Saturday 28 February 2009

Norman's conquest to destroy me

I have had the most dull Saturday ever. The rest of my family had purchased tickets to see Aresnal play Fulham at the Emirates, although I don't really care about football, I would still have liked to have gone, however nobody got Tom a ticket much to my annoyance. At least it was a boring 0-0 draw.

So I've spent much of the day watching TV and trying to beat Australia on the playstation, I failed at that by the way, by five wickets. However, I did manage to fix my msn, turned out when I updated Norman (Norton) it had decided to just be more of a bastard than usual and consider msn a threat, which I can understand, but I'd prefer if Norton let me know it was blocking a program before it's blocked. This is what's happening to the world, computers are making their own irrational decisions, that should be my job.

I borrowed Snow Patrol's A Hundred Millions Suns of a friend the other day, just listened to it. Meh is all I can say, the band claim this album is really different to the others because it's actually about a relationship which is working apart from one which is about chasing cars...I fail to see how this album is even vaguely jubilant though, nearly all these songs are dull and have such depressing titles like: 'Please just take these photos from my hands' and 'Disaster button', there's even a song which lasts 16 minutes, that's not a joke by the way, there really is.
Snow Patrol should just leave the happy stuff to happy people who aren't from Glasgow and can write music which doesn't mention an element of Armageddon in every chorus.

Ok, I have just ranted about Snow Patrol and my computer. I should probably stop moaning about my computer, it might turn against me even more and start randomly restarting whenever it gets tired, oh no, it's already doing that, damn.
Then again, despite my rants I certainly can't complain about life in general. I have a wonderful girlfriend, my grades are steadily improving, even in French actually, and there's the cricket season to look forward to. I WILL NOT have any major injuries this year, I have actually suprised myself in being vaguely professional and preparing my body for the upcoming summer, still have managed to pull a muscle in my shoulder though, why am I so feeble?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shouldnt play cricket, it isnt all that great.