I made this banner:
I can't actually bothered to write about the Ashes 2005. It was amazing, even my mother was found to be watching it through sheer excitement, everyone should see it. I saw the 5 disk Ashes box set in HMV the other day for £3.99 as a special offer, that's an insane price, I bought mine for £30!!!
I like this video, I don't understand why the musics so depressing though, perhaps it was made from an Australian perspective? I think it's Evanscene...Someone confirm that for me please.
Very annoyingly, Brett Lee is injured. I wouldn't even have cared that much if he had taken a hat full of English wickets, he's an inspirational bowler and a joy to watch. Lets hope he's ready for Lord's.
Gosh I can't believe it's tomorrow!!!! Err...Must distract myself from overpowering depression and the thought of the Ashes, SIMS 3.
P.S: My banner looks a little bit like the work of a drunk. I was.
Tom, you know about the ways of cricket, so tell me: I heard the first test is in Cardiff. For why? Is it something to do with all that 'mutual ground' crap? Because that really is nonsense.
(To anyone else, I have nothing against Cardiff. I love the place. Doctor Who lives there :D)
Although the team is called England, technically it's a representation of the UK. However that's not really the case considering all the players are English..and the Scots and the Welsh don't really give a toss about that silly little game the English play on Sundays. But yes essentially it's a 'we must look like a politically correct team' stunt and the first test was placed in Cardiff, despite the fact Cardiff have NEVER hosted an international game yet alone an Ashes match. Rant over. Doctor Who does indeed live there, it's awesome.
Yer, Tom that video's music is Evanescene- My Immortal XD
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