Wednesday 9 September 2009

Do Tic-Tac rehab clinics exist?

I've noticed something about TV DVD box sets. Something important. Lost series 1 and 2 are huge great boxes, 4 episodes on each disc, 1 disc to a case. Same goes for House, series 1 and 2 are monstrous boxes with 4 episodes to 1 disc, 1 disc to a case. In 2007, the same year as both Lost series 3 and House series 3 were aired and consequently released to DVD A REVOLUTION IN THE WORLD OF TV DVD BOX SETS OCCURRED! Same number of episodes yet a tiny little box. But why or more like HOW Tom? Woah, just calm down, I'll explain, some genius (or environmental nutter) at the world of DVDs realised that two discs could actually fit into 1 case. Yeah, that's it.

Haven't done a blog in a while, not since Monday 31st August, today is the 9th of September, wow. Oh yeah, about today's date, slightly annoyed, heard a bunch of people talking about how today was the anniversary of 9/11. No it's not. The Americans just use a silly reversal system, gaaah. Everyone knows 9/11 was mostly a conspiracy anyway, seriously guys, Youtube: 'World Trade Center 7', it's all there. The most convincing video being a BBC correspondent reporting with the skyline in her background, she's informing the viewers on the collapse of bulding 7 which is still stood in the background, only five minutes after she first announces the news can we see the building collapse, it wasn't only the twin towers which fell that day, OF COURSE IT WASN'T RIGGED.

Blimey...I really do have nothing to say today, fine 6th form, lets talk about that. It's ok, I was outraged that the co-op continues to sell me spearmint tic-tacs instead of fresh mint. Me and Bes moved from our bench to...Another bench, more central to civilsation..erm...Yeah, sixth form is fun, the lessons are actually quite interesting, apart from Drama, but hey I'm dropping that after this year anyway. DO NOT like Psychology woman, always getting me to be her guinea pig in her stupid memory experiments, why? We all know I can't remember three random letters whilst counting back in threes from 760. Me and Bes need to replace David with someone, he isn't worthy to be part of the Three Lee Enfields, errrrgggggg....I don't actually think there's much else to report in concern to work, my cramp came back briefly at half 1, was not impressed. I don't appreciate my foot yelling at me in a childish voice: 'No sorry Tom, I've been supporting you for 16 years now, I'm on strike, walk on your hands or something, they do fuck all.'

AHHHHH!!!!! Even the Lost trailers are so ambiguous they could have been directed by someone who's never watched the show before and is 8!!! However, the Oceanic airlines women do get noticeably more and more attractive as the advert progresses.
I expect only Simon cared about that video.

Must be something else I can write on.... My wife sent me a Boulevard Of Broken Dreams and Wonderwall mix, I usually hate mixes, but this actually works! In places. The opening of Boulevard and Wonderwall are virtually identical, Boulevard is just more electric guitar based, more manly, more just GRRRRRRR.

I promise from now on I'll only update this thing when I've got something to write,

P.S: I just watched a Channel Nine Ashes montage to 'Run' by Snow Patrol, one of the best montage videos I've ever seen. Actually made me pity the Australians, I kinda felt sorry for them and I'm not even being sarcastic, even I find it sad to see such arrogant cocks beaten down by less talented Englishmen.
P.S.S.S: I realise my title doesn't relate to much of the post, bassicaly I've got a problem, I think it needs looking at.

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