Friday 26 June 2009

I really hope 2012 doesn't happen, I have things to do.

I've never openly appreciated the corridor before. The corridor is a cricket blog written by Will Luke a cricket journalist who works for Cricinfo, I don't care how sad this sounds but it actually brightens up my mornings. You see I no longer have to go find his blog online, whenever he makes a post I get it in my inbox the next morning. I'm also a big fan of this particular blog because I a while ago now wrote to Will concerning cricket journalism as a career, he gave me lots of insightful advice and advised to get in touch sometime in the future, which I probably will actually...
ANYWAAAAY, his latest post in my inbox made me chuckle...
'Yeah, so Michael Jackson’s dead. Why isn’t the world talking about the big news of the day, that Nathan Hauritz - Australia’s only specialist spinner - was carted all around Hove like a rag doll in a strong breeze?'

I actually watched the Jackson story when it first broke, that being at 11:24ish pm, it made rather crazy viewing... The BBC (God bless them) were claiming he had suffered a heart attack but was ok, CNN were reporting that the poor sod was in a comma whilst Sky being Sky were just going with 'He's dead.' I've never really liked Jackson's work, but blimey!!! He's reached number 4 in the singles chart, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 10 in the albums chart... Meanwhile the music video chart is just Jackson, Jackson and a bit more Jackson with a touch of Lady Gaga thrown in...Silly woman. The man must be up there with the likes of Presley and The Beatles.

EVERYBODY must see Valkyrie, I personally saw it the other day with Fothergill, the best war film ever made...Well maybe not, I'm still unsure over that. But it certainly is worth seeing even if you're not into history or the Nazi's, which to be fair not many people are, still worth watching. Keeping on the film front, the trailer below looks to be the MOST MENTAL FILM EVER MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's directed by the guy who made Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow, which by the way are another two superb films, however I can't help but feel that this director just thrives of the mass exectuion of...well...everyone.

Just to confirm: yes that is the VATICAN falling over and yes that is A BLOODY AIRCRAFT CARRIER SMASHING INTO THE WHITE HOUSE.


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