Wednesday 1 July 2009

I hate crane flies.

Sorry, I just think it sounds silly saying 'daddy long legs', no...That's ridiculous, who the hell came up with that? I have not taken one step outside since...Well since the induction days, yet there are thousands of these things flying around my fucking face, I don't appreciate it. I say I haven't been outside in two days, nor have I spoken to anyone but my Mother/Brother face to face, I believe this is a good thing though...I'm now of the opinion that it is easier for me to stay mute, I am a social freak, must remain in my compound.

I am aware that this isolation from the world might eventually drive me to unfortunate insanity, this is just something I'll have to deal with though. Actually I think I am mental, I keep on hearing this fan like noise...But I don't know where it's coming from, starting to bother me, maybe insanity is a good thing, might spice up my life a touch. So, considering I am blatantly ignoring the nice weather, what have I been doing? Oh actually before I reveal, yes this 'nice weather' I don't think it's nice at all, all I'm hearing is how burnt everyone gets, stay inside people, inside is cooler, just as light and safe. There's a SponegBob episode where SpongeBob has a skiing accident or something stupid and forces himself to live inside, it has inspired me. I even missed cricket training.

So yes, I've watched a few SpongeBob episodes, it's pretty entertaining. I've also been doing a lot of film watching, I've watched TITANIC TWICE!!!! Yes twice!!!!!! I don't really know why...It's only a good film after the iceberg scene really, but yeah I watched it literally back to back. Also saw Cloverfield!!!! FUCKING HELL!!!!!! Oh let's review Cloverfield!

Cloverfield. If you don't know already (you should do) it's a JJ Abrams (LOST/Star Trek) sci-fi horror film all filmed through one guys perspective through his camcorder. This is a nice touch, it makes the film far more real thus more believable, but it is soooooooo ANNOYING!!! I'll explain later. The film starts of at this guy's goodbye party, for some reason man 1 is filming it all, a little scary... Anyway, the film puts so much emphasis on allowing the audience to understand who's going out with who, who's been out with who, who's screwing who behind who's back that it just becomes confusing, I think I understood that Beth and Jason were together but his brother Rob also liked Beth or something...Anyway it's all filmed by this crazy dude. THEN...The film picks up really quickly, loads of shit happens really fast and it's all a bit WOAH LETS JUST CALM DOWN SHALL WE???? But it doesn't, it gets more and mental until man 1 is raped by these little aliens in a scary tunnel but they make a funny noise so it's all cool.
So yeah, the handheld camera business. Unlike a proper film, there's no epic camera shots, man 1's camera skills steadily improve over the course of events which is surprising considering the amount of crap going on around him, seriously man 2 rescuing Beth from a lopsided skyscraper...No...Just no. Man 1 does however have an unhealthy fascination with the camcorder's zoom button which I believe needs to be treated. All being said, it is a pretty good film - watch it.

Now for Titanic. Everyones seen it havent they? Do I need to review this? This silly American guy who spends most of his time spitting and drawing naked French women manages by some bizzare miracle to 'win the heart' of this stuck up ginger girl. They have sex in a car...Or I think they have sex, that's all a bit ambiguous to be honest, but anyway there's the whole hand sliding down the window thing which is probably just symbolism for the ship sinking...Oh and beforehand they go and stand at the front of the ship and make out which sorry, it's lovely, but just dangerous.
Anywaaaay, this whole silly love story lasts about 2 hours, it's pretty tedious and unrealistic but then the ship hits a fucking iceberg!!!!! It's all a bit sad but amazingly well filmed, 1912 hats off to James Cameron there. That's the film. Go see it and cry.

Good news guys, my faith in chat rooms has been restored. There are nice people on there you just have to wade through the paedos and advertising recruitment people until you reach them... I met this girl from Finland...I can't remember her name, but were now talking on MSN, she scares me. She's not a paedo, she's just toooo much like me, were both complaining about the French and the pressures of western society on adolescents, trust me she's a miserable sod. She said I looked like a hobbit as well...Which I don't understand because apart from the curly hair I don't...I don't. That's just silly. But hey-ho another person I will never actually meet I can add to the 'Foreigners' category on MSN.

Tomorrow will be much like today! YAY FOR CONSISTENCY!


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