Wednesday 16 September 2009

NHS - National Health SMELLS.

bleeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg. I've got swine flu, it just hasn't been confirmed yet. I match four of the seven available swine flu symptoms on the NHS site, doesn't that mean I qualify? When are the paranoid masked men going to come round and put me in a containment field? I've been waiting a while now. At least Swine Flu would be a talking point, FLU is just dull.

I'm fed up of riddles in people's personal messages on MSN, or people using their personal messages as a 'LOOK AT MY DEPRESSION' advert. Erm...Yes, I'm not going to list examples, we've all seen it before haven't we? The whole: 'I want my life to end, I'm so unhappy, BLAH, BLAH, FUCKING BLAH.' I'm in an incredibly bad mood by the way. I can't write my sodding book, despite the fact I know EVERYTHING which happens in the final few chapters, sometimes down to the very words, I just can't write!!! I'm forever staring at the flashing cursor tormenting me, if cursors were linguistic mine would be in hysterics. So instead I'm just going to vent on this for a while.

Started talking to a Finnish girl on Omegle earlier, now on MSN. That's the second Finnish girl I have on MSN, Finland has a very small population, do I want all the women in Finland loving me? Would that really be a good thing? Kinda cool having an entire countries female population adoring you, I'd feel guilty though, nothing I can't live with however. Anyway, I found it interesting talking to...Can't remember her name, talking to Fin 2, she's completely different to Fin 1. Talking to Fin 2 is like conversing to a rather thick chav, she actually likes R&B and all sorts of weird stuff. Fin 1 is just scary, she hates everything and everyone, awesome in some respects but she's simply too weird, for example she likes Ballet and swims in Lakes. I'm not sure what it is with me and Finnish people, I'm starting to think sarcasm doesn't exist in Helsinki. Also had a full blown DEMOCRACY V COMMUNISM row with a Chinese guy earlier! He so lost that.

Did just give my mobile number to the Her Majesty's Ministry for Education...Do I want the Government having my mobile number? Bugger. Like to add now, I'm not just phoning up The Ministry for Education and yelling my number at them, I filled out a Youth Parliament form.

So very depressed, so very ill, so very hateful.

P.S: Didn't even laugh at the 4 minute preview of Peep Show, unlike the whole of YOUTUBE I just didn't find it that funny...Oh God. DO CHANNEL 4 REALISE PEEP SHOW SERIES 6 IS ALL I AM LIVING FOR?
P.S.S: I finally agree with Obama on something! Kanye West is a jackass.

1 comment:

James said...

Writers block. I know what you mean. usually a hot choc and some inspiring soundtracks works for me.