Friday 5 February 2010

I should be much more excited about this...

Well, isn't it nice to see how the characters seem to have progressed? I am excited...Slightly, I really don't get it, look at my posts a year ago, and note how mental about season 5 I appear to be, this is the FINAL EVER SEASON and I wouldn't really be that devastated if I missed it. I fear my House MD obsession has put shame to Lost. Of course I am going to watch it, I've trawled through 5 seasons just to find out what the fuck is that smoke monster, and I will learn the truth...Or I swear to the Island that I will burn ABC headquarters to the ground.
Seriously though, and I know I'm purely going from the trailer, but how many times has Sawyer said in that musky, oh so manly voice of his 'Don't come after me...' Probably to someone like Kate, or Julliet, but I'm pretty sure a nuke got her. How many times has Jack demanded to know 'Why my name is written down on this!!?!' donning that frenzied 'I AM SO GOING TO KICK OFF' expression. How many times has Locke said something simmilar to 'What if I told you I could answer the most important question in your life? Why are you on this island?' Or announced so Moses like that 'I promise I will tell you everything,' then again, Locke's dead, that's Jacob's nemesis in Locke's body...Talking to Richard Alpert...And if Crazy Rich doesn't know the answers, then Hurley help us. How many time has Kate exclaimed in that accusatory tone, 'You think they care about you or any of us?' To which Jin replies (how the fuck did he learn English so quick?) in that timeless rhetoric 'Who do you care about?' And finally how many times has Jack hit important stuff which explodes? That is the temple at 0:26 right? Tell me that's the temple? And how many Sayid 'because you tortured someone, we've got to torture you back bitch!' scenes can the writers produce?

Evidently, a lot still needs to be answered, which is why I am watching this, for answers, I look to be entertained no more.


P.S: Isn't Africa huge???
P.S.S: That better not be Jacob at 0:48, Ben knifed him and kicked him in a fire! That was Ben's moment of redemption, his one action of true defiance, don't you dare resurrect yourself Jacob...
P.S.S.S: Poor John Locke still hasn't got that breast problem sorted out.

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