Sunday 2 November 2008

The Corrs have changed my life.


Ok firstly England lost....I'm not going to dwell on it because that also entwined with the knowledge of Hamiltons victory in the F1 championship will make me cry.

I've been inspired by the Corrs, possibly one of the best bands on the Earth, I say the Earth I bet other planets have good bands as well....What am I talking about?...Yes anyway, I'm going to venture to Ireland one day, maybe in my gap year.
I'm going to go alone, a companion would be nice, but I doubt nobody will be mad enough to go with me. I will walk from my home in the Cotswolds to the middle of Ireland, just for the hell of it, sleeping under the stars, finding my own food. It will be a proper adventure, I'll have to make a sturdy vessel to cross the Irish sea but other than that I see no problem....ignoring the fact I will be entering the Irish Republic illegally....they wont mind, the Swiss didnt after all.

Right, what should I talk about now? Should I stop talking? Should I stop talking to my computer...yes definitely. Should really be doing this English work, its staring at me (in a bad way).

Love life, has that changed at all?...Ha ha as if. Nothings changed, apart from a desire to buy lots of armour and a want for someone to write me a book on how to get over someone, WOAH...That was close, I closed the window thought FUCK ITS ALL GONE...this thing saved it, thank you whoever designed this site!

This is the thing though, the world needs single and lonely people. The male to female ratio on Earth isnt equal after all, we cant all have someone...Now is that such a bad thing? Well yes its a bit of a loss, but better than being dead say...I think anyway.

Better shut up now,

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