Monday 8 June 2009

Oh f**k...

I've revised and read enough about the Nazi Party to be able to spot a Fascist organisation. The BNP gained several key seats in the European elections, does anyone have any idea how racist these people are? Ok they're a great party if you ignore the fact that their leader Nick Griffin is a convicted Holocaust denier, they have a youth movement who are openly against anyone who isn't a 'Native to these islands', bloody hell!?!?!??!?!!? People turned to the Nazis in the last economic depression, now look whats happening, the BNP have had better election results than the Labour Party, a bunch of racist twats are representing us in Brussels.

Yeah, so after that political rant...This song is almost bringing me to tears...I only just realised I had it on loop. So what have I been doing today? I got up (that's a given to be honest), realised a bunch of Canadians were in my house - don't ask...Anyway, they didn't stay long, which was good, I didn't make a great first impression, wondered down the stairs with a dressing gown half draped over me, mumbling 'If you've eaten the last of the Clusters Campbell, I'll bloody kill you'. He hadn't by the way, nobody got hurt. Much of the remaining hours of the day was spent eating Raisins, avoiding all human contact and just generally not doing anything. I'm sounding like a tramp...I'm not a tramp.

I feel guilty about so many things it's INSANE! Tomorrow, I'll make amends.

Goodbye people,

P.S: The tramp similee wasn't great, I'm sounding more like my cat if my cat ate raisins that is.

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