Wednesday 17 December 2008


As the title reveals, my brother attacked someone.
Moving on, isn't the Bible an odd book? I hate the way it's all full of riddles and just plain nonsense, sorry but Genesis is simply weird, talking bloody snakes and apples of evil...It's ridiculous.
What happened today?....Ok well school was a bit of a drag, apart from ICT, where I discovered DOODLE...A crazy little game where you control a grinning hyper active man with a sword who jumps around various platforms murdering rubber men.
So yes my dear brother punching someone for abusing his perfectly ordinary name (Campbell), I'm not sure if I support him in his decision to punch them though. He could have just found some way to out-wit them, but ah well, been playing Cricket 07 with him for over two hours now. Currently going through one of our getting along with each other really well phases, which will hopefully last out to Christmas.

Urg....Last few days I've been eating so much chocolate, I need to stop this, though I'm not really running any danger of turning fat all of a sudden, if anything I need to eat more.
Christmas holiday's coming up, do I have anything planned? Well I'm going up to Edinburgh to stay with my Grandparents, where I will be able to see some dear old chums and annoy them ever so much with my accent. Must help a traumatized friend who's girlfriend attacked him with a knife quite recently, he wasn't hurt and I think he might have been exagerating it slightly, but still it would only ever happen to him...I hope anyway. Oh Edinburgh, how I miss thee, the 1 o'clock cannon, Portobello beach, Arthur's mount...



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