Monday 16 February 2009

Poor Monty

I don't think I'm taking Charlotte's death on last night's Lost very well, I've done loads of French work.
But I was thinking...The whole time thing, Charlotte tells Dan that he told her when she was small that she could never come back to the island, but she does...Buuuut what if Charlotte happens to be someone's constant, like Ben's?...No...That wouldn't work, because Ben can't return to the island, and according to Dan the past can't be changed without a constant, OH GOD!!! I'M SO CONFUSED.

Apart from trying to figure out Lost's time traval malarky, writing about poulet in my French oral stuff, I haven't done much but thinking today. Nothing in paticular, just thinking in general.
Realised I came across a bit of a dilema in my book, would a girl really say yes to marry a guy who's going away to write a book on the frontline of the most dangerous and widespread war since WW2 for a year and a half? Trouble is she needs to, just seems a little absurd.

Oh and Strauss if your reading this (which I doubt, but will write this just in case), I don't care if your scoring pretty little hundreds and making everyone happy, why the hell did you drop Monty from the side? For God's sake, yes he's not as good as he once was and bats like a blind erratic monkey, but really, there's no need to kick him out the team, that's just mean.


P.S: Seeing as Ian Bell is sitting on the England balcony crying, the latest woes of Ian Bell has been closed until the selection committee are pissed enough to let him play again. Also decided to delete Sawyer's quote of the day, just because he's now running out of them...

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