Wednesday 22 April 2009

Blarg...Correct, I have just replaced the o in 'blog' with an a...Oh and added an r

Am feeling a bit down, can't say I'm in the best of moods, but I figure if I just solidly write about something completely unrelated it'll to make my mind of it. TOMORROW!?!?!?!??!?! ASHDGSAHDGASDHAASDJHGASIDASHDUIASHDIUSAASUIDASD....Yes. I'm not so much nervous, more doubting my ability as an actor. Despite much protest I've landed with having to act in this stupidly upper class accent, like how I sound normally times by 10, maybe even 11. Unfortunately, it's very difficult (or I think it is) to perform an array of emotions when you sound so bloody posh, seriously it's the sort of accent associated with people who repeatedly call out 'Clive, CLIVE! I want my damned tea.' I have exercised so much self control with working alongside these people, bloody full of themselves and get wound up at the slightest thing, one just saw it as personal insult earlier when I started eating hula hoops off stage, OFF STAGE!?!?!?!?! I NEEEED FOOD.

Moving on, I'm just going to take a leaf out of (apologies for the cliche) Monty Python's book and 'look on the bright side of life'...YES! Talking about Monty Python and comedy etc......Myself and a colleague have started drafting ideas for a sitcom, going to be incredible.


P.S: found these, are quite good...

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