Hey Blogger! How the fuck are you?
You know you're a Beatles obsessive when your Mother mentions 'Karma' one Tuesday morning, and you have John Lennon's Instant Karma stuck in your head for the rest of the day....INSTANT KARMA GONNA' GET YOU, GONNA' KNOCK YOU RIGHT IN THE FACE.
Yoko Ono - Wtf.
Cheers for the iPod, Chloe! For months now, I've been running a musical deficit reduction plan as a musical George Osborne. My nano ran out of memory, so I was forced to make savage, unruly cuts, protecting as many front line services as I could (bands I actually like), even they felt the pinch though, Oasis lost half their catalogue....Those days are now thankfully over! And I've walked away with 80GB and a new found respect for economists and the Treasury sector. I'm a very lonely child.
You may or may not have noticed adverts placed haphazardly around my blog. If you click them, I earn money! So click them, I'll buy you something. I won't, but you know, why not help out a friend, or if you're one of those down as a disciple and don't actually know me, why not be charitable, do something kind for a complete stranger... (ME). Click them. Click them hard.
JEESSSUS...That was frightening. I, my mind, my laptop, forgot that I had held down on the scroll wheel. Windows flying up and down - it was like wrestling a bull.
KT Tunstall is good, listen to her. ARTISTS I LIKE WHO WEREN'T EVEN ALIVE IN THE 60S? God damn it, yes. So, on an unrelated note, some of you might be aware, some of you may not (grammatical parallelism there - REVISION WIN), I was on national radio the other day. The Iain Lee Show, as I mentioned in my last post, has callers throughout the night of various mentalities, I was dared to phone up as Paul McCartney. It was fucking terrifying. Firstly, I'm not going to link it anywhere, go find the audio file yourself if you can be that fucked. My impression sounds way more un-Macca like over the phone, but still, I did it, got a few laughs and was told to 'call again.' Mental or what?
Ah, I love this. God knows where Louis found it. SO VERY HYPED FOR BERLIN.
Tim William.
Because sometimes absurdity can fascinate.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Yeah, yeah, yeah, SHUT UP.
Haven't posted for a while!... But blog holidays are over!
I got bored of blogging, now I'm back, because I'm jaded, bored, fed up, e-t-c. I started blogging (why doesn't Google Chrome recognise that as a word? Google power blogger) in the autumn of 2008, I'm allowed to make dramatic 'THE END' posts, only to allow myself to become a ridiculous hypocrit. This is not the end! This is but the beginning! No, it's just the middle, in all honesty.
Most of my blog posts are going to come in the form of linked videos or images, more tumblr style - anyone got that? - rather than blogger. Writing words about things I like is more time consuming than just showing you things I like. THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT, RIGHT?
Almost everything in my head is telling me that this man cannot sing a note, he sounds like he has a cold and is in need of vats upon barrels of lemsip. So, why am I addicted to this song? I find his lack of tune weirdly hypnotising, that and his weird, creepy, look-at-my-round-glasses-like-my-Dad-used-to-wear face....Maybe I'm just a lunatic. Possibilities.
Am I going to get his album? Tempted, maybe if I see it really cheap somewhere, sorry, Sean, 'really cheap' is all you get at present.

Alright, fine, he's significantly more attractive. That hair is still fucking similar. This probably means I'm George Harrison reincarnate...*picks up guitar - fails to play*...Equally, perhaps not.
Oh, Iain Lee, please return from your Christmas break. I'm having to listen to LBC in the void you have left in the world that is British talk radio. LBC FOR FUCKS SAKE. They don't even read out my texts. Followers to my blog may be unaware that Iain Lee has read my name out TWICE before, one was in an email to the Lost Initiative podcast, another was on air...
'People are actually texting in with Richard Starkey anagrams, Tom Williams has come up with Sidekick Harry and Ashtray Derrick, ha, that's brilliant.' I remember Richard Starkey anagrams and not information which will enable me to pass exams? Well, that's a disappointing realisation.
Fucking hell am I a weird child.
Tim William.
I got bored of blogging, now I'm back, because I'm jaded, bored, fed up, e-t-c. I started blogging (why doesn't Google Chrome recognise that as a word? Google power blogger) in the autumn of 2008, I'm allowed to make dramatic 'THE END' posts, only to allow myself to become a ridiculous hypocrit. This is not the end! This is but the beginning! No, it's just the middle, in all honesty.
Most of my blog posts are going to come in the form of linked videos or images, more tumblr style - anyone got that? - rather than blogger. Writing words about things I like is more time consuming than just showing you things I like. THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT, RIGHT?
Almost everything in my head is telling me that this man cannot sing a note, he sounds like he has a cold and is in need of vats upon barrels of lemsip. So, why am I addicted to this song? I find his lack of tune weirdly hypnotising, that and his weird, creepy, look-at-my-round-glasses-like-my-Dad-used-to-wear face....Maybe I'm just a lunatic. Possibilities.
Am I going to get his album? Tempted, maybe if I see it really cheap somewhere, sorry, Sean, 'really cheap' is all you get at present.

