Monday 18 May 2009


First things first, I am loving certain aspects of this whole study leave malarkey. No longer do I need to rise myself at ridonculous (must not use that word in English exam tomorrow) hours, I can eat proper food instead of ham and cucumber sandwiches. Maths exam though, shit. Numbers actually frighten me now. I think it's a universal feeling that the exam was AWFUL, so I'm just hoping that's somehow going to alter the national grade boundaries, however I did learn some interesting things about runways, can't deny that. Did waste quite a bit of time with Ollie G trying to find out the nth term for 4 8 15 16 23 42.

Which leads me nicely onto the Lost finale. I mean this when I say it, the best episode they have ever made, there was very little I found annoying about it, it was a touch predictable, but that wasn't a bad thing. At least it wasn't completely obscure like series 2 and Penelope's weird snow station, no I had a feeling that Jack was going to drop the bomb, Juliet was going to die etc...Thank God Ben didn't just turn the corner and find that Jacob was the Honey Monster or something.
Jacob was pretty awesome, I was expecting some grey bearded Gandalf figure but no he was some young bloke in his twenties with excessive stubble. Fair enough.
Even Jack was pretty cool this time, I mean his whole 'look at me I'm action man' style of wielding a 9mm was a bit shit, but it's not like I was expecting him to be any different. The Sawyer and Juliet stuff was mindblowingly sad, the whole Juliet about to fall into the pit of doom, 'I love you James,'...'Don't let go Juliet,' was pretty emotional viewing (SAWYER ACTUALLY CRIED), perhaps a little too sickly, thankfully Sawyer did come out with a 'Where do you think you're going blondie?' Kate was shocking, screwing up everything, 'Oh I can't reach,' yeah of course you can't, you just want to muck up Sawyer and Juliet you bitch, plus she stole a lunchbox in one of the flashbacks, what sort of evil person does that?

Anyway, only one more series to go and I'll know everything...I will know everything. I will.


P.S: England won a series!?!!? Wow I hardly had a clue it was even going on.


The Umpossibleh said...

"Don't let go"? Bit Titanic, isn't it?

James said...

Hehehe... That's what I thought.

Sounds better than Heroes, that's for sure. I love TV that makes me cry. It's a sign that it's been made well. Sadly it doesn't happen that often. But yeah, good to know there is still some good TV out there at the moment.

Tom said...

Now that it's been brought to my attention, yeah it was all rather like Titanic, Sawyer is much cooler than that guy in Titanic though. I'VE JUST SEEN AN AMAZING RAINBOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...
