Wednesday 7 January 2009

My head's in the clouds but at least I'm trying,

This blog title being a snippet from one of my favourite songs ever, that being The Shock Of The Lightning, it does have some relevance to how I'm feeling right now which I hope will become clear at the end of this entry.

After my rant earlier, I spent from about five to six writing my book and if I'm allowed to say this, the chapter I'm doing at the moment has to be one of the best I've written, not because of what's happening, thats not overly exciting, I'm just really happy with the way I'm writing it, which makes a change.
Unfortunately, the time after dinner to now has been spent on Maths homework and now I fear I'm running out of time to revise Science, damn. Trouble is I really have to revise if I want to get a decent grade, it's my own fault and always has been, but I spend most of my lesson time staring out of windows with my head in my hands, dreaming about my book, ideas for a sitcom and what would happen if a missile suddenly hit this building? At least that was what was occupying my thoughts during French, Maths and ICT, unfortunately for the other lessons I had today I actually had to work. Maybe it will be my downfall, spending more time wondering about the meaning of life than concentrating on vectors of translation, it most probably will.
Now I had better spend the remainder of my evening revising science (sigh).


P.S: Pietersen, I still hate you.

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