Thursday 12 March 2009

Blah blah blah.

Finally got around to watching ALL the dvd extras on Band of Brothers, it's taken me quite a while and has just sort of completely mushed up my brain. Not good.
Despite History being one of my favourite subjects and by far my best I found it most frustrating today. We spend far too much time learning how to answer exam questions than actual history, though I did learn that Hitler married Eva Braun on the 29th April (my birthday), cheery I know. Plus, my stupid teacher has decided to scrap learning about the Cold War and just focus on Nazi Germany for the exam, about 8 more weeks of revising Hitler's terror state...God help me.
On a positive note, it's been confirmed to me I can dress up as a French man for my oral and I've finished another chapter in my book.

Now I might go and read or do something vaguely relaxing which doesn't involve staring at screens, my head is starting to complain.


P.S: Friday 13th tomorrow....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Not that I believe in that crap.....God will save me, so a friend of the Lord informed me earlier anyway.
P.S.S: Just watched the Comic Relief Apprentice thingy, Jack Dee is a legend.

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