Sunday 22 March 2009

O dear...ANOTHER pecuilar Sunday.

Need to write this blog, then have a shave before Lost starts...I know, the daily testing trials of my life. I'm guessing we can expect Jack to do something annoying in about twenty minutes, so 'A list of the various things Jack did/didn't do in Lost to annoy me' is set to make a comeback.
My French is still quite merde but I have actually managed to learn my chosen topic today, I say chosen topic, this was the one I was least scared by.

Had a rather good day, played some garden cricket, wrote some more to my book, listened to music and eat a suprising amount of apples, well only three, but that still seems like quite a lot to me.

Enough of this random blahness, it just doesn't make compelling reading.


1 comment:

James said...

If you wnat to get away with almost swearing in French go "mer...credi!". It might even get you extra marks.