Wednesday 11 February 2009

BOOOOM....Can't really think of a proper title today

As I'm writing this period 2 is coming to a close and I'm at my computer with a cup of coffee. The bus never came, which is odd, because bus 11 the other Northleach bus did, but 5 just couldn't be bothered today.
Of course this is all the snow's fault, everything is the snow's fault (as of today I am not blaming Bell for everything, just for most things).
Should be happy, a day off school, but really there's not an awful lot to do, the only person I could see is Kent who also went home, but really I'm going to have to be pretty damn bored before I see him. I'm also missing a B4 test, which sounds like a good thing, but just makes the revision I did yesterday pointless...Then again, the blob will probably just get me to do the test at a lunchtime, crap.

Anyway, I plan to spend the rest of the day doing stupid French oral questions, after finishing them I expect I'll have gone completely insane so will probably watch Lost. Though I do want to explore daytime TV for a bit, as soon as my brother is finished on the Wii that is.
I expect I'll be in tomorrow, the worst of the weather is supposed to be gone. I hope so anyway, starting a new topic in History tomorrow (THANK GOD) and I haven't seen E for ages, oh and I get my Drama mark back.

Isn't the world quiet outside school?


P.S: Just read on Dark UFO a Lost blog I follow about this guy's serious attempts to write and produce a Lost musical, he's asking for people to submit songs, this is the SILLIEST IDEA EVER...Though I might try and write a...NO! I WON'T DO IT.

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