Sunday 21 March 2010


I did have this awe inspiring idea for my 200th entry. To write a topical and current post which actually makes sense but made up entirely of sentences from my last 199 posts. I wrote a paragraph like this, but it really didn't make a great deal of sense and failed (being an understatement) at explaining what I had done today. I can't even recall what if I did anything for my 100th post...One moment please...Oh I see, I quote from my 150th post: 'I'm the first to reach 150 posts. I rather forgot about the 100th, but hey, let's make a big deal out of the 150.' Well, in that case, I'll do something out of the ordinary for 250.

Firstly, let me draw your attention to the below, another beautifully crafted video by NCISmelanie, who must, MUST be professional...

It's like the ultimate trailer for the show. Actually made me feel quite emotional after first viewing. I hate emotions. Sorry Darwin, I have to disagree with you on a few areas of the whole Natural Selection thing, you claim (why the hell am I addressing, almost in the fashion of a court of law, a dead guy?) that every feature of every species, every arm, every toe, every habit exists for an evolutionary purpose...I can see this on a few areas, humans need arms to do stuff, climb trees, build things, we need toes, perhaps? Habits, the human habit of clothing, makes sense given our species lack of fur, cats cleaning themselves given their lack of taking a shower and applying shower gel - This I accept and understand. But emotions? What do we need emotions for? Well, maybe a few are useful I guess, fear is probably handy every now and again, observe the following:

Three caveman in their cave debating the origins of democracy, their afternoon art session is rudely interrupted by the snarl of a Saber Tooth Tiger, the first caveman (Robert Peel) is scared and runs away, in consequence he survives. The second caveman (William Hague) decides to fight the Tiger, a good move, and he would have survived if he had done his Nintendo DS Stabby The Tiger's Eye Out Daily Training. The third caveman is not angry at the Tiger, unlike William Hague, and doesn't fear it, unlike Peel, indeed our third caveman (John Prescott) has no emotion. He stands blankly, confused at what the other lot are doing, and invites the Tiger to the art session, the Tiger devours him.

I see how emotion helps there. Fear, anger and love (though the last two could be toned down a notch) seem useful for the human race. Things like revenge, remorse, guilt, empathy, are these really needed? I guess they make things a bit more interesting, that's the only counter-argument I can see being thrown at me. I guess it's a fair one, interesting is cool.

Someone replied to a comment I made on a Youtube video with the word 'Die.' That's rude, at least my comment was constructive. I can't copy and paste it because it received so many thumbs down, something I've never been a fan of, what gives us the right to, in the style of Roman Emperors, judge other people's opinions? That was weird, I looked at a url and started laughing at all the jumbled letters and numbers. I'm finally losing it - awesome.

Going to send an email to Alastair Campbell later, asking about how best to enter the civil service, stuff I can do to aid in the process etc...I started reading his fanbrilliant book, The Blair Years - Extracts from the Alastair Campbell diaries. Found it very difficult to put down, at half two in the morning I accepted the fact that this was fast becoming my favourite book, a bit sad having a work of non-fiction as your favourite book, but I find I hardly read any fiction these days...Instead I prefer to find my escape in TV, things like House, Lost, The Thick of It, in fact non-fictional TV, apart from a few panel shows, I find pretty dull, though I did watch a fairly interesting documentary about the Home Office this morning, there wasn't really anything else on...And I'm not sure why I was awake at 8 o'clock anyway, not that I'm complaining, I did most of my work before midday which was a plus.


P.S: I have gained a new loyal disciple, 15 now, no idea who you are, thank you anyway. JESUS SUCKS.
P.S.S: Pretending to care gets boring. A fact of life we should all learn to embrace.
P.S.S.S: Added some new blog features. It was about time.
P.S.S.S.S: Don't think my video quite fits the page, grr! I reccomend House fans to follow this link:

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