Thursday 4 March 2010

Here, There and Everywhere.

Fuck. Hate to use a cliché (or any word which requires an accent for that matter), but it seems like only yesterday (when love was such an easy game to play) when I gave thirty sterling to Bes, to which he presumably went and purchased, as well as for himself, a Bootleg Beatles ticket. It's tomorrow, I'm seeing my favourite band live, and don't bother commenting some rubbish about them splitting up in the 70s, I don't buy it. A select body at the UN, who manage Western media, realised in 1970 that The Beatles were so incredible, so outstandingly popular, that to keep the market alive and healthy, they had to be eliminated. Once this argument was proposed to the four of them, all but Ringo who got a bit mad, accepted it, that's the sort of nice guys they are! Then the UN had the nerve to fear a reunion and hire some Christian psycho to murder John Lennon...Christians, always murdering innocent people, *shakes fist*. Anyway, long story short, Paul and Ringo, who somehow had obtained extracts of John and George's DNA, made clones, and started The Bootleg Beatles, almost identical to The Beatles, but very slightly different, enough to fool those UN pricks.

When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

I saw a film today
The English Army had just won the war
A crowd of people turned away
but I just had to look
Having read the book
I'd love to turn you on

You didn't run, you didn't lie
You knew I wanted just to hold you
Had you gone, you knew in time, we'd meet again
For I had told you

You want her, you need her
And yet you don't believe her when she says her love is dead
You think she needs you

If I needed someone to love
You're the one that I'd be thinking of
If I needed someone

IT'S SOME CRAZY BEATLES REMIX. If anyone's interested, in order of occurrence, the above song I have crafted in about thirty seconds, Let It Be, A Day In The Life, Got To Get You Into My Life, For No One and If I Needed Someone. I think I am actually going to make this on Audacity now...IF...IF...I could motivate myself to do so. Recently, past few days anyway, I have had an issues with motivation. Yesterday (when love was such an easy game to play) par exemple I ended up going to bed at about 7:30, just because I didn't seem to have the energy to work, write my book, even to watch House. I just wanted to sleep. Stupid brain couldn't even manage that, just decided to torture me by refusing to fade from consciousness. How I sometimes want to be my cat, just for a day, he doesn't have to worry about anything, sleeps around, eats some food, aaannnnddddd back to former. Of course, I'm being very naive, I have no idea quite what Hodge gets up to half the time. I dread to think.

Evidently though, I have enough motivation to write this nonsense across the Internet. Irritatingly, though occasionally I haven't had the energy to feel irritated, I've been accused of being more sour than usual, something I feel is unjust. Why does everyone suddenly have an issue with rudeness? Pah.

MY GOD! Do I love, LOVE, with all my tiny heart, The Thick Of It. Definitely as good as Peep Show, certainly the best political sitcom I've ever come across. Adore it on a more personal level seeing as I really want to go into the Civil Service for a while, as well as writing STUFF in my spare time of course, working in political spin, or press management, being paid to manipulate people...A dream.

P.S: How can anyone find those clips not hilarious?
P.S.S: What the fuck is up with Transcribe Audio? That's actually supposed to aid deaf people? Cripes.
P.S.S.S: Every C of E school should have a copy of The God Delusion.
P.S.S.S.S: I'm going on a train tomorrow. A TRAIN. So going to film this.

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