Thursday 2 April 2009


I have vague memories of writing something like this in an earlier entry (very dedicated followers will undoubtedly research this) but I am never doing a Lost marathon again. Not quite sure what possessed me to conduct such a foolish act, I was hoping to write more to my book or at least do something with a bit more of a point to it. Anyway, I watched all of series 4 up to the season finale, missed that out because it's just not that great and I was confused enough.

Anywaaaaay, what happened today? Broke up for the Easter holidays, got beaten up on a crash mat, found my script and highlighted it, highlighters are so amazing aren't they? Yes...Erm...Oh I was given an Easter egg and realised I'm not going to either Sussex or Edinburgh for Easter. This is though quite a good thing, I like my home and am not hugely keen on most of the people in Scotland and Brighton depresses me, however I was hoping to see some family outside the nutters I'm forced to live with, (no offence, but as I write this now you are all downstairs playing some sort of twisted backstabbing blame game concerning 'who last saw the remote,').
Work aside these two weeks looks like it will be relatively relaxing then, hoping to see a few people, but apart from that will probably spend my time writing/reading/making a podcast...YES! That's my other news, me and Ollie G discussed earlier making a Lost podcast, would be rather awesome.



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