Sunday 9 November 2008

New England, irony and instrumentals

Just come out of watching Stephen Fry in America, that man and his brilliant series have compleatly changed my view on that quite remarkable country.
I now want to visist it more so than Australia, some of the scenery in places such as Arizona and New England are just stunning. Of course like every country, there are places I would very much want to avoid, Las Vegas looks like a complete plastic dump and Miami doesn't seem that appealing.

In other news, on Remembrance Sunday I start writing the chapter in my book where world war three is declared...Just a tad ironic. Was looking over photos from my Somme trip a year or so ago, what a bloody awful waste of people's dreams, hopes and futures in general, urg...

On a lighter note, found a great instrumental youtube channel, loads of instrumentals on there all with download links, I recommend the Muse ones.


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