Monday 8 March 2010

Clubbed to Death.

The title is inspired from the song I've been listening to for about half an hour, not some agitated threat or personal recollection. I like how the song sounds like a printer at various points. Printer music, pretty sure somebody has already done that...

Yep, the bloody Czechs have. I didn't make it to the end of that video either. I don't like how blogger only advertises specialist blogs on the Blogger Buzz feature, that's supposed to highlight the best of the blogs within the whole blogger spectrum, does it really though? It just seems to be filled with such uninteresting crap like...

A. THE HOUSE IN MARRAKESH - - A blog about a man in Morrocco, his awful camera and a lot of terracotta pots. 1212 followers though, so I'm obviously missing something.

B. Madame Lamb - - This actually made me feel sick, some talentless reject reviewing 'art'. 1017 followers.

C. Abby's Blog - - A blog which should be renamed to 'Me (Abby) and my sailing boat.'

D. A Hungry Bear Won't Dance - - Unfortunately, this wasn't a blog about Bear torment. It was about cooking, the cooking of really ugly looking meals.
'When I opened the bag of earthy mushrooms I detected a faint cinnamon fragrance, which gave me an idea. I’d make chicken soup with cinnamon.'
That timeless anecdote attracted 14 comments, from 958 followers. Oh, and she looks like a damned psychopath:

Am I the only one who finds blogs about people's personal lives interesting? I had a browse around, simply by following one followers link, then another... etcetera, etcetera, but found you generally get three types of blog (ignoring the irritating ones mentioned earlier), ones like this which deal with a mixture of personal and topical to the person issues, idiotic but amusing ones full of such things as...
'Plain and simple ..she's a bitch . She uses ue when she has no one else . She already has no friends ! Why is tht ?!'
Orrrrr... you get the insecure types, these I find more interesting, per esempio...
'can't believe I'm in love. I honestly never thought I would ever be in actual love with a guy who actually loves me back.' Actual love? Actually loving back? Actually sounds actual.

I've done my bit for Karma by doing a fuck-load of other people's blogs some advertising. That does count to Karma right? Even if I'm criticising some of them, I'm still essentially selling them. Sticking on this World of the Internet theme, I've got so many fucking favourited videos on Youtube, that it takes me an unacceptable amount of time to find one, when my semi-functioning sub-conscience recalls a video to my conscience. The day Youtube creates self naming favouriting categories, I will be marginally content with that site. Arsenal have scored (again), I can hear shrieking. Oh, how I do not belong.

And on Horizon right now, a pretty deep sounding documentary, 'Is everything we know about the universe wrong?' Wow, that's credit for the licence fee right there. Wahey, a media tangent! I can now briefly talk about my NEW third favourite film (sorry Independence Day), In The Loop. Being an avid The Thick of It fan, I was naturally liking this film from before I even started watching it...Genius writing, superb acting, and no other form of media has ever persuaded me more into a career, political spin. Chief Whip, Director of Communications, Press Officer, Senior Press Officer, Press Secretary, Adviser...All I will gladly adopt.

Drama wasn't so bad today. That wasn't even a typo. I was expecting some catastrophe of a day today, no...A catastrofuck. Actuuuaaallllyyyy, I bloody profited! Thomas Williams is now public enemy number 2! After Sam's pretty damn awesome argument with the group (but me who watched oh so amused), near fight with Crazy Dave and walking out, everybody concluded he was the 'Wanker' amongst us and that I, Tom, were in fact 'Trying really hard lately.' All I've done is looked at my script, I seem to be able to muster a photographic memory for the most useless of tasks, all my lines are near enough stored. Still getting messages from the anti-Christ legion on Facebook though,
'I have paint and brushes :D Shall bring it all in tomorrow so bring some painting clothes.' What? We're painting now, fuck the what for? Have we taken up my idea to camouflage Dave into the set?

I was described as 'more angry than usual' yesterday. That wasn't even angry, that was mildly peeved, idiots. Why are the Corrs such an attractive family? Apart from Jim, who looks like some Bono wannabe, pah...Natural selection gone nuts. I'm developing the ability to listen to a song and not instantly start questioning its lyrics, just to enjoy it (THANK YOU BOOTLEG BEATLES), I might even play my 'Sickly Romantic playlist.' No, no, no need to go mental.

P.S.S: Ollie, feel free to call:
Wednesday, from 1-3.
Thursday, 11:30 - 2
Friday, 1-2.
Your dedication to annoying my group IS appreciated.

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