Tuesday 9 December 2008

I've done some thinking

As the title suggests, I have indeed done some thinking. I've reached only a couple of solid conclusions, I'm a complete nutter and I like cricket just a bit too much.
I'm not a nice person, I'm not someone who I would wish to even know or befriend. I spend half my time moaning, the other half mocking something or other.

I have a girlfriend, but I don't know why, she's fantastic, but me? I have three books about Nazi Germany and the Third Reich for God sake (admitedlly those were birthday presents...I still read them though). I've got a friend who's going through a really crap patch at the moment and in the wake of Christmas it really isn't fair, I try to be there for him, but nothing I say can make any difference, I'm completely powerless and I hate that.
But this isn't just some bizzare confession of a nutter, because I'm thankful, I really am, I'm thankful for E, (should probably give her a new code name because by saying I'm thankful of E...I sorta sound like a bit of a druggy). But yeah, I'm thankful for her, for being so wonderfully brilliant.
I'm thankful for my friends who put up with so many rants about why me losing my Bugs Life pen and how it is most likely the fault of the Dutch. I'm also thankful for my family, who are subjected to me near 24/7, but I'm especially thankful to my dear cat, who does actually put up with me 24/7 and literally knows everything there is to know about me.

Sorry for the random outburst of emotion, but know that I've got that off my chest, I can press on writing about other events and thoughts.
Cricket yes cricket...I'm obsessed but it isn't even the season, well it isn't the season in England, however as nearly every cricket playing nation is in the lower hemisphere, it's the season over there. Which is probably the problem, so many games going on in so many beautiful grounds in lovely hot sunny countries...Excluding India, that place is quite frankly terrifying.

I really feel like I should be doing some more to my book, I've got up to a really cruically exciting bit...Well exciting for me at least. This weekend I'll have a good session.
Anyways, hope everything is good for you and if it isn't, well keep going, the good stuff is really worth waiting for, trust me.


P.S: The ghosts on Pacman keep cornering me

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