Monday 18 January 2010

Love really is BLIND. You're all ignorant.

It's likely that my title has offended you. My least sincere apologies. I have the rather disturbing image of a mob of love fuelled, adolescent Emos surrounding my fortress, chanting such whimsical things like: 'Love is the purest form of emotion!' Or 'Just because you're not in love!' As if that's a counter argument. I like making Google Chrome tabs fight each other for space. See what I did there? Defied all grammatical laws, just went off on a completely unrelated point, no new paragraph, nothing! I'm so rebellious it's insane. Now back to the dominant theme of this first paragraph, can't really call it an introduction, I've just dived (if you'll excuse the much overused metaphor) straight in. Alas, I fear another tangent. Love, yes, I don't get the hype surrounding that word, as if it's some portal to redemption, to enlightenment, to fulfilment...I'm sure for some it is, they're only ignorant though. However, nothing is as naive as the opening lyrics of the song below... It's to clips of The Beatles, I don't really get it either.

'I love love, I love being in love, I don't care what it does to me' - How deluded can you get? What has this 'songwriter' been smoking? 'I don't care what it does to me'? Well, fucking-lucky-you, people have died over this emotion, just like how countless millions die over the so badly ridiculed 'hate'.

Before you all label me as a sour, uncaring, selfish bastard (though, why haven't you already done that? Silly you), I'll explain. People in love are obsessive, to varying degrees of course, the likes of which I could write several posts on, they become wrapped up in the object of their affection (occasionally literally). What, of course, people don't realise is that it isn't a case of:
1. They make me giggle, I love them.
2. They look pretty, I love them.
It's more:
1. They look pretty, make me laugh, and have numerous other nice traits, but ultimately, despite the fact most of us are blind to it, it's just a biological thing hard-wired into us, to mate. To survive. To preserve our species.

We attach words like 'love' to this Darwinian explanation, to make us seem more human, more evolved, that we're experiencing something above what the average animal feels. False. Society simply teaches us these nice adjectives, to flirt with, attach without thought. We see someone good looking, we want to be with them, we see an ugly person, we don't, the beautiful survive.

I do not want to become attached to someone. Firstly, it would destroy my theory explained in the above paragraphs, I would 'fall in love', suddenly Matilda would be all that matters, I would doodle her name over the back of my books, blush awkwardly whenever she smiled at me, I would forget that I need to be with her so THE HUMAN RACE COULD LIVE ON. I would just want to be with her for reasons I don't yet understand, I don't want to understand, and I hope I never will.

Tom - Who should be learning about the Parisians of 1788-94.

P.S: House MD is better than Lost.
P.S.S: I will undoubtedly withdraw the above statement when Lost returns.
P.S.S.S.S: Inspired by David Mitchell, I'm fed up reading nasty, hateful comments on videos, blogs, forums, anything, from now on, if you have something spiteful to say, just type this instead: It just goes to show you can't be too careful!

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