Friday 15 May 2009


It's funny to think that I was so very close to staying in Portobello, where my last day of year 11 would have been lessons as usual, no dressing up, no yearbooks, no prom. Weird. Yeah reminiscing a bit here...
Today was OK, some people were friendly, others were really not and annoyed me thoroughly, however I plan to block out those people in my life upon my 'fresh start' in sixth form, can't fucking wait. Focusing on this year alone, verrry different from other years, I mean firstly there's the girlfriend (HI EMILY!!!!), I've become friends with people I either hated or spoke very little of. Most notably Brother Seb who I called a 'tree' for quite a large portion of Year 10, was quite weird how we both remember our first ever conversation though, went something like this..
Me to April in history: Who's that new guy?
April: Seb or someone
Me: Looks like a druggy
April: Right
Me (to Seb): Excuse me are you a drug addict or dealer?
Seb: Sorry, no.

Yeah, so not exactly a conversation I suppose. Anyway, he's now turned out to be a ridonculosly good friend. Then there's Ollie G, my Lost buddy, not in the sense that he's lost, that we discuss Lost quite a lot. Of course I can't go without mentioning my tutor buddy for five whole years!!! Virtually every single morning I've spent sitting next to you Simone, you get to know a guy pretty well that way and seeing as we both agreed to continue the tutor buddy thing going into 6th form I'm gonna have to book me some more therapy sessions.

Right, I've mentioned Emily, some new chums, hmmm...Acting now, I hate Drama in so many different ways, the stupid warm up exercises I'm made to endure, for God's sake the bunny game, how fucking pointless. Buuuuut, it's changed me quite a bit, sure I'm still essentially a quiet fairly reserved person, but I've found something I really enjoy...well kind of and as a bonus it's made me much more confident just about stuff. Seriously, after having to engage in a mock wife beating fight in front of a large dollop of parents and a moderator you kinda feel like you can do pretty much anything.

Course been some lows, my Grandad, the loss of all my work, generally failing. That's to be expected though I suppose, everything perfect would be far too weird. My career choice has changed quite frequently this year as well, now I'm just going to be some sort of writer/actor/MP/journalist all rolled into one horrible mess. Then again I'd be fairly pleased with just an office job, not for ever, just for like a year or so, my own little office, that'd be sweet.

Right...I don't know what else to write about, oh the bus stop crew! Me, Campbell, Ewan and if he catches the bus on time Mike. Wow, going to weirdly miss you lot loads, been an honour serving as your elected leader, not sure who's going to replace me now that it's just Ewan and Cam standing there...They'll figure something out, probably through means of that weird sticky plant.


P.S: Accidently read a Lost spoiler, oh God... JACOB FLASHBACKS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? FUUUUUUUCK.

1 comment:

James said...

Mmm. I remember the end of year 11. It was really sad. It was like the end of Doctor Who series 4, when they closed up all those plotlines they'd left open for 4 years. But Year 12 will be great fun! The people who matter stay for year 12.

We should catch up.
