Sunday 24 May 2009

I should be in debt, I really should be.

No I actually should be. I bought this Family Guy does Star Wars A New Hope (which is pretty hilarious) and a Lost series 5 episode from iTunes, I have £2 in my bank account, those two items came to around £14, yet...Everything seems to be ok, I got the receipts by email and unless abbey is just ridonculously slow I haven't been charged at all. Maybe I entered the wrong card number and some poor bloke in Bristol is £14 under, damn I feel bad. Or, the guys at iTunes feel really guilty for all the torment they've put me through and decided to just give me some free stuff, like Santa but real and commercialised...So not like Santa at all, forget that simile.

Everyone is on holiday, well Emily and Simon are...Ok fine that isn't everyone, but I want to go on holiday. Instead I'm made to invent stupid combinations of tennis and volleyball in the garden with Campbell, though actually that game was pretty awesome. I was going to go to Scotland but my cousins came down here instead which is...Ok, I would have preferred to go to up north, but meh, I'll learn to fly or something. I've got time. My cousins are pretty cool, Eleanor just doesn't talk to me but James was pretty impressed with my bowling, though it's hard not to be, I am actually amazing at bowling. Soon the whole world will realise this, or my knee will give way just before the world realises, that would be typical.

I don't know if you can tell but I haven't been doing much revision. I've written a structured timetable for next week though, rewarding myself with smarties for every half an hour, it's a surprisingly efficient system. I love study leave, I love the lie-ins and pasties at lunch, but it just doesn't work... I go downstairs to revise, then that leads me to the fridge, which leads me to the ice cream...And I can't eat and revise so that leads me to the TV, which leads me to the remote, by this time the ice cream has melted and I have to return to the fridge...It's a vicious cycle.
I'm going to see Star Trek on Wednesday though, that should be wicked...Wicked...Does anyone use that word these days? I remember it being quite prominent when I was 7, woah maybe I could start a wicked revolution.


P.S: - That's pretty amusing
P.S.S: I'm seeing a twenty20 game tomorrow, WAHEY!! Though it is Worcestershire V Gloucestershire and I am getting a bit sick of seeing those teams play, why does Hampshire have to be so far away...?


Anonymous said...

"I am actually amazing at bowling" - wow you're so modest aren't you.

Tom said...

Very much so.