Saturday 4 April 2009

Good stuff.

Reflecting on the entry I made a few minutes ago, that was all a bit negative. I'd like to add that right now there is quite a good deal of stuff I do love/like.

For example...
I like my friends, would all be a bit depressing without them really, so yes I like them even if I am exceptionally rude to them nearly all the time.
I like my best friend, yes there is a BEST friend.
I like mini eggs, though actually I would like to add that this bag of mini eggs is about a quarter full, what the fuck????
I like my computer...I'm being forced to wtite thisag,l;sdk...
I like Abbey for sending me a proper debit card with a decent design on it, unlike the old one which was just disgusting.
I like the Lost Initiative, those guys make my Wednesday and Monday evenings.
I like chicken.

I do love E, she really is the most fantastic gf and just makes me feel very lucky and truly happy....Thank you by the way.
I love my book and just writing in general, it's a good hobby which in the whole doesn't try and tear my head off, yes cricket, I am referring to you.
I love TV, bit sad but I can't really imagine a world without it....Same goes for the Internet, but IE and me have a somewhat turbulent relationship.
I love food in general, it keeps me alive and most of the time tastes good, how can anyone not love that?
I love the UK...Yes I do, I do love this country, it'd be crap being Czech or Bulgarian (no logic behind singling out those 2 countries, they just don't sound that great).
I love music, cheers me up a lot and I find it very difficult to write without it on.
I sometimes love cricket, SOMETIMES.
Ok...I do love my family, they make me laugh and some of them even keep a roof above my head, thank you.
I love the roof above my head.

There...I'm not all negative.


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