Thursday 30 April 2009

Does writing my book count as English revision?

In reference to my title...No it probably doesn't, my whole life would be made much easier if it did though, shame. So yes, like everyone (but Simon) exams are indeed virtually here, I plan to start actually following with some accuracy my poorly written revision timetable and purchasing some of Brother Seb's nerve remedy soon, maybe a bottle for every exam.

Is a bit of a pain all this revision stuff, yes I know it's important, but a three day weekend for God's sake...urg... Though I do take some satisfaction in knowing that I'm not as stressed as poor Mr Bell, ( left out of the England team AGAIN and still wearing an England cap during an interview...I know I'm being cruel and for once I'm a little bemused in why he hasn't been given another go...But hey, unfortunately I'm not Geoff Miller. My main problem with the selection for the West Indies game is the inclusion of Graham Onions, firstly silly name, secondly WHO THE HELL IS HE????

Quick word on my birthday, was a vast improvement over last year, actually had a really good day...Noticeable lack of balloons, but other than that it was great. If you do happen to be reading this E, I have now listened to the CD, thank you so much, we should listen to it together some time after the exams, just a thought. Simon will probably be reading this one day, well done and thanks for not just remembering but for the large slab of chocolate, is indeed appreciated.

LOST's 100th episode on Sunday, I had a breif looks at Dark UFO's ratings on it...Seems like it was the best Series 5 episode so far, just about resisted reading what happened. Anywaaay, got me thinking, what would be my top 6 TV episodes ever mcever, well (because I know you're dying to know) here they are...

6. Peep Show - Series 5 - Episode 1 - My favourite episode of my favourite sitcom, enough said.

5. The final episode of Skins series 2 - By far the best episode I thought and simply fantastic TV. Was quite moving actually, sounds a bit silly, but you sort of feel connected to all those characters and the whole episode was just packed with emotion.

4. Band Of Brothers - Day of Days - Best Band Of Brothers by far, this being a widely agreed opinion. Everything from the D-day drop to the assault on that weird little bunker is just so gripping, plus this is a Winter's themed episode, my favourite character played by one of my favourite actors: Damian Lewis (presenting the next HIGNFY apparently).

3. Lost - Series 3 - The Man Behind The Curtain - Best Series 3 episode. First proper Ben episode, first visit to the mysterious (I use that word as if it's unique on Lost) Jacob, Dhamara flashbacks and a proper good old Locke 'DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN'T DO!!!' style moment.

2. Doctor Who - Series 1 - Aliens of London - Before this episode I thought Doctor Who was proper crap, I really hated it, this episode changed everything, therfore deserves a mention.

1. Lost - Series 4 - The Constant - Voted the best Lost episode ever, best American TV episode of 2008, undeinably AMAZING. The whole thing is so well written, the entire Penny & Desmond fucked up love story, the Faraday in Oxford crap, it's all so GREAT!!!?!?!?!?!??!?....Yes I know that what I've written isn't exactly convincing to why this is the best TV episode made, but words fail me, it's one of the few times on Lost I was glad I had endured Series 1, 2 and 3 to get to this paticular episode, that must be something.

RIGHTY HO...I'm going to stare at notes on Trigonometry


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