Sunday 15 February 2009

Ben Linus

Just to warn you folks, this is another rather Lost obsessed post...
After sleeping for virtually all the morning, I then decided quite randomly to make a Ben Linus tribute video.
Took me ages to find the various clips I needed, especially the one near the start where Ben is looking over a map, that took me about half an hour. Anyway, I then edited it all and passed it on to Youtube, who took FOREVER to process the file.

Just finished watching the latest episode of Lost, I've never felt more upset from watching TV. This does just prove how sad I am. I used to hate Charlotte, then she was ok and now she's just dead and Daniel's crying, it's not fair.


P.S: I chose the song (which is by Snow Patrol if anyone cares, because I've always thought it sounded a little creepy). I also realise I have wasted quite a good Sunday.

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