Alright, fine, he's significantly more attractive. That hair is still fucking similar. This probably means I'm George Harrison reincarnate...*picks up guitar - fails to play*...Equally, perhaps not.
Oh, Iain Lee, please return from your Christmas break. I'm having to listen to LBC in the void you have left in the world that is British talk radio. LBC FOR FUCKS SAKE. They don't even read out my texts. Followers to my blog may be unaware that Iain Lee has read my name out TWICE before, one was in an email to the Lost Initiative podcast, another was on air...
'People are actually texting in with Richard Starkey anagrams, Tom Williams has come up with Sidekick Harry and Ashtray Derrick, ha, that's brilliant.' I remember Richard Starkey anagrams and not information which will enable me to pass exams? Well, that's a disappointing realisation.
Fucking hell am I a weird child.
Tim William.
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
I guess I was always going to be disappointed. Even those who had never seen an episode of Lost seemed to throw about, all too ignorantly, the question of how such a show could end. The writers have always harked on about how it's a show about the characters, I quote (not exactly - can't be bothered to find the page) from my Lost experience book, 'If you want to find out what the island is, what the smoke monster is, why Walt has those crazy powers, then fine, hang about for a while, but really this is and always was a show about the characters.' The mythology, the background they did though create, I found to be far more interesting than any of the characters, plus the rate at which Lost kills off characters is ridiculous, like an RAF pilot during the Battle of Britain, I considered it to be a waste of time to get attached to anyone. And were the characters that deep and interesting, anyway? Ben Linus, I guess, he's up there with the likes of Greg House, Malcolm Tucker and Sam Seaborn as awesome television characters, but really the original bunch never appealed to me... Hurley existed as the voice of the audience, and that became far too obvious as the show wore on, Jack was a horribly stereotypical macho American-twat, and I've never been keen on Matthew Fox's acting, Kate, well the least said about her the better, Sawyer...Sawyer was good, he was the wittiest character and one of the more believable, but hardly deep.
Ultimately though, I wanted a science explanation, I wanted science to win the theme running since the first episode, Science Vs Faith...Faith won, faith won massively. The characters finally found redemption...But I couldn't help but wonder if that was what the show was all about, them building up to redemption. It dawned on me that I wouldn't have even cared if MIB (Flocke, Smokey, whatever you want to call him) got off the island and tore shit up, yet I'm fairly confident they couldn't do that because of Lost's rather limited graphics budget...Or perhaps that's what Cloverfield is all about? Cloverfield is another JJ Abrams project after all....
Why is the BBC news site down? I want my fucking news. Had to go to the doctors earlier, I think it was National Bring Your Baby To A GP Day. God, I hate them, and they're so ugly, and always being bloody sick everywhere... All this with the ridiculous Mum-banter,
'Because you know there are these sort of...you know..errr..heart shaped things which you can put on, avoid the whole flat head thing,'
'Ohhh riiighttt...'
History exam today - ran out of time, as usual.
English exam tomorrow - will run out of time, as usual.
If they don't give me EMA, they should at least give me extra time.
Probably need a job.
P.S: Getting pissed off with those Lost fans who claim they're somehow in tune with the writers, 'Oh I thought it was beautiful, forget the unanswered questions, the characters finally found what they were looking for! LOL LOL :D.' - Yeah, fuck you.
P.S.S: Someone needs to electrify Land of Hope and Glory.
P.S.S.S: Couldn't help myself and read the ending to House season 6...Massive let down, I really hope season 7 is the last season, the show has lost its...zing?
Ultimately though, I wanted a science explanation, I wanted science to win the theme running since the first episode, Science Vs Faith...Faith won, faith won massively. The characters finally found redemption...But I couldn't help but wonder if that was what the show was all about, them building up to redemption. It dawned on me that I wouldn't have even cared if MIB (Flocke, Smokey, whatever you want to call him) got off the island and tore shit up, yet I'm fairly confident they couldn't do that because of Lost's rather limited graphics budget...Or perhaps that's what Cloverfield is all about? Cloverfield is another JJ Abrams project after all....
Why is the BBC news site down? I want my fucking news. Had to go to the doctors earlier, I think it was National Bring Your Baby To A GP Day. God, I hate them, and they're so ugly, and always being bloody sick everywhere... All this with the ridiculous Mum-banter,
'Because you know there are these sort of...you know..errr..heart shaped things which you can put on, avoid the whole flat head thing,'
'Ohhh riiighttt...'
History exam today - ran out of time, as usual.
English exam tomorrow - will run out of time, as usual.
If they don't give me EMA, they should at least give me extra time.
Probably need a job.
P.S: Getting pissed off with those Lost fans who claim they're somehow in tune with the writers, 'Oh I thought it was beautiful, forget the unanswered questions, the characters finally found what they were looking for! LOL LOL :D.' - Yeah, fuck you.
P.S.S: Someone needs to electrify Land of Hope and Glory.
P.S.S.S: Couldn't help myself and read the ending to House season 6...Massive let down, I really hope season 7 is the last season, the show has lost its...zing?
