Saturday 8 November 2008

The sheep have moved....

Feeling much better than yesterday. So its Saturday and what have I been doing?
Saw a friend earlier and his crazy dog who attacked my shoes, the dog that is, not the friend. Other than that not much is happening, I feel like I should be working or maybe even writing my book.
What the hell has happened to Australia? Once the best side in the world now a platoon of idiots, I should be happy, its the Ashes next year after all...It's just so odd, I need more time to adjust.
Been listening to Hoppipolla loads, I dont even know what they're saying, they could be singing about the dangers of microwaves in the hands of the Turkish for all I know, but it doesnt really matter quite frankly.
Wow how did that happen?...The sheep moved from one field to the other without me realising, clearly running out of things to say here, will shut up.


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