Tuesday 5 May 2009

Doesn't apple crumble taste great?

I barely have the energy to write this. I've just experienced the usual hell of a first proper net of the new season for Northleach, apart from quite a few people trying to get me out by knocking my ankle out of place it went...Fairly well.

Though this is probably some sort of sign I'm over clingy (I know you don't exactly look kindly on that) but thank you Emily, if my admittedly poor memory and this very blog serves me correctly we did get together on November 5th, which would make today...6 months, so yeah, don't want to go over soppy, but thanks firstly for putting up with me this long, I don't know how you do it, but I really really appreciate it... I should probably be doing this in person shouldn't I?...I failed. I was going to mention it earlier but you were down after Spanish and I didn't think having an emotional fit all over you was such a good plan, sorry, though it might of cheered you up...Failed again I know. I'm probably going to be going mental (more so) for a while (blame the exams), but I'm really looking forward to going to the prom with you and all the time we'll have together after June, I must show you my AMAZING SANDWICH. Ok, going to shut up now, sorry if you found reading all that was a bit cringe worthy...Please don't hate me.

I tried changing the template around on this site yesterday, they all look crap, a request to blogger.com to make better templates please or at least give us the option to make our own. I have now finished all my ICT coursework, well virtually finished, need to polish off a few things like my SODDING ASSETS TABLE. Was really disappointed when I found out that Mr Kempson is leaving at the end of this year, by far the best ICT teacher I've ever had, even if that is mainly just because we spend half the lesson discussing cricket.

Going to have a nice hot bath...
TOMFACT: A car traveling 100 mph would take more than 29 million years to reach the nearest star.

P.S: And yes Simon I am still laughing.
P.S.S: I know my title has no relevance to any of this post.

1 comment:

The Umpossibleh said...

Lol, didn't know if you'd remembered but didn't want to point it out for fear of causing a fuss. And I was too busy stressing over my exam (so yeah, sorry for that).
You're so sweet :) Even me, the girl who cringes at anything vaguely sweet in ANY way (including sugar), thought that. So good job :P