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Haven't posted since the election...A result which, I'd like to make clear now, I care very deeply about, so much so, I can't be bothered to voice my opinions on such a matter upon the webernet. Ok, I probably could, if I was in the right mindset, I keep on going from (sometimes on an hourly basis) intense caredom to really not giving a shit, asides from cricket I've found something I really care about, so much so that it's like my caring needs to refuel every now and again... I really hope, if I ever end up genuinely caring about another human being, I operate on a similar basis - it'd be dull to be nice to someone consistently. I am however, going to leave you with this image before I move on:

A petition against her appointment can be found here: http://www.gopetition.co.uk/online/36217.html - Sign it or you're a homophobe.
Oxford, St Andrews, Sheffield, Cambridge, Essex, University College London... The top 6 universities for a Politics degree, don't really stand a chance with the first two, too elitist. Sussex, the one I'm rather interested in, just because it's south, I know the area and it seems nice, is 24th, which isn't so bad... And UEA is 16th. I'm getting all these statistics from here by the way, http://extras.timesonline.co.uk/tol_gug/gooduniversityguide.php, you may want to look up any subjects you're interested in. I'm now virtually 100% committed to Politics or Political Science, I dithered with taking Modern History, but decided I'd be more interested in a politics course, and the civil service seem geared to encouraging people to taking that.
Whilst everybody else seems to be forming pathetic, probably short-lived relationships, I'm reading Hansard. Hansard? Hansard are the company which provides transcripts of every Commons sitting since 1803, I'm actually reading this stuff, not revising, reading about early 19th century legislation...One bit did make me chuckle though, I quote from the 25th August 1841:
Mr. Hastie spoke at some length, but was completely inaudible.
- Debate again adjourned.
Urg...How people in 'love' sicken me. How Lost's desperate attempt to answer stuff sickens me... Magic light? I expected better, ABC, I expected better.
General studies on Monday, is it weird to have found that exam quite fun last time? I got to circle letters and then rant about bins - awesome.
I recently had a lecture (from a dick-cock) about how I appear cold and hostile to people...Well, good. GOOD. This post is starting to fall apart, news? Any news? LET ME LIST NEWS.
1. I might be going to London with Ollie soon, or maybe Chernobyl (not massive about that one), hope I get to snoop about Whitehall.
2. I talk to my cat more, definitely doesn't make me mental.
3. The VMF is starting to fall apart.
4. The Thick of It boxset arrived - Happy.
P.S: Oh, and little revision completed. Symbolic Graphology - symbols (obviously), Iconic Graphology - images and shit...*runs over to check he's right*....Yeah, I'll do fine.

A petition against her appointment can be found here: http://www.gopetition.co.uk/online/36217.html - Sign it or you're a homophobe.
Oxford, St Andrews, Sheffield, Cambridge, Essex, University College London... The top 6 universities for a Politics degree, don't really stand a chance with the first two, too elitist. Sussex, the one I'm rather interested in, just because it's south, I know the area and it seems nice, is 24th, which isn't so bad... And UEA is 16th. I'm getting all these statistics from here by the way, http://extras.timesonline.co.uk/tol_gug/gooduniversityguide.php, you may want to look up any subjects you're interested in. I'm now virtually 100% committed to Politics or Political Science, I dithered with taking Modern History, but decided I'd be more interested in a politics course, and the civil service seem geared to encouraging people to taking that.
Whilst everybody else seems to be forming pathetic, probably short-lived relationships, I'm reading Hansard. Hansard? Hansard are the company which provides transcripts of every Commons sitting since 1803, I'm actually reading this stuff, not revising, reading about early 19th century legislation...One bit did make me chuckle though, I quote from the 25th August 1841:
Mr. Hastie spoke at some length, but was completely inaudible.
- Debate again adjourned.
Urg...How people in 'love' sicken me. How Lost's desperate attempt to answer stuff sickens me... Magic light? I expected better, ABC, I expected better.
General studies on Monday, is it weird to have found that exam quite fun last time? I got to circle letters and then rant about bins - awesome.
I recently had a lecture (from a dick-cock) about how I appear cold and hostile to people...Well, good. GOOD. This post is starting to fall apart, news? Any news? LET ME LIST NEWS.
1. I might be going to London with Ollie soon, or maybe Chernobyl (not massive about that one), hope I get to snoop about Whitehall.
2. I talk to my cat more, definitely doesn't make me mental.
3. The VMF is starting to fall apart.
4. The Thick of It boxset arrived - Happy.
P.S: Oh, and little revision completed. Symbolic Graphology - symbols (obviously), Iconic Graphology - images and shit...*runs over to check he's right*....Yeah, I'll do fine.
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Don't ConDem us, Nick.
P.S: Two nights without any proper sleep - so very tired.
P.S.S: All hail Dimbebly! 16+ hours of live TV for a 71 year old.
P.S: Two nights without any proper sleep - so very tired.
P.S.S: All hail Dimbebly! 16+ hours of live TV for a 71 year old.
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