Monday 29 March 2010

Life will never be the same again.

Some of you may have noticed the Google transcribe audio feature on Youtube. I mentioned it a few posts ago, basically on some Youtube videos you'll see a little CC button on the video you're playing, if you click that, select English Transcibre Audio or something similar sounding, a transcript of the video you're playing should magically appear. I presume this is to aid deaf people and those without speakers, now everyone can enjoy YouTube! Well...Not quite, as I discovered when I tried to get a transcript for a highly amusing scene in In The Loop. This was the sorry result:

(That in bold is what Youtube and Google believe to be what is being said)/

Yeah, Tobes - The Times
I don't want to have to read you the riot act here, but I am going to have to read some sections from the riot act - Fidelity the laws had stayed behind and congratulate you think that struck from the right time
Like section one, paragraph one, don't leave your boss twisting in the wind - section one have lost one the need to bolster twisting in the wind
And then burst in late smelling like a pissed seaside donkey - and blow stimulates smelling like case seesawed some cases
Yeah, alright, I was late but it's not like I threw up in there is it? - the priest the sheik on these little marks on his late coming to some kind of salary
No, you're right, I'm being unfair - And that it's not night, I'm going on fat
I should be thanking you for not throwing up - I should be franken from not throwing out
Well done, you're a star, and you didn't wet yourself did you? You're in the right city! - your skull needed what itself to take in Iraq is succeeding wouldn't say anything the the
And you didn't get your dick out, and start plucking it yelling willy banjo! - latest the gene pull cue to stop talking and shouting we need the whole show
No I'm being really unfair, you got so much right, without actually being there for one of the most important moments of my career - Including William Fact, what's right, without actual saying that the beginning of one of the most important moments of North Korea

I think the last one is the best.

Gah! Just finished watching the first of the election debate shows, Ask The Chancellors. Vince was awesome, he got the most applauses and after taking a quick browse through the after-show polls and tweets, is scoring the best from the public, good! He's a thorough economist and actually quite a funny guy, who can forget the infamous 'In a week the Prime Minister has gone from Stalin to Mr. Bean,' quirps? One of the best lines in PMQ's ever. Alastair was surprisingly ok, not overly convincing, but loved his quip to Weasel-twat, 'Nothing like cross-party cooperation George!' The one thing which I have gained after watching that show is a sour, bitter hatred for George Osborne, the Eton educated (much like the majority of the Shadow Cabinet) shallow and pathetic MP that he is...I've very rarely hated a politician to this extent, but the amount of complete tosh that came flying from his ugly face. Vince Cable actually laid down some figures, got to the bloody point, George was all 'Labour sucks, I hate them, they steal my ideas...' And his comment at the end, 'And in no disrespect to the Liberal Democrats, but there are only two parties who will win the up coming election, either Labour or the Tories.' WHAT????!?!?! JUST WHAT??? WHY DOES THAT MAN THINK THERE ARE THREE OF THEM STANDING THERE THEN? *Begins to shake with rage*.

Oh how I long for a job in the civil service, would love to be an official party speech writer, such an insanely cool position. Am very against being an MP, just because I couldn't stand being constantly nice to my moaning constituents, 'My garden wall is falling down! What are you going to do about it?'
'Nothing, fuck off out my office.' No, me being an MP is never going to work, I don't have the patience, dedication to party and country or the drive.

Talking of jobs - I have an interview on Wednesday. All of this pushed through by my Mother, *growls*. Finally ordered earlier the In The Loop DVD, chose the Super-Royal Mail- Really Quick - But not that quick - But quicker than standard - And will cost you a bit more option. Not sure why...Simply because I want it by tomorrow to try and elevate me from a sinking mood? Not that I feel my mood is sinking like the Titanic or even worse the Lusitania, in the sense that it's all 'Oh crap an emotional iceberg/Torpedo, quick try and avoid it....Shit. How long have we got? Couple of hours I guess, can we get everyone out? Nah...Not a chance, so we're fucked? Yeah, badly.' No, my sinking is more, 'Oh I see, I've stepped in some sinking sand...Gradually pulling me down to an oxygen deprived death, this is a bit annoying, and I can't seem to get out...Help?' Some DEEP metaphors here. I also have a really evil plan in the works, the likes of which if it were to be leaked would be the most challenging PR war I can imagine, not that that is an incentive to initiate it.

Feeling crap and hungry...RICE PUDDING SOLVES BOTH THESE ISSUES! Hooray!

The BEST trailer the BBC have ever produced. But why a Thursday now? HIGNFY too bad for a Friday? Well?

I don't care if the below offends any religious loyal disciples of mine (lol at the irony). Open your minds, people!


P.S: The Pig of Happiness just takes the piss now.
P.S.S: I say 'The BEST trailer...' Didn't like the bit where they showed Alastair Campbell having a panic attack on air, that's a little insensitive. BORIS IS AWESOME.

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