Wednesday 6 May 2009


Ok after yesterdays emotion I've gone back to ranting, I have had a quite frustrating day.
FSUDGFSDUIGFSDFI...Yeah that's how fucking annoyed I am, firstly and probably least importantly, England - 182-4, am I suprised? No, I'm bloody not. Onions over Harmison, Swann over MONTY, Bersnan over...Well ok seeing as Flintoff's injured that's fine, everything is just going to be downhill with these obscene selections in an Ashes calender year, ASHES, A S H E S.

Moving on, 4 people really badly annoyed me today, one person was deliberately trying to mess up my perfectly functioning head, the other decided to break my computer in ICT, not exactly what I needed.

Yeah...That's it, I'm going to go listen to some happy music now.

TOMFACT: I like hula hoops.
P.S: Ok on reflection that seems quite an angry entry, I'm not that bad, just probably exaggerating everything.

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