I'm now going to be very childish. Would just like to let everyone know, I was the one who started this blog business, I believe Emily then took it up, then Simon...James...I lose track after that. It's the only thing I've ever started and justifiably so, I'm the first to reach 150 posts. I rather forgot about the 100th, but hey, let's make a big deal out of the 150.
In a weird, arguably pointless half an hour, I've read over every post I've made since Thursday 30th Ocober 2008.
'Hello...Is that how you start a blog? ' - EVERYONE starts off with something like that, it's a bit sad really, very unoriginal. That was from my first post, if you hadn't of already guessed, most of it was about my review of two American sitcoms, the likes of which I haven't really seen much of since. How dull.
Next post though! Woah, we tap into my personal life, which come on, let's be brutally honest here, people read other people's blogs to find out what's going on in their private lives. The other stuff is interesting, sometimes...But we all read each others blogs to find out what the person concerned is thinking about, I'm simply typing what everyone is thinking. Now that we've got that cleared up, lets all make our blogs really personal and interesting...Please.
'Though I wait anxiously on MSN for when she will appear, where upon she will angrily rip me apart with her limited yet damaging vocabulary.' - That being the first insight into my own life, I remember Angry Girl...God, she was angry.
The next post, I give you all a link to a video I made, I hadn't at this point in my life discovered Youtube's embedding features, how silly of me.
It only takes 4 posts into this blog before I rant about Ian Bell: 'Someone like Ian Bell goes and drops it (no offence Bell...but come on fielding isn't your strong point is it?)' - If anyone cares, Ian's fielding has come on leaps and bounds, sometimes literally leaps and bounds, someone give him a badge.
I like my Nintendo and France post, my own writing made me chuckle, that isn't vain at all. Woah...And then a bit later on I get a girlfriend! My pencil was burnt that day as well...If anyone cares.
I ask a lot of questions in my posts. I still don't know the answer to this one: 'Who the hell is Amjad Khan??' - I've heard rumours he's a swing bowler, but TV evidence would suggest otherwise.
Tuesday, 16th December, I FINALLY get a fucking comment, on a really crap entry. That doesn't make any sense.
OUT OF CONTEXT - Apparently Avril Lavigne isn't afraid of ANYTHING - OUT OF CONTEXT.
Anyway, that was 2008. A lot of my 2009 posts I'm actually quite positive, apart from Monday 27th April that is. My post was just a title that day, a title which read as 'ANGRY'. James, you commented on that post and asked me why I was angry, I'm sorry I didn't get back to you, I don't remember why I was in a bad mood, I'll do some thinking.
Ooo...30th April, a post-birthday entry, I don't like reading what I wrote that day.
OUT OF CONTEXT - Andrea Corr would like to love me as I love her, I think she's confused, I don't love her - OUT OF CONTEXT.
2009 sees a significant increase in the amount of times I use P.S, or P.S.S, P.S.S.S, you get the picture...
Anyway, I don't know why I started this blog. I think I just wanted a splodge on the Internet to release my thoughts in a vaguely structured form which other people would have the opportunity to read. Thank you for reading them, thank you to those who have commented, I think I speak for everyone when I say that comments really do make this whole business worthwhile, so yeah..Cheers. I'm not going to stop writing, I plan to continue for a long time yet, probably until I get to University and can't afford an Internet connection due to tuition fees...Oh wait I forget! I can get into Scottish universities free of charge...Must shut up, don't want to antagonise my dwindling disciples.
This has basically been a summary of my blog since it's birth (couldn't think of anything more interesting to write, deal with it). I'm it's Dad by the way, Mummy is Blogger, thanks Blogger. On a final note, after 150 posts, I have realised that my blog title is completely inaccurate, this is my world, but in a way it's also kinda yours...I mean, I make all the big decisions, you just get to read about it and sometimes take part...
P.S: It wouldn't be right to press publish without a P.S. I can't really think of anything to include in this P.S, so watch this! I heard it on the radio the other day and it made me giggle on a HORRIBLE day, I think you should listen to it as well. It's only about 40 seconds long, probably just under the average time it takes most to read my posts, waste your life a bit more...Please. It turns out I'm not the only one taking the piss out of Belly...Belly, that's actually his nickname, HA!
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