Friday 17 July 2009

I was sick today but....

I watched Independence Day yesterday. I feel so bad doing it, but it had to be done, ID fell behind Stranger Than Fiction in my 'Favourite Films' list. I used to love the film so much and I still do...In places. July 2nd is the best day in the film, but the plot is just so flawed it's ridiculous, obviously all these undeniable faults just slipped by when I was 12, but now they just explode out at me like...Well like the giant city wrecking explosions. Firstly, the Alien Fighter thing which Captain Hiller brings down is CONSIDERABLY smaller than it's supposedly identical counterpart in Area 51. Secondly, David uploads a virus made by himself into the Alien mother ship thus bringing down all the relevant ship's shields below. Given the Alien's clearly superbly advanced technology it baffles me how it was broken down by a late 90's made computer virus. Seriously, this is what really gets me, how could one computer virus just knock down everything like that? Reserve shields anyone? Then of course the nuke goes off and destroys the entire mother ship, one atomic bomb just about managed to wipe out the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. With that WW2 fact in mind consider this...It was made clear at the start of the film that from this mother ship 'several dozen' space craft each fifteen miles in width were dispatched, I'm not denying that a nuke would somewhat damage the mother ship, but completely destroy it in the manner shown in the film? Surely not. It is also made clear that each one of the Alien pilot's bodies are covered in a protective suit, yet Hiller manages to just throw one of them a single punch knocking it clean unconscious??? Followed by the extremely corny line of 'Welcome to Earth,' followed by the worst in the whole film: 'Now that's what I call a close encounter.'

I could keep going on the ID front, like how the hell do they manage to keep an explosion sustained for that long? But it's time to move on, it feels wrong criticising my 2nd favourite film. Toooooday I got around to listening to The Pigeon Detectives first album Wait For Me. Errrggg....I just can't decide if it's good or not, it's possibly one of the hardest decisions of my whole life and one I have to make. It's good in the sense that the songs, especially the singles are just so catchy to the point where you find yourself singing them whilst doing the washing up. 'I'm Not Sorry' got so stuck in my head earlier that I just ended up screaming 'GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD!!!' Much to the understandable confusion if not worry of my brother. The bad side to the Pigeon Detectives is that they just sound like a bunch of Football fans who've had decent guitar lessons and been rudely rounded up after watching a 'game' whilst in a slightly drunken state. For example in the song 'Take Her Back' the lead singer (if you can call him that) just shouts...

He’s not sure what he should do
She’s 17 he’s 22
Is that too much of a difference?

To which I just found myself yelling back: 'Yes it is!' This is the thing though, the clue is in the band's name really, 'The Pigeon Detectives' Pigeons don't exactly inspire me, yet like the band's songs they just get everywhere and I'd probably miss them secretly if they were hunted to extinction.

On a more positive note: I LOVE SNOW PATROL'S FINAL STRAW ALBUM!!!! And I'm starting to like Green Day, what the hell is happening to me? Don't answer that please. Qucik note on the second Ashes match, England did so well today I almost fainted.


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