Monday 3 November 2008

Stupid iplayer, Scouting for Good Lyrics and the last day......

Last day of half term today...Actually as I type this there remains about four hours before I plan to sleep. Am I ready for tommorow? Sort of, yeah I've done all my homework, oh except this history question...But I'm hoping that will just leave me alone and crawl away somewhere soon.
Might have to employ S's services as a bodyguard to combat the evil work of Angry Girl...Not that S will hit Angry Girl, he's compleatly against that, I'm just planning to use him as a human shield in one hand whilst I fend her away with a pointy stick in the other....Oh yeah, I've got this sussed.
Am I looking forward to tommorow? No, but I'm not dreading it which is they key point here.
Though I am listening to Scouting for Girls which could indicate my mind is not entirely right. Scouting for Girls, what a ridiculous band name, who scouts for girls? Probably guys who can only tell a girl that she's lovely 21 times (yeah I've counted damn it).
I suppose SFG arent that bad, Heartbeats ok, though if someone missed a heartbeat that many times I'm near certain they'd be undergoing cpr about half way through the song.
Tried watching Top Gear on iplayer earlier, nope it just wasnt having any of it, how annoying.
Anyway, this history question involving the damned Weimar Republic and Communists isnt running away as I hoped...Better finish.



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