Monday 12 January 2009

I need to sleep.

A mixed day. Woke up feeling really quite shit, forgot to have breakfast and spent most of the morning yawning. The afternoon was a bit better...I scored in Basketball which was fun, I don't know what I scored, a goal, a point, a basket?..But anyway, I played well, that's not just me saying that, it was what I was told by quite a few people I usually hate. I might have found a sport aside from Cricket that I'm actually quite good at, lets not get carried away though. Sebery came out with one of the most bizzare yet amusing statements I've heard this year, upon leaving Basketball he turns round to me and says: 'That was exciting...Kinda reminded me of the Death Star trench,' strange child.

Not really in a very good mood, so plan to watch the start of a film, write some more, revise and avoid as much communication with people as possible, there sake, not mine.
Oh and I've changed Ben Linus's quote of the week to Sawyer's quote of the day, just because of my respect to Sawyer and his nicknames.


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