Monday 27 July 2009


'Bell to bat at four for England' - that headline almost made my cry, let the country rejoice! Bell is back! I mean fine he hasn't replaced Bopara, only replaced the injured Kevin Pietersen...Who is also our best batsman...4th in the world actually...Shit. BELL IS BACK.

Commander in Chief has absorbed my life, I accidentally got into a war with Iran...Now I can't really get out of it, it's really annoying especially with a fucking general election coming up. I mean why did the Iranians attack Japan? What the hell was that for? I wouldn't have cared if it was China, but the Japanese are cool, they make small shiny things for the western world. Now I'm going to have a moan (like it's something rare):
1. I don't like people who type like their fingers are half the size of the keyboard.
2. I don't like people who use the following ALL THE TIME: :D, :),:P, for fucks sake, I don't care what facial expression you may or may not be donning in reflection to the conversation. I for one only use emoticons when words fail me, that's what they're there for, right?
3. I strongly dislike people who call at my house every day and make me feel guilty when I make up stories about being busy catsitting.
4. I don't like people who criticise my Government. They don't like me either. The feeling is justifiably mutual.

Now I'm going to write until...Dinner.


P.S.S: I really, really, really hope Massa lives and is able to race in F1 again. Worrying times indeed.

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