Friday 28 November 2008

A depressing sequence of events

Should I bother filling you in? Got nothing better to do, I watched Lost earlier hoping it would give me answers to life, didn't really work.
I really can't be bothored to go into the gory details, Angry girl has just been stirring up trouble, but now she's going out with Jambon (THANK GOD).
Bugger I feel so ill, I've been shivering nearly all day and my head feels like it might give up, pack its bags and piss off to Alaska. I should probably stop being so negative, but that's just me, I am negative, I'm a grumpy ranting sod, not much is going to change that...Maybe a helicopter, I asked for one of them for Christmas, just imagine what I could do with a helicopter....

Yes anyway, back to reality, new series of Live at the Apollo tonight!!!! And by the looks of the trailer, Michael Mcintyre and Frankie Boyle are both going to be on, can hardly wait.
Urg...Must be something else for me to report on................England flying home from India, because apparently they are now a terroist target!?!?!? Only I want to cause harm to Alastair Cook for God sake.

Bye people,


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