Wednesday 17 February 2010

Too much excitement can kill.

Firstly, just relax. I know I haven't posted for a very long time. I haven't died, simply haven't had much to write about of late. Now I most certainly do, tried to make myself a bath (and when I say 'make myself a bath', I'm not talking literally, that'd be absurd), and I'm not even talking metaphorically either...Jesus, what am I talking in? English? Pragmatics? God forbid pragmatics. Damn that tangent which forced me to end my sentence. Tried to make myself a bath, noticed after about five minutes there was no hot water, it was as cold as a cold thing but colder (scenes of Siberia are brought to the fold), apparently I have to turn hot water on at the boiler, which was a new and daring experience for me it must be said. I'm now sat in my boxers, having to wait half an hour for the boiler to ask Thames Water to give it the hot stuff, a perfect time for blog writing!

So what has been happening the past couple of weeks? Read more God Delusion, ha! There is blatantly no God. Iain Lee said my name twice and read my email on The Lost Initiative (SCREAMS IN A WORRYINGLY FEMININE FASHION), watched over the Government suggested guidelines on House MD intake, now fearing withdrawal symptoms as I realise I have never been so more up to date with that show. I have become a dangerous alcoholic void of any alcohol (something of a disturbing paradox), and discovered COD Modern Warfare 2....

And it is on that last point concerning what has happened in my life over the course of the last two weeks, that I will write a brief review. I do not like anything popular. There is something irrationally hard-wired into me which forces my largely semi-conscious mind to resist popularity, it took me far too long to be swayed to the 360 (see a post I made sometime before Christmas), I haven't yet seen Avatar and don't want to until everybody has just calmed the hell down about it, seriously, calling it the next Star Wars?! I do not want to have to watch a film which makes me look like Buddy Holly. If this was the 60s/70s I would detest The Beatles to unimaginable extents, now they're my lifelong favourite band, hell I'm not even going to have sex until the human race has just calmed down about that... Really, so much fuss over a pretty ugly mess which has been practised for what seems like an eternity. Reminds me of Christianity (which, coincidently, is another thing I'll embrace when we're all atheists). However, don't get me wrong, anyone who knows me won't claim I'm some sort of law defying lunatic, my resistance or rebellion if you like, is largely against cultural things...And anyway, most people despise the law. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is unquestioningly a popular game, it's sold something close to 12 million copies worldwide, and yet I read somewhere that Activision still won't make a profit. Bizzare. What are they spending their money on? Some sort of DJ version of the award winning Guitar Hero series? How ridiculous would that be?
I would also like to make it clear, I don't own this game, I am borrowing it, my commitment to returning it is somewhat vague, but I haven't actually gone and spent my precious sterling on a copy. Enough excuses. I cannot deny it is amazing. The graphics are just stupendous for a FPS game, the annoying Americans chattering away to you constantly are just so annoyingly annoying, I love it. Of course, it has flaws, I'm a bit miffed about the whole 'Friendly fire will not be tolerated' thing they've got going, and the level where you machine gun a Russian airport and all the innocent people just seems a touch pointless. I do though, understand what all the shouting is about, it is a good game, one I am ashamed to admit I am enthralled by.

Now to return to what's been happening the last two weeks and to find a suitable tangent, I discovered my brother is a 'Needs to be institutionalised psychopath', and that despite the fact there is nobody on this Earth I trust to a 100% degree extent, I have discovered many who are attributed to a percent near enough that mark, are largely over ranked, I am now a tiny bit more determined to get a job, am starting to doubt my ability to finish writing a novel without getting horribly distracted by a pigeon midway through a much sought after writing spree, and FINE-ALLY my loyal disciples...I'm as miserable as ever.


P.S: Next post I intend to be an interesting-for-only-me post entitled: 'My top 10 favourite House episodes.'
P.S.S: Happy people need to be deported to a sad place.
P.S.S.S.S: No tangent was found. TIME TO CLEANSE ONESELF.

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