Monday 23 March 2009

Monday again.

Alan Tyers who writes this light hearted comical article in the Wisden Cricketer magazine turns out has his very own space on the Internet. I've just read this little piece in which he writes from the perspective of the England woman's cricket captain who have just won the world cup (they actually have) and are being congratulated by email from their male counterparts, it's pretty damn amusing:
'There was no message from Ian Bell, which was a bit of a shame because a few of the girls quite like him. They say they want to mother him. Or beat him up; he divides opinion. And nothing from Ryan, either – also disappointing, as he’d promised to send some haircare tips. Apparently he was just typing them in when he felt his back go and he had to have a lie down on the floor for a few days.
Still, it was a nice gesture. I am sure we can learn from the men’s team. Nothing springs to mind right away, exactly, but still.'

IN OTHER NEWS....Actually there isn't much other news, the bad weather seems to have returned which is a bit annoying, though as I write this the sun seems to be breaking through. I've felt really weird all day, ill this morning then when I got home I was really hungry, made myself a bacon and mushroom sandwich, crazy. Hmmm....Oh I discovered one of my friends is actually a compulsive liar, another is just a religious nutter.

I smell cake...I actually do.


P.S: APPRENTICE IS ON SOON....'I'm incredibly ambitious. If I don't go far down this route I shall go far down another route.' HA.
P.S.S: If anyone cares.

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