really, but yeah I watched it literally back to back. Also saw Cloverfield!!!! FUCKING HELL!!!!!! Oh let's review Cloverfield!
Cloverfield. If you don't know already (you should do) it's a JJ Abrams (LOST/Star Trek) sci-fi horror film all filmed through one guys perspective through his camcorder. This is a nice touch, it makes the film far more real thus more believable, but it is soooooooo ANNOYING!!! I'll explain later. The film starts of at this guy's goodbye party, for some reason man 1 is filming it all, a little scary... Anyway, the film puts so much emphasis on allowing the audience to understand who's going out with who, who's been out with who, who's screwing who behind who's back that it just becomes confusing, I think I understood that Beth and Jason were together but his brother Rob also liked Beth or something...Anyway it's all filmed by this crazy dude. THEN...The film picks up really quickly, loads of shit happens really fast and it's all a bit WOAH LETS JUST CALM DOWN SHALL WE???? But it doesn't, it gets more and mental until man 1 is raped by these little aliens in a scary tunnel but they make a funny noise so it's all cool.
So yeah, the handheld camera business. Unlike a proper film, there's no epic camera shots, man 1's camera skills steadily improve over the course of events which is surprising considering the amount of crap going on around him, seriously man 2 rescuing Beth from a lopsided skyscraper...No...Just no. Man 1 does however have an unhealthy fascination with the camcorder's zoom button which I believe needs to be treated. All being said, it is a pretty good film - watch it.
Now for Titanic. Everyones seen it havent they? Do I need to review this? This silly American guy who spends most of his time spitting and drawing naked French women manages by some bizzare miracle to 'win the heart' of this stuck up ginger girl. They have sex in a car...Or I think they have sex, that's all a bit ambiguous to be honest, but anyway there's the whole hand sliding down the window thing which is probably just symbolism for the ship sinking...Oh and beforehand they go and stand at the front of the ship and make out which sorry, it's lovely, but just dangerous.
Anywaaaay, this whole silly love story lasts about 2 hours, it's pretty tedious and unrealistic but then the ship hits a fucking iceberg!!!!! It's all a bit sad but amazingly well filmed, 1912 hats off to James Cameron there. That's the film. Go see it and cry.
Good news guys, my faith in chat rooms has been restored. There are nice people on there you just have to wade through the paedos and advertising recruitment people until you reach them... I met this girl from Finland...I can't remember her name, but were now talking on MSN, she scares me. She's not a paedo, she's just toooo much like me, were both complaining about the French and the pressures of western society on adolescents, trust me she's a miserable sod. She said I looked like a hobbit as well...Which I don't understand because apart from the curly hair I don't...I don't. That's just silly. But hey-ho another person I will never actually meet I can add to the 'Foreigners' category on MSN.
Tomorrow will be much like today! YAY FOR CONSISTENCY!
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