Thursday 24 September 2009

'Pulverize the Eiffel towers who criticize your government'

My new philosophy: 'If you avoid something hard enough it becomes unbearably noticeable and finds you.' Classic example being Gordon Brown and power. My philosophy is somewhat flawed however, some things are avoided through choice, some things are avoided through planted obstacles, Gordon Brown falls into the latter of these two categories.

Not looking forward to tomorrow, 'Speak Easy' day, what the hell does that even mean? Learnt today that we're haphazardly placed into random groups, I hate this widespread and unfortunately nourished educational policy. They claim that by working with people you don't usually spend time with is realistic to a working environment, no it's not, in an actual working environment I have the option to leave whenever I want. A working environment has systems of power and authority, people are forced to work alongside each other because they need money TO LIVE. Are Speak Easy going to be feeding us? Or better still, paying us?

The only positive coming out of today was corridor duty actually, despite the fact my platoon was given an IMPOSSIBLE corridor, nobody can stop the mob at the main corridor entrance. I still had a laugh though, bonded with a funny specky kid with a crazy multicoloured badge and terrified a year seven girl. I apologised to her by the way, sort of had to, I want to appear threatening (not aided by Henry sitting next to me knitting) but not to the point where I make children cry. 'The only positive coming out of today was corridor duty' - Oh good God my life sucks.

P.S: Green Day - Holiday being the title lyrics.